Chapter 03
Stiles's Pov
After some hugging time, I managed to calm down.
I really have Peter and the others to thank for that. They were the ones that helped me, they were the ones that came over to see how I was doing after everything that happened during the pack meeting.
They ended up staying the entire day. They knew that I wouldn't want to leave my room after what I went through.
So they ended up going in and out of my room half the time just to get some snacks and drinks. As well as some games for all of us to play.
And can I just say that it was really really fun.
Nighttime came faster than I expected and before I knew it the others had left.
Probably because we have school tomorrow and they don't want to afford being late. Especially Malia and Liam.
Once they had left, I sighed and laid back down on my bed.
Now comes the hard part, telling my dad about what went down yesterday.
I honestly have no idea how I'm going to tell my dad all of this.
How the hell do you explain to your father that you were kicked out of the pack by your own best friend and boyfriend?
Hell, how do you explain to your father you got dumped by someone that never loved you and just gone out with you out of pity?
He's not gonna be happy when I tell him. Especially when it involves both Scott and Derek, considering they were the ones that kicked me out in the first place.
He's gonna be angry with Scott.
But I know for a fact that he's gonna be downright LIVID when he finds out about Derek.
When me and Derek first started dating dad didn't approve.
It wasn't because I was gay. No. Dad was really supportive of me and said that he still loved me and didn't care that I liked guys. He just wanted to make sure I was careful with who I went out with.
So, when I told him about me and Derek, he got so angry.
He never really liked Derek. Not because he's a werewolf. But because of his attitude towards others and me.
Before we dated, Derek had been rude towards me and called me names, hurtful names for that matter. Of course it didn't bother me, considering at the time we both didn't know each other and were trying to get along.
Dad, on the other hand, hated how Derek acted towards me. He said that he didn't like it.
Another reason why he didn't approve of us dating was because of the age gap.
Derek was basically an adult while I was still a teenager. Dad didn't want me dating him because he thought that I should be with someone that was my age. He wanted me to be with someone that would respect me better than Derek did.
In the beginning I had been against what dad said and defended Derek against him. I mean, I did love him.
Reluctantly, dad finally dropped his negativity towards Derek and said he would allow us to date since he knew how happy I was around him.
But that didn't mean he started liking him. No, it was the opposite actually. Dad never made an effort to at least tolerate him. And he warned me about dating him. He said he wouldn't interfere since my love life was mine and mine only and he didn't have the right to say who I can or can't date.
But one day he came into my room and his exact words were 'when that wolf breaks your heart, I'll be saying four words to you. I told you so'. That was all he said before leaving.
Looking back at it, I now realized that dad was right about Derek all along.
And I hate myself for not realizing it sooner. I hate myself for not taking dad's advice. He was just looking out for me while I ignored him and defended someone that ended up shattering my heart.
God, I really am stupid, aren't I?
Lesson learned. Always listen to your father, mother, or whoever you have as your guardian.
Moving on from that, I knew that I had to get up and talk to dad.
No matter how badly I wanted to stay in bed.
But before I could even get out of bed to head downstairs, my door opened and I saw my dad coming in with a glass of water in his hand.
Well, that saves my trip from going downstairs.
"Hey, kiddo. I see you're awake" Dad smiled.
A faint smile appeared on my face before I scoffed at him and shook my head.
"What? Did you think I was dead?" I sarcastically asked.
"Well, given that you refused to leave your room yesterday and today, yes" Dad nodded.
I let out a small snort at that. Dad smiled at me as he walked over to me.
He set his glass of water down on my bedside table before sitting down next to me on my bed.
"Why did you give Malia a key to my room? I would've let them in" I asked.
"When they arrived and asked where you were, I was worried you weren't going to let them in. I completely forgot about the key yesterday, when I remembered I decided to save the others the trouble and gave them the key so that it would be easier" Dad explained.
"Is that the real reason? Or is it because you didn't want them to break down the door with their supernatural abilities?" I asked, raising a teasing eyebrow at him.
"Take your pick" Dad groaned.
We both looked at each other before we burst out laughing.
Classic dad. Now I know where I get most of it from.
When we both stopped laughing, dad sighed and looked at me and gently placed his hand on top of my shoulder.
"Stiles, can you please tell me what's going on?" Dad softly asked.
My laughter soon died down and the smile on my face disappeared. I had been waiting for him to ask me that, but at the same time I hoped he wouldn't.
I don't think I can tell him. I don't think I want to tell him.
What the hell am I supposed to say?
Oh, nothing, just that my now ex-best friend and my ex-boyfriend kicked me out of the pack because I'm human. But no biggie, I'm completely fine.
But we all know that's a lie.
But, I can't keep something like this from him, he's still my father and he deserves to know. And I'd rather have him find out from me than someone else.
"Dad, I don't really know how I'm going to tell you this without you losing your shit" I said.
Dad smiled softly at me and placed his hand on top of my head.
"Kiddo, no matter what it is that you have to tell me, I promise I'll do my best to remain calm" Dad softly said.
I looked at him for a few seconds before sighing and nodding my head.
Here goes.
"Derek and Scott kicked me out of the pack" I blurted out.
Wow. Just wow.
Way to go Stiles. You start off with that instead of beating around the bush a bit.
I looked at dad and saw his eyes were wide in shock and confusion. Can't say I'm surprised, I expected that kind of reaction from him.
"What? What do you mean they kicked you out?" Dad asked.
"I mean that they kicked me out. I arrived at the loft for the meeting, only to realize that the meeting was about me. Scott wasted no time in telling me I was out of the pack. Derek following behind him. They told me that I was holding them back because I was human. They said that I didn't deserve to be in the pack because I wasn't supernatural like them" I explained.
Everything that Scott and Derek had said yesterday still lingered on my mind. Their words were on repeat.
I closed my eyes as a few tears slid down my cheeks.
"Derek broke up with me. He said that he never really loved me and only got together with me because of how real my feelings were for him, he just dated me out of pity. And now, he said he didn't give a fuck about me and chose the pack over me" I explained.
I bit my lip to avoid crying even more. I didn't want to show my weakness to my dad.
Speaking of my old man, I slowly looked up at him and was a bit confused when I saw no emotions being displayed in his eyes.
Just before I could say anything, dad stood up from my bed and grabbed his glass of water.
He began gulping it down before it was all gone. He walked over to the picture of me and Scott when we were entering junior year.
Much to my surprise, he took out the picture from the frame before setting the frame down on my bedside table. He then ripped the picture in half and set my half down as he kept the one of Scott in his hand.
He grabbed some tape that I kept in my room before walking towards my wall.
He ripped off a piece of tape and put it behind Scott's picture before taping it to the wall. He nodded before taking a few steps back.
I looked at him in confusion and worry. I opened my mouth to say something when dad, all of a sudden, threw his glass cup at Scott's picture.
I screamed and covered my face as the glass scattered all over. Luckily most of it fell to the ground, but a few did scatter in a few other places in my room.
When it was safe, I removed my arms from my face and looked at dad with wide eyes and jaw dropped.
I didn't expect him to do that.
Dad sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Well, that solves that. I needed to let out some steam" Dad said.
Couldn't he have found a better way to do it that didn't involve throwing a glass cup in my room. He scared the living hell out of me.
Well, at least he did me a favor by getting rid of the picture of me and Scott.
Dad turned around and walked back over to my bed and sat down in his previous spot. He wasted no time in wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me into a tight hug.
I didn't say anything and just wrapped my arms around him, hugging him back. This felt nice. It was nice.
"I'm so sorry about what happened, kiddo. If you ask me, Scott and Derek are both idiot assholes for kicking you out. They don't deserve you. Especially Scott. I can't believe I actually like that kid, as of now he's on my hate list" Dad angrily said.
I let out a small chuckle at that and shook my head.
"Yeah, I know" I said.
"And as for Derek, he doesn't deserve you. He never did. You can do so much better than him" Dad scoffed.
That's true.
But I'm honestly not sure dating is something I want to go for at the moment.
Especially after getting heartbroken by the guy I had been in love with for two years, only to get dumped and for him to reveal that he never even loved me.
"Yeah, I know dad" I nodded.
"And I hate to be that dad, but, I told you so" Dad said.
I let out a bark of laughter at that as I hit his shoulder.
"Shut up, old man" I teased.
"Make me, kiddo" Dad teased back.
We both dissolved into laughter at that, remaining in each other's embrace since we both wanted comfort.
But, I'm glad that this went well. Well, not as well as I wanted it to be, but it was better than him screaming bloody murder.
And this proves that I not only have Peter, Isaac, Liam, Theo, Malia and Kira by my side. But I also have my dad too.
And I couldn't be anymore grateful.
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