Chapter 9: No..not now
Star Pov
I stayed looking up at Marco, I could feel myself tense up at his touch, he came from his date to tell me he likes me? I don't know what to say..he has eyes for another and I didn't want to be in the middle of that, I knew he shouldn't have kissed me, it's the kiss and what he feels for me "Marco..I..I don't want to ruin anything for you and Jackie, you probably feel this way because..of the kiss..don't fall for me for a fake kiss"
I say moving back from him, he looked confused and sad "But star, all I do is talk about you, I care about you..I like you star..I tried forgetting the thought of us together because we're different..but when I kissed's like we clicked.." I blush and hold my arm and felt all types of emotions
" party, the person I kissed.." he nods "Before you say anything, I kissed someone at the party too, Jackie told me before she left the date" well it's better to tell him " kissed me" he smirked and chuckles "What? No way" well it was obvious, we were near each other, we were shirtless,
and had writing, and I was on top of him before he moved "Yes..Marco you kissed me..I started to remember and the kiss felt familiar..and it was you" he blush and chuckles "Uh..oh so I'm the mystery kisser and your my mystery kisser?" I nodded "Yeah" he smiled "Good" I was confused and he came closer and grabbed my face and kisses me against my door and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck
"Cousin star..oh! Sorry um so sorry!" Me and Marco moved away and awkwardly stood there with our face red "Comet..I'll be in a second" he nods and closes the door and I giggle "That was awkward.." I look at him and giggle and push him "Shut up, I'm going to bed..we will discuss us tomorrow okay?" He nods and pulls me for a hug and give him a hug back "What about us? We're fine..goodnight Star"
I rolled my eyes and he walked away and I watched him go and I smile and touch my lips, he kissed me and likes me, as I open the door I see my cousin with a devious smile plastered on his face "What?" He rolled his eyes "You know what, what was that? I thought you said he liked some other girl?"
I push him and walked upstairs "That's what I thought...night comet" I heard his laughter and I jumped on my bed, Marco likes me and he was my mystery kisser..I laughed because this was so unreal, I just met him and it feels like I met him forever ago, as I roll on my back I hear my phone and I check and see a message from Marco
M-Star...think about us
S- what is us?
M-you and me together..
S-like in a couple kind of way?
M-Yeah..I understand you gotta think about it first but just so you know if I randomly kiss you don't get mad ;)
S-o///o your going to do what?
M-goodnight Star sleep well
S-Marco you can say that and expect me to go to bed!
S-Marco! Text back I know your awake, I can't sleep please answer back!
The next morning I woke up dead, so many things rushing through my head and I was just scared what Marco could just kiss me even if we aren't really a thing, as I walk out my door I see Marco waiting for me with his cute smile of his, ugh why is this so hard "Morning Star, you look tired?" He said noticing my dark circles "Well I couldn't think straight when you texted me, did you even read them?" He nods
"I did, it's pretty funny..when you said please" he began laughing and I pushed him as we walked he grabbed my hand and began interlocking it, I felt my heart race a bit and I look at comet who's enjoying every bit of it, as we getting to the main entrance I noticed Jackie glaring at me and Marco and I let go of his hold and walked away from him and grabbed comets arm "What's wrong?" Comet asked confused at why I left Marco in the dust "I don't want any problems" I say keeping my head down and I looked back and say Marcos face and I just couldn't..
Marco Pov
Star let go when I'm guessing Jackie looked at her with a glare, i look at Jackie and walked right up to her "I knew you were after her the moment you guys started talking" I groan "I was never after her, I never thought of her in that way until you brought things up of what me and her do, why couldn't you see I liked you but now it's too late"
I began walking away and she grabbed my arm "Marco, I'm sorry it's just I could be happy knowing we could be something but now I barely see you around..always hanging with her it makes me not feel like I'm important to you anymore" I sigh and move her hand "Why are you saying all this now? I spent years trying to get you to notice me and now that I'm acting suddenly want me? Jackie you are important to me but I'm not sure anymore..I gotta go" I left her with tears in her eyes and I just wanted to go away or hide..
As I saw star with her cousin I just wanted to run, I was confused and scared and had no idea how to please a girl..I make my way out of the school and go home I was in no mood for class or even be around anyone not even I was half way home my phone started to buzz
S-Hey? Why did you leave?
S-Marco is it because of me?
S-Marco please text me, I'm worried about you if I'm the problem I'll leave you alone
S-I guess its me :( I won't text you anymore
I just wanted to call her and tell her how much I love her but my head isn't right and I might do something I regret for her and for me too, I just need space and I will eventually call her soon but I need a breather from all I just heard from Jackie..why is this so confusing and hard?
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