Chapter 16: BFF is a buzz kill
Star Pov
After Marco left I got up and nudged pony and she woke up with a groan. "My head hurts" I scoff and sit beside her "Pony, are you always like this? Back home?" She sat looked at me and lowered her head "Sometimes.." I sigh
"This isn't good for you" she groans and rolls her eyes "What would you know? You left me! And didn't want to talk to me after that stupid bathroom sham!" She looked away from me and crossed her arms "Is your parents ok?"
She didn't answer and her neon pink hair was messy covering her pale face "Why do you care?" I sigh and placed my hand on her knee "Cause your parents are like mine..they're never home"
for a brief moment the room was silent and then I heard cries from her "They're never home...they don't care about me" I lowered my head "You know that's not true, they love you so much" she wipes her messy face and looks at me "Really?"
"Yes, really I care about you" she hugs me and I giggle "girl how did you get home?" I shrugged "A random guy that knows Marco I guess..but I kinda got a vibe of the dude liking me" she laughs "Who wouldn't? Your beautiful Star" I blushed
"Thanks, but your pretty to" she rolls her eyes "Not as pretty as you" I shake my head "Well I'm gonna shower and get ready and you should to, I'll introduce you to Marco" "I kinda met him yesterday?" I raised a brow
"You did?" She nods "I stumbled in calling you but the guy which I assume is your bf told me to relax and I just spaz out on him making him just put me to sleep" wait what? "Marco put you to sleep?" She nods slowly "Yeah.." i might have to ask him when get over there "Alright I'm gonna get ready"
As we both finished getting ready we walked over to his place. "So what's he like?" She asked and I shrug "A bit of everything. He's kind and sweet and very handsome." I giggled as she rolled her eyes "He doesn't sound all that dreamy" I rolled my eyes "Well he is for me and not for anyone else. Also we had a rough beginning that I wish to never have again."
She nods as she holds her head "Uh this hangover" "No one told you to get wasted." She grins "But at least I got lit!" She yells before she holds her head "Ow that hurt.." I giggled "You big baby. Come on." As we reached his door I knocked and waited. Slowly the door opened and there stood Marco. He smiled and kissed me and held a small glare at Pony "Morning beautiful, come in just in time for breakfast."
We walked in as pony held her arms crossed looking around and criticising whatever wasn't at her standards. "How you feeling?" "Better. Thanks to you." He smiled as i wrapped around his waist "Sorry you had to take care of me yesterday." "Its okay at least you came home safe" I nodded as he kissed my head and handed me a plate
"Now sit I'll be there in a few." I giggled and sat down along with pony who still looked annoyed "What's wrong?" She rolled her eyes as he placed a plate in front of her. She scoffs as he sighs and sits beside me. "So this is pony?" I nodded "Yeah. My bestie from home. Pony this is my boyfriend Marco, he's just amazing" she scoffs and looks away "Hi I guess?"
Marco looked annoyed as well "Okay. This can't continue like this. So please talk?" She stands up and takes a deep breath. "I will admit it. I don't like him! He seems boring and not fun?! Like what the heck do you see in him?! He looks like those guys who have weird obessions on people or whatever?!" He stood up and slammed his hands on the table
"How dare you?! You barely know me? How can you just assume if you didn't know me first?!" They continue going back and forth before I slammed the table "ENOUGH!" they both went silent and looked at me "Star?" "B-fly?" I shook my head
"What is the matter with you both?! I just wanted my best friend to meet my boyfriend and we all be close friends? Pony I was feeling homesick that's why I invited to visit. Do you know how hard it's been just trying to be in a relationship with Marco? Also seeing Tom again and him having to complicate things? For once I ask you to be nice and be happy for me but you can't? Like ever."
She lowered her head as I held tears in my eyes "Don't you dare do the waterworks on me." My lip started to quiver and I started to cry "No no no, Star" she went to touch me but I moved away and ran towards the bathroom. "Don't!" I locked myself in the bathroom as I cried just realizing how much I've changed in just a few months. I'm so different.
After almost an hour I walked out the bathroom and walked downstairs and saw no one was there? That's odd? As I checked no one was there? Did they seriously just leave me? Wow best boyfriend and friend ever. I sigh as I see a note on the table "What? 'Star we went out to talk and get to know one another. Sorry I wasn't being your friend and only thought about myself. Hope you feel better-Pony ♡' "
I smiled and decided to go home and wait for them. As I walked home I heard someone calling me "Star? Right?" This guy looks familiar? "Yeah who are you?" "Wow you were really wasted." "Excuse me? Leave me alone creep." As I walked around him he grabbed my hand which freaked me out and I pulled away
"What's the matter with you?!" He held his hands up "I'm sorry, I'm owen the guy that brought you to your boyfriend's house last night? I just wanted to make sure you were okay?" I blushed slightly "Yeah I'm fine. My boyfriend took care of me. Also thanks I guess cause I don't really remember any of it."
He chuckles "Its all good. You look beautiful by the way. Marco is lucky to have you." I nod "He is..uh I'm gonna go" he nods "Oh yeah if course. See you around." He jogged off and I raised a brow "He's a bit weird?" I rolled my eyes as I made it home to my empty house. "I'm home!" I yell hearing my echo as i crashed on the couch. "Home sweet home."
Me: Oh my Mewni! 😢 it's been ages since I came back
Star: 😢I know I thought you weren't gonna come back ever!
Me: I never forget you 😄
Marco: but you did? 😑 again author.
Me: I can explain okay?😅
Star: it's okay don't explain just glad you updated the chapter 😊
Marco: I'm either or. 😐
Me: anyways I'm sorry for you two and the readers took forever but hoped it pleased either of you.
Star: Yeah hard chapter but good 😊
Marco: same 😏
Me: alright I'm out but I'll come back soon okay?
Both: okay. Bye! 😂
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