Prologue - Part I: The star fall
He watched with wide eyes. Stars clashing everywhere, a battle of powerful armies, trying to figure out who would be the true heiress of the world.
The empresses commanded everything, watching the battle of these tiny, inferior creatures.
He was paralyzed with the brutality of it all. A shock to such a young star that had formed in a very troubled time.
Why were they fighting like that?
Why did they have to make the wishes of goddesses who didn't care about them?
He almost trow up seeing heads and bodies explode with the impact of blows.
Couldn't see that anymore. His own body was covered in blue and yellow liquid. Shining in a disgusting way, reminding him of the stellars he killed.
Everywhere, stars lost their lives, exploding and becoming energy, light floating in the midst of battle.
Could no longer see all that destruction. He gritted his teeth and, before could think, stuck a finger in his left eye, howling in pain and feeling the yellow fluid run down his hand and face.
Began to cry, preparing to take the other eye off, when felt a hand touch his shoulder.
He saw a stellar with black hair that fell to his shoulders and a full beard, this one was covered with the blood of other soldiers, and perhaps even of himself, leaving him with a sticky and colorful appearance.
His master said something, but it seemed far away, he could no longer hear. And that's when your vision changed.
There was no blood or fight, just a kind of celebration. His master put a crown on his head, it was beautiful and golden, but he felt it didn't fit him well.
He saw a full white stellar, her hair, her robes, even her eyes. She turned to him, a smile on her face, and no left arm.
It startled him, but a cry caught his eye.
His master was there again, smiling, and with a baby in his arms. A baby with blue eyes, his body shining uncontrollably.
The light came closer and closer, disappearing with everything around it, becoming a huge flash.
The glare became a new explosion and the sky filled with struggle again.
He blinked a few times and the voice of his master returned to overtake will it.
— Hey. kid, are you all right?
The young star grinned, making the other one startle.
— Master, I know what to do!
He sailed out at full speed toward the gigantic empress of his army. He had to convince her, he had to stop it.
— What are you talking about? — His master asked, falling behind.
— I know how to solve everything!
— Belron ? Belron!
He blinked a few times and shook his head. Put the hand in the eye patch and felt the remnant of an ancient pain.
Sorya stared at him, worried. The music emitted by the energy of their bodies has ceased. He looked down at her left arm. It was still there.
— Your sync got weird, you stopped out of nowhere. I could have easily beaten you. — She continued, raising an eyebrow.
He smiled and looked past her. He saw all those planets spinning around him. He had become the king of a kingdom that never wanted to rule.
Took the guest's hands again, pulsed the energy of her body one more time, creating music, and they went back to dancing.
His long orange hair floated as the crown held tight to her head. He wore a stardust armor, an incredibly sturdy material that could acquire many different colors and manageability depending on how it was produced. In the case of the king, it gave a red color to your entire outfit, who, along with his hair, made he look like was always on fire.
Not that he liked to dress like that, but a king has to keep up appearances.
— What do you think humans would think of the sun and moon dancing?
— I don't think they know we dance. — Sorya not like that term, that was a workout, their master always repeated how much the Battle Dance was important. — Anyway, I think they call this the eclipse. My energy blocks much of yours.
— Ah ... interesting. — He made an opening move, making room for his partner to turn .
She stepped back and return, gripping one of his hands again and the other by the star king's neck.
— Belron, focus, please?
— Alright, alright .... You said these humans were out of control, didn't you? But we've been through this before with your planet. Those dinosaurs were not easy. — He gives her a slight smile. — I had to "take care" of them.
— It's different. They can destroy the planet in a matter of... I don't know, minutes? Seconds? And they are at risk of doing so as they cannot understand each other. My soldiers say that humans are full of theories about our universe and that these theories are always in conflict.
She sighed and walked away, forcing her opponent to zigzag and take her back so as not to be left behind. Belron felt a little shiver, his reverie still affecting him. Sorya realized that, but without understanding, she just preferred to continue:
— Some of them think that their lives are ruled by a superior being, and that there can be only one who, by any chance, would have made them their best creation.
— A little self-centered, isn't ithey?
— Not only that, they have a habit of going over others without caring who they hurt. They kill each other for superfluous reasons like... like valious pieces of paper. — She frowned in confusion. — Which makes no sense, considering the amount in which it is produced.
The king smiled .
— Sorya, I know how you love this planet, but we can't just interfere with anything we want. That's a power that should not be used.
The moon broke free and began to spin as it descended, forming a white circle with her hair that was able to draw a sigh from her dance partner.
He spread his arms and grinned, letting himself "fall", standing upside down and face to face with her, close enough that their noses almost touched.
She cupped his face with her hands.
— I know, but this case is extreme. — The white eyes stared at him firmly. — Trust me. I just want you to help me think of something, for I give you this certainty: if we do not interfere, this planet will last no more than decades or centuries of Earth.
He met her eyes and saw the certainty in them. After a second of silence, the king gave in.
— Okay, okay. If you think so...
The music stopped, he turned to be in the same position as her. Stayed thoughtful for a moment, then he nodded his head and give a smile. He put himself in the position of ruler, straight and serious, making his voice sound loud and clear.
— I declare that, from this moment on, any Earth Legion soldier will be allowed to descend to Earth and serve as an example for humans to follow.
His voice echoed over many stellar miles, anyone in that system could hear. So, the king returned to relax his shoulders and said, with an affectionate smile:
— And etecetera, etecetera. I think this is the best I can do, but I warn you, Sorya, for all the admiration I have for you. Caution... I know how we stellars see ourselves as a huge family, but anyone can be corrupted. I've seen it before, a long, long time ago.
— I will do my best to prevent damage. — She hid the excitement with a mere nod. —But I trust my soldiers, just as you trust me, sir. — I ... I will not disappoint you.
Belron show a sad smile. He saw the innocence in her eyes, all the wit involved and commanded by the youth.
— Then fine, go. — She turned to leave, but he called again. — And, Sorya. Make me proud, as I always have.
— Thank you, Belron. Goobye.
— Bye. And please, come back to dance more often. You could almost keep up with me this time.
— Almost? — She laughed before leave.
He watched as she moved at incredible speed for stellar miles in seconds.
The solar king did not want to admit it, but he missed the days when there was no system, time when he trained with friends and took powerfull punches of his master. That last thought drew a smile from him.
Kept looking for a long time, he knew that the inertia of that era was coming to an end, but, above all, he was curious about the future.
He looked at his throne with longing. Images of flames and explosions flashed before his eyes, and he was startled for a second, sighed and shook his head, then stretched and went to sit, throwing his legs over one arm of the throne, sloppily, as always.
Arriving at his post, Earth Legion General Sorya redid the announcement.
Many stars decided to come down and spend the rest of their time together with those humans who fascinated them so much, others, following their sense of duty, decided that they would also come down and help, but that they would return shortly, because they didn't think they should waste their time life with such unstable beings.
There were even those who were afraid of what might happen, and those who did not want to get involved in the matter.
The Star Fall had begun.
For the first time, humans would have contact with stellar, wars and misunderstanding would be inevitable, beliefs would be shaken.
The world would change.
Hi, guys. I made this history some years ago and, well, after all the work and getting 2 volumes published in Brazil I decided try to translate to english. I hope that you guys enjoy and I'll be waiting for your feedback!
So, don't forget to vote and comment! Be free to tell me the mistakes I had made and etc. I know that my english needs improvement and thats the way I found to do that!
See you soon!
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