Chapter 7 - What's that feeling?
Later, as the guests were removed from the place carried by guards or arm in arm with young maids laughing, Eastar excused himself from the king and also left the castle. The wine already made the stellar a little dizzy, and he followed the path to the city walls.
With every short step he took, he was stopped by someone who thanked him for saving the princess, or asked to retell the story, which, although he did not know it, was growing among all the inhabitants of the city.
Many said his punch had created a crater on the ground and smashed the cornaro's head to a paste, others said his speed was so high that the bull could not see him while the young star poked and mocked him before giving the final blow.
Finally, reaching the walls of Londrian, he climbed the stairs next to the gate, he leaned on the battlements and look at the whole expanse of land under the moonlight. Dense woods with huge trees, mountain ranges too far for him to see them straight. Some guards made the round, but left the boy alone.
— Do you believe I've never been far from Londrian?
He looked back and saw Sindar at the bottom of the stairs, she went to his side, propped her elbows on the battlements edge and looked straight ahead. The guards walked away, disappearing from sight.
Eastar smiled, thinking that the princess should hate to be watched.
— Even at night, only with the light of Sorya and your colleagues, the view is still very pretty, don't you think?
— Yes, but they are not my colleagues. I haven't joined the legion yet.
The princess made a confused face, and he considered explaining the whole process of entering the ranks of the legionnaires, but thought better of it, shook his head and shrugged.
— Does not matter. I always wanted to go down to see what things were like here, it's hard to keep up with or understand things from up there. The time becomes different, much faster than down here.
— I suppose you see us as little ants who barely know what they are doing, do you?
— Some, yes, but those are few. My mother lives studying the earthlings, especially the humans, loves to understand how and why they do things. — Eastar looked up at the sky, smiling.
— My father tells me about humans, he finds them interesting too, but I think he's more afraid than curious.
— Fear? — He looked back at the princess, who was looking at the horizon.
— Yes, he says they are very unstable, they may be your friends, but would stick a knife between your ribs for a handful of gold... Of course, he doesn't say they are all like that, but he prefers not to risk it.
— I thought there was almost no difference between the sirions and them.
— And there is not, except for the fact that we live about a thousand years, and had stellar blood in the veins .... Maybe it causes some sirions feel superior.
— How about you? Do you think so too?
— No. — She hung her head. — I don't want to judge them, since I've never lived with them. — But I imagine that their short lives influence them a lot, maybe that's why they're so wild as some nobles here say, I think that's a desire to make the most of life.
— Ha! You are beginning to remember my mother with these profound theories. — He shook his head. — You know, sometimes I watched humans with her, and her vision is very similar. My dad simply says they're more fun and they love a good fight, but I think that's his way of giving a compliment.
— Do you miss her already? — The princess asked with a sad and tired expression.
Eastar realized where the subject was going. It was so strange, he, a stellar, had a mother, the sirion, no.
— I'm sorry...
— It's fine, I didn't even know mine. — She tried to smile at him.
The boy stared at her. The light from their eyes lit her white dress, giving it a greenish hue. Her ankle-length garment in a thin cloth with designs of silver leaves and branches had no sleeves and the collar opened just above her breasts, making a neckline that highlighted the girl's bust.
— My face is a little more up. — She seemed to have forgotten the previous subject, raised an eyebrow at him with an amused expression. — I know you're tall, but I'm not that short.
Eastar was relieved to see that she was smiling, turned to look toward before... and scared. Realized he was staring at her boobs for a long time, looked at her face again and saw that she was serious now.
— Excuse! I... I found your dress very beautiful.
— Yes, I know, my dress.
She stared at him and crossed her arms, which only made her breasts pop out more, and Eastar's eyes fell on them again.
— That way you make things difficult for me!
Sindar looked down and realized what she had done.
— Wow, they really grow up when I do that. — She began to tighten and loosen her arms, making her breasts move.
They both laughed together.
Eastar loved that feeling, it was exciting, it made him feel hot. But it wasn't like in space, it wasn't just the stellar need they relieved with a colleague, it was a different feeling he didn't understand.
Sindar stopped laughing, released his arms and looked into the blue eyes in front of her.
— Thank you so much for today. — She approached.
— It was my fault, remember?
— Yes. — She smiled. — I knew you stars could be stronger and faster than any race that lives on Earth, but what you did impress me a little.
— A little? — The boy gave a crooked smile and crossed his arms, trying to imitate her in a comical way.
— Just a little bit like that. — She brought her thumb closer to her forefinger and closed one eye, watching that small gap between her fingers with her eye open.
The young stellar laughed and shook his head.
— I don't know, I didn't think right then, I just saw you there and that huge beast coming your way... — Staring into the yellow eyes that watched him so closely, he choked. — I-I didn't even know if I could do anything, I had no idea if my strength would be harmed by being on planet a-an-and....
He paused and let out an involuntary laugh. Realized that started to get nervous trying to explain, definitely had something very wrong in that. Maybe the fact that she was a princess left him uncomfortable, most likely was. He sighed to calm down and completed:
— Glad it wasn't.
— I'm glad too. Anyway, thank you. — She touched the star's chest with her hand, and he felt the spot tingle.
Realizing the proximity of they both, the princess blushed and looked away.
— The feeling of being a hero must be great, isn't it? Eastar, the one who saved the beautiful young princess Sindar!
— Young and convinced princess Sindar would work better. —The girl stuck her tongue out at him, who laughed again and continued: — But it really feels amazing, and you can also tell that they care about you. Everyone seemed quite grateful when talking to me.
— I suppose.... The stories are getting more and more absurd! There are already some saying they were three horns and others saying you killed him with one finger!
— A finger? Damn it! Even my father would be jealous.
— Certainly! — A new laugh burst from both of them. Looking at him, she made up her mind, and gave a small smile. — Well, I think I better lie down before the Great King sheds light on all this. Good night, Eastar — saying that, she tiptoed and pressed her lips against his.
He widened his eyes in surprise.
The princess opened hers and quickly parted her lips, covering her mouth with one hand. There was a frightened expression on her face.
— What's it? — He asked, confused. — Don't tell me you already regret it.
— That's not it, you're ... blue.
Eastar looked to his hands and saw that shone a little, a blue and weak glow, that faded as he watched.
— Ah, that. It happens sometimes.
— As well?
— How can I explain to you. — He put his hand on the back of his neck . — Let's say it happens when I feel some strong emotion.
— So that means you felt a strong emotion now. — Sindar raised an eyebrow at him, a crooked smile on his mouth.
— What did you want? Took me by surprise! Especially after the one of crossing arms. You can't blame me, princess.
— Look! He really is a pervert! Very well, perverted sir, I will go my way before you get too excited. Good night.
— Wait!
He pulled the princess by the arm, put his other arm around her waist and put one hand to the side the face of the young sirion, as he approached to kiss her.
Sindar hugged his neck and didn't even notice that the first rays of sunlight began to illuminate the place. The warm bluish light from the young star shone brighter than them.
They stayed like that for a while until she pushed him away.
— I really have to go. — She started down the stairs and continued: — Wait a few minutes before you come.
Eastar did not understand why that recommendation. After that kiss wouldn't other things come?
From his bedroom window, Aros smiled, watching the scene.
I came early! So, enjoy!
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