CHAPTER ONE→ truth or dare?
"Now, in celebration of our new dorm mates, let's play a game of truth or dare! Think of it as a hazing of sorts!" a certain senior by the name of Cho Kyuhyun announced, addressing the large group of students that stood around him.
It happened to be the beginning of a new school year- this meaning that a large amount of new students would enroll or transfer to this local academy. Dorms would hold huge gatherings to welcome their new schoolmates, and games and such would often be played.
However, at this certain academy, a rather strange division existed between its two dorms. Seemingly identical, one would have to be an insider to know the truth about the populous.
They despised each other. A student from the East Dormitory wouldn't dare visit the West Dormitory; and vice versa.
The reason for this hatred, you ask? Nobody quite knew. For as long as anyone could remember, East and West were enemies. And of course, being a bunch of angsty teenagers, the students weren't ones to need a reason to hate something.
This year, a 17 year old had transferred to the school. Named Na Jaemin, he and one of his best friends, Huang Renjun, decided to join the well-known academy- after all, it did have a rather excellent fine arts program, and a few of their other friends were already attending the school.
Jaemin, along with his friends, were put in the East Dormitory. This was where they now stood with the other students, listening to the seniors announce whatever this year's welcoming plans were.
"Truth or dare? I bet you that someone's gonna end up making out with one of those girls over there," Jaemin's friend, the one and only Zhong Chenle, commented, pointing at a small group of females huddling together, chatting about god knows what.
"Maybe you can finally stop being a virgin," Dong Sicheng, who stood with his group of friends, responded to the comment, nudging Chenle.
"Me? I'm not a virgin, I have Renjun," Chenle said, putting a hand to his chest as if offended. Renjun glanced at the younger boy, not willing to even reply to Chenle's lies. It wasn't that he wouldn't screw him- he just hadn't. Yet.
"You guys are gross. Let's just go over there and play that game of truth or dare," Jaemin finally spoke up, grabbing onto his friends' arms and dragging them over to the large circle of people that was forming.
"Yerim, I dare you to call up your best friend and confess to them."
"Heechul, be honest. Are you attracted to Anna from 'Frozen?'"
"Okay Yoonah, I dare you to sneak into a bar and get a guy to buy you a drink. What, are you scared? Do it."
The dares got increasingly strange as the time went on. Jaemin dreaded that the bottle they were spinning would land on him.
Just as luck would have it, it did exactly that.
The senior who had spun it, a girl named Lee Chaerin, stared at the younger kid, thinking of a suitable dare.
"What's your name?"
"Uh, I'm Na Jaemin."
"Jaemin, I dare you to go to the other dorm and steal something from it. Come back here after you're done and show us the object" Chaerin said, smiling as if the dare wasn't a death sentence.
The other students whispered to each other, not sure that he would survive the trip.
Jaemin stood up, nodding. "I'll do it. See you guys later when I've gotten something," he responded, turning and walking to the exit of the main room.
It would be a lie to say that he wasn't a tiny bit fearful. After all, he'd been told the countless things that the West Dormitory kids had done to the East ones. He could only hope that he'd get lucky and everyone would be asleep at this time. It was pretty late, after all.
But, he thought, it couldn't be the worst thing ever. At least he wouldn't die.
He kept these positive notes on his mind as he left the dormitory, feeling the cool night air surround him.
In the near distance, a building stood, nearly identical to the one he had just left. He knew this was his destination, and he walked the short trip over to it.
When he found himself approaching the entrance of the West Dormitory, he took a moment to pause. He felt as if something was off.
Glancing directly to his left, he noticed a boy, seemingly around his age, sitting silently on a bench near the building. In the darkness, he couldn't make out his features. From his posture, however, Jaemin definitely could see the boy was upset.
Being the softie he is, Jaemin couldn't just stand there. He slowly padded over to the boy, standing a few feet away from him.
"Are you okay?" Jaemin questioned, his tone showing a kind concern. The boy slowly looked up, not expecting the sudden appearance of someone.
"I'm fine. Just... a little stressed, you know," the boy replied, looking away from Jaemin.
Jaemin sat down next to him on the bench. He wasn't about to have any of that crap.
"My name is Na Jaemin, and if something's bothering you, I'm here to listen. Now, tell me what's happened," Jaemin spoke a bit more commandingly, yet still keeping the calm tone in his voice.
The other glanced at him once more, eyeing Jaemin. "I'm Lee Jeno. Like I said, it's not much. It's actually pretty stupid..." he trailed off, giving Jaemin a sheepish smile.
Jaemin instantly noted that he'd found a cutie.
"I'm sure it's not stupid. Come on, tell me. I'm your new best friend, I need details," Jaemin replied, letting a smirk grace his expression. Jeno shook his head at Jaemin's words, his expression seemingly more cheerful than it had been.
"It's just... I found out my girlfriend's been cheating on me. I know we've only been going out for a week or so, but it hurts," Jeno admitted, his somber mood slightly showing.
Jaemin blinked. "Really? I mean, who would cheat on someone as handsome as you? Clearly she doesn't have common sense," Jaemin responded, casually putting a hand on Jeno's shoulder.
"Wow, what a tease. Thanks, though. That helps," Jeno spoke, smiling at the younger boy.
A moment of silence ensued.
"So, um. What are you doing over here?" Jeno inquired, realizing that there wasn't a normal reason to be wandering around the dorm in the middle of the night.
"Oh, um. Don't hate me for this, but I'm from the East Dorm. I assume you're from here in the West?" Jaemin spoke, his voice a bit quieter. He didn't want Jeno to despise him for something as stupid as a dorm rivalry.
"Yeah, I live in the West Dormitory. What's someone from East doing over here?" Jeno questioned. Jaemin noticed that his mood didn't change; that was a good sign.
"I'll be honest with you, one of the seniors dared me to come over here and steal something from this dorm. Truth or dare and all that," Jaemin explained, Jeno nodding in understanding.
"Hey. Doesn't this mean we're supposed to hate each other or something?" Jeno spoke up.
"Hm? Yeah, I guess so," Jaemin replied, shifting a bit.
"Meh. Who cares. Want me to help you steal something from our dorm?" Jeno stood up from the bench, looking down at Jaemin.
Jaemin paused for a moment, processing the fact that he'd probably just made a new friend.
"Yeah! Of course, if you could help that'd be great," he eventually replied, standing up as well.
"Just follow me inside. No one will question you if you're with me," Jeno told him. Suddenly taking Jaemin's hand, Jeno briskly walked straight through the front doors and to the elevator, Jaemin in tow.
A couple of people in the lobby gave them a glance, but quickly decided they were nothing of interest and looked away.
"If we really want to impress the seniors, let's give them something from my room. You can claim you stole it," Jeno planned, glancing at Jaemin with a conspiring grin. Jaemin couldn't help but smile back. He'd only known this guy for a few minutes, but he was already planning to ask him out for coffee or something later on.
Once the elevator arrived at the correct floor, they made their way to Jeno's room, which he unlocked. Holding open the door for the both of them, Jeno ushered Jaemin into his room, letting him look for an item.
"Welcome to my humble home. Choose something to take with you," Jeno said, silently walking over to the bed and sitting on it.
Jaemin glanced around. Jeno's room was rather nice- Jaemin could definitely see himself spending some time there in the future.
He spotted a small potted flower that sat on the desk. Picking it up gingerly, he turned towards Jeno.
"Could I take this? I'm sure a plant would suffice," he asked, holding up the object in question.
"Of course you can. Just come give it back to me later," Jeno said, a suspiciously pleased expression on his face.
Jaemin saw the window of opportunity and took it. "Sure, I'll give it back next time I see you. But just in case, I'm gonna need your phone number. For plant returning purposes, of course," Jaemin spoke, trying to be confident.
"Obviously. Here, give me your phone," Jeno smiled knowingly, taking the smartphone which was handed to him. After typing for a moment, he handed the phone back to Jaemin. Seeing the added contact, Jaemin laughed.
Lee Jeno♡
Make sure to come over sometime. So you can return my houseplant, duh.
"People are gonna get suspicious if I stay for too long. I should probably go," Jaemin said, although he honestly would have preferred to not leave. Ever.
"Yeah, yeah, okay. Good luck," Jeno bid goodbye, waving off his new friend and his houseplant.
"I'll see you soon, I guess," Jaemin responded, opening the door and stepping out.
Right before he shut the door, he heard Jeno call out once more.
"You better actually come back for reasons other than the houseplant, Na Jaemin!"
Jaemin silently smiled to himself.
He knew he'd be coming back, with or without without the goddamn plant.
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