Chapter 28
It's been over a month since Marquis and I's falling out. Everyday it gets worse without him. The war is still on going but from what Eliza tells me it seems as though it won't be much longer before it's over and hopefully we'll win our liberty.
My focus definitely has hardly been on the war. All I can think is why did he do that. Most nights there are nightmares leaving me in tears. The worst part was that they were true. I wasn't sure if Marquis and I were still together or not. I'm not even sure if we should be together.
Peggy hasn't said a word to me. It seems like she doesn't even care about what she did. Almost like she's happy about it. After maybe a week Angelica told her that she needed to leave for awhile. Peggy felt it was unfair since it was her home and not mine. Angelica explained that the conflict between everyone was because of her. Of course Peggy stormed out and we have yet to find out where she went but I honestly don't care. She brought this on herself.
My days have consisted of being isolated in my room just thinking. Eliza and Angelica try to get me to at least come out for dinner every night. Half of the time I agree but don't eat much.
"Y/N, come with me into town. You need to get out of the house and it'll be fun." Eliza said through my cracked door to my bedroom. I look over to look her in the eyes thinking for a second.
"Alright." I replied and Eliza's face brightens a little then leaves so I can get ready. I change into a dark colored dress and comb through my hair. Before I leave the bathroom I just look at myself in the mirror. I never looked in the mirror because I would see the same thing every time. Just a broken-hearted person who can't pull themself back together. I took a deep breath before heading out to meet Eliza at the front door waiting to leave.
She smiled at me,"Let's go."
I took her hand and we left the mansion into town. We took a carriage and I watched the beautiful scenery on the way. It had been awhile since I had been out. The last time was with Marquis.
Eliza and I get out at the little restaurant Angelica and I have been to before. We go inside together and just order something to drink taking two empty seats. I take a drink out of my cup and Eliza breaks the silence.
"Have you heard anything from him?" she asked making me freeze and my heart beat faster.
"No I haven't." I replied. It was true I had received no letters. No apology. Nothing. After awhile I just lost hope that he would talk to me.
"I'm sorry to here that. I really thought that you guys would always be together." Eliza said.
"I'm not sure."
"You aren't sure of what?" she looked at me confused.
"If we aren't together anymore. I think we aren't but I just want it to be normal again. Why would he do that? Why would she do that?" I asked and tears welled in my eyes.
Eliza noticed and scooted over to me giving me a hug.
"I don't know Y/N." she whispered rubbing my back to comfort me.
"I know we just got here but I just want to go home." I said feeling bad.
"It's fine Y/N. Let's go home." she said and we left just as quick as we'd arrived. I closed my eyes on the way back to the mansion falling in and out of sleep. We arrived back at the house in no time and I thanked Eliza walking back to my room. I look down at the floor as I opened the door.
"Y/N." I heard someone sigh.
I looked up to see Marquis standing up from the bed. Almost right away tears fill my eyes. What could he be doing here. This isn't happening. It's just a dream.
"We need to talk." he said staring at me with tear stained eyes.
I almost cried writing this chapter. Not only because it was a bit sad but because there is only 3 more chapters left in this book.
I really hope you guys will read my other books I'll publish after this one. Otherwise I'll miss
you guys so much. ☹️
It makes me sad just to
think about it. 😢
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