Chapter 25
"Y/N." he breathed out. I smiled and ran up to him. As I got closer I could see why he was here.
"What happened?" I ask as Peggy leaves the room with Angelica as I motioned to the bandage around Lafayette's stomach.
"I just got a little hurt. I'm going to be okay. I just can't go back to war for awhile, hopefully." he said grabbing my hand.
"I'm sorry." I said hugging him gently not touching his stomach area.
"I've missed you beautiful." Lafayette said smiling,"I just hate that I have come back to you without freedom. This isn't how I pictured seeing you again. How is your leg?"
I sigh at someone bringing my foot up again,"It's all better but no being super active."
"You've been following those directions right?" he asks raising an eyebrow.
"Of course." I laugh at his questioning,"Can you get up? Or do you need anything?"
"I'm perfect as long as you're here with me." he smiled,"But come to think of it I'd love a snack."
"What kind of snack?" I asked him.
"Cookies." Laf smiled like a child.
"Really?!" I laughed.
"What?!" he mimicked back.
"I'm just laughing because that's what me and Angelica had today. I'll be right back." I say while going to the kitchen to get him some cookies. I find them almost immediately and happily walk back to Laf. I smile when I see him waiting patiently.
"Here you go." I say putting them on the table next to him. He takes a bite right away and I laugh at his eagerness for the food,"Are they good?" I asked.
"Yeah but they aren't that sweet." he said,"Try one."
I take the cookie from his hand after walking over to him but before I could take a bite he brought me in for a kiss. I was surprised at first but then kissed him back. After pulling away I took a bite out of the cookie.
"There isn't anything wrong with these cookies." I said making him laugh.
"I know." Lafayette smirked.
"You clever clever man." I say laughing.
"I love you." he said making me probably smile like an idiot.
"I love you too. Now you need some rest." I said and he wasn't thrilled.
"Will you stay with me?" he asked making me perk up a bit at his offer. It slightly reminded me of the night of that thunderstorm before we went to war.
I smile at the memory then reply,"Of course. Here I'll help you."
Lafayette grabbed onto my waist to help himself up. I noticed him wince a bit and I frowned. I hate to see him in so much pain. We both make our way to my room and I lay him on the bed.
"Will you help me?" he asked motioning his shirt area.
"With your bandage or your shirt?" I ask smiling.
"Of course Laf." I said then walked over to him,"Shirt first." He sat up letting me take it off of him,"Now for that bandage." I walked into one of the many bathrooms in the Schuyler Mansion to get a first aide kit. Quickly I go back to the room and walk over to Lafayette. His eyes were closed making it the perfect time to kiss him. He laughs a little as I kissed him.
I really do love this man.
"I'll try not to hurt you. I promise." I whispered as I took off his bandage. I could clearly see a bullet would and tears started to come to my eyes. I could never imagine seeing Laf in that much pain. I slide off the bandage from underneath him then replaced it with another bandage. After I return to the room I see Lafayette peacefully asleep. I smile knowing he's safe with me. Even though there was still daylight out I lied down next to him.
Keeping my promise to stay with him.
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