Chapter 1
"Welcome to the great New York City." The carriage driver says.
"Thank you for the ride." My brother James says grabbing some bags. I get out of the carriage after him and we set our things down to say our goodbyes.
"Your gonna be okay right?" I ask him.
"Of course."
James had been joining the revolution as I am too. He was going to a different place I was. I give him a hug as I grab my bags and walk towards where I need to be. About a block later I arrive and see big groups of guys hanging around the
"May I help you?" I look to see a guy with freckles on his face.
"Um yeah. I just got here and I'm not sure where to go." I tell him.
"I'm John Laurens." He puts his hand out and I shake it.
"Y/N. It's nice to meet you."
Laurens smiles and walks to a list posted on the wall. He traces his finger over what looks like my name.
"Your in the same barracks as me." John grabs my bags and leads me down a corridor.
We reach a door and inside there are 4 beds.
"These 2 are mine and Mulligans. And that one is Lafayette's." He says point out who's is who's. He puts my stuff down by the bed that wasn't claimed by anyone.
"Thank you." I say.
"You're welcome. Would you like to come and meet the guys? They should still hopefully be at the bar." Laurens asks.
Once again we walk back down the corridor to the big open area crowded with guys. The bar is in the corner of the room so Laurens drags me through the crowd. Arriving at the bar I spot particularly two men who are laughing so loud the whole room can hear it. Laurens goes over to them and they are still laughing. Seeing as some bottles of liquor near them are empty it seems as they're drunk. John then motions for me to come over.
"Hey guys! This girl is gonna be rooming with us!" He says to who I think to be Mulligan and Lafayette. "This is Lafayette and Mulligan."
Laurens points to each of them and they smile at me.
"What's a woman like you wanting to join the revolution for?" Mulligan asks.
"I have my reasons." I say grabbing a drink.
"I am particularly happy this beautiful lady is here with us." Lafayette says with a thick French accent.
He pauses and stares at me as I stare back.
"Come on lets get some more drinks over here!!" John yells towards the bar tender.
More rounds of drinks come and are soon gone. Laurens and Mulligan finally left back to the barracks way beyond tipsy. Let's just say that all of us were beyond tipsy. I could barely even think straight.
"Mon amie. We should get going soon it's late." Lafayette says putting down his final drink.
I just stare into space while slowing drifting away.
"Your tired. Let's go." He grabs my arm and puts it around him. Suddenly he picks me up. Stubbling at first he finally gets balanced enough. I yawn against his chest as he takes me away to the barracks. He opens the door and then lays me on my bed. It was now raining outside and the thunder kept getting louder. Hail soon came in on the windows making it sound like a million rocks hitting them.
"Lafayette?" I say.
I hear some one move, "Oui?"
"The rain is really loud. Kinda scary." I laugh a little.
"Would you like to come sleep with me?"
I get up and walk over to his bed. He scoots over leaving room for me. I lay down and he moves closer again now wrapping his arms around me. Usually I would never let this happen with a guy I met less than 24 hours ago but something just feels right.
"Bonne Nuit."
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