Chapter 3: Armoire
Sapphire bucked like she was saying no. "You don't have to come with me. You can just stay here with my mom while I go on an adventure," Harmony mocked.
Harmony went out of the cave. Sapphire waited for a little bit then followed. "I knew you would come. Lets start making plans. We should get me and you armour, weapons plus a map so we know where we are going. Let's do it when Jamie and Omar are leaving. Most of the fairies will be them sending off so the tree will be mostly deserted. We will get food and water today because my mom is at work so it's the perfect time. Don't worry Sapphire I will get you sugar cubes and apples. Let's go," Harmony planned.
Harmony and Sapphire walked slowly back home while thinking about there plan. Harmony's house was just a really big tent that was made from vines, leaves, and sticks that have fallen off trees. Harmony wiped Sapphire hooves so that no mud got in the tent. They went to the kitchen to get their essentials. "Sapphire, go get your saddle for when we leave please. Plus there is a bag attached to put food and water in," Harmony said.
Sapphire went to Harmony's mom's room and got the saddle. Harmony found the apples and threw Sapphire one. Sapphire gobbled it down. Apples are Sapphire favourite treat to eat. "We got everything we need from here. Let's hide them behind the Bilco tree in a bush. Know we just have to wait until Jamie and Omar get send off. Hmm... do you want to go for a walk until it's nighttime?" Harmony asked.
Sapphire nodded her head like yes. They walked around the Bilco tree and village because they were scared that something bad would happen. All they saw were people talking about Jamie and Omar. At nighttime they went home and slept until a huge horn blew. Harmony woke up with a start. "Harmony what are you doing? Get up! It's time to send Jamie and Omar off. I will meet you outside," Harmony's mom cheered.
Harmony got dressed not in something nice but something you can fight in. She didn't goto her mom but Sapphire. "It's time. If there are guards at the armoire, distract them," Harmony whispered to Sapphire.
Harmony took Sapphire and led her to the tree. Everybody was crowding the front entrance so she went to the back entrance. Sapphire was at the back entrance so she could see Harmony if she needed help. Harmony knew the armoire was on the second floor. She snuck up the stairs but there was a guard at the door of the armoire. Harmony quickly hid behind a fern."Shot! I can't get past him. He's trained and I have no weapon," Harmony whispered to herself.
Harmony mouthed ,help, to Sapphire. Sapphire saw her signal and stormed into the tree. "Hey! Hey! What's that unicorn doing in here," the guard yelled.
Sapphire ran out and the guard followed her. Harmony went out from behind the fern and crept into the armoire. She grabbed the closest weapons which was a dagger and bow and arrows. She took a iron chest-plate, and leather armour for Sapphire. "Where is it? It has to be here! Come on!" Harmony said frustratingly.
She looked in around as fast as she could. Then she saw it, on the top shelf on the wine case. She climbed up trying not to make a sound. Then it fell onto her. She grabbed the map then quickly took off down the stairs and went to the bush. She saw guards running into the Bilco tree and rushing into the armoire. Sapphire rushed in the bush one minute later. "Ok you're here. Let's get suited up. Let's move north because that's where the portal is. Please corporate because we have to hurry," Harmony said.
Sapphire did what she said. Harmony put on her armour then threw on Sapphire's armour and saddle. She got on Sapphire rode and didn't look back.
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