~Chapter Twenty Six~
I rolled over and slowly opened my eyes, yawning slightly then stretching in the huge bed. Limply rolling out of bed and onto my feet. Wobbling into the kitchen grabbing a box of cheerios, as much as I loved cooking I was way to tired today. I slowly poured the cereal as well as the milk and a good load of sugar. As I sluggishly took y first bit it felt as if everything had just clicked. I blinked before feeling myself start to blush at the memories of the following ight. These replaying memories quickly being crowded with reality. The fact that I was not only technically fucking Dominic, but I was living with the man. It didn't help that I genuinely liked him either.
I sighed, putting down the bowl of cereal hen walking over to the couch letting my body weight go as I flopped on the couch, belly first, letting my face sink into the pillows. I kissed my bestfriends, bestfriend. I'm horrible, that's it. I rolled over looking up at the ceiling in defeat. I knew I'd have to tell him, I knew that I cared and wanted Dominic just as bad as I cared for, and wanted Lorenzo.
I wasn't aware that I could develop feelings this quickly nor to this quantity. I wasn't truly freak-out about it, I was scared to lose one of them due to the others reaction. I rubbed my eyes, shying out of the growing sunlight from the huge living room windows. I whimpered slightly as the sun hit one of my eyes before hearing the front door being open, it quickly swung open as I saw Dominic taking off his coat at the door, his normal long trench cot as his muscle flexed. I moved a pillow over my face as I heard his footsteps approaching as he grabbed my waist tightly, pulling me off of the couch nd into his big muscular arms. I giggled slapping his shoulder lightly before looking into his eyes.
He looked confused, he had scars covering his face, his hair was a mess and there was a bit of blood on his normal white button up. My eyes widened as I automatically went to look at his wounds, tilting his head and holding him by his jaw.
"What the hell happened!" I grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look me in the yes. He had never come back so bruised, it as nothing fatal but it still scared me. His face went from confuse to disappointment quickly as my eyes flooded with worry.
"You and Lorenzo?" I starred into his eyes, searching for what I should do. If I should admit and lose him or play dumb, we hadn't even reached the point where we we're a public couple at our college. Hell, we hadn't reached a point where we we're official to ourselves. I started to become more gentle, feeling y body go from being tense and stressed to a more soft side. I blinked lightly before inhaling deeply.
"I do like him, but I like you too! And I'm sorry and I hope your not mad and I know I've put you threw hell and back and I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I just.." His glare softened, as he looked at me with some sort of, loyalty. He stoked my cheek lightly placing me on the kitchen counter kissing my cheek lightly.
"Thank you for telling me the truth." He said as he took of his button up, throwing it in the laundry bin in the bathroom then returning while putting his hair in a bun. He took each long stride with pride, as if he didn't care. As if he had already knew.
"Does that change anything, I'm sorry I-" His finger quickly meet my lips shushing me as he then cupped my cheeks, forcing me to look up at him and meet his glorious eyes.
"Lorenzo and I normally attend polys. That's why you two even meet once I realized how he looked at you. How he flirted with you? You must think I'm a damn fool." He scoffed lightly opening the fridge and grabbing a can of ginger ale, treading over to one of the counters on the opposite side of the room. Allowing his body weight it press against it. I starred in disbelief.
"Y-Y'all are dating?!" Dominic quickly started chuckling, as he placed his can of ginger ale onto he counter, almost slamming it down, causing a bit of the liquid to drip onto the counter as his veiny hands clenched onto the countertop. His hair bouncing as his laugh filled the room, I felt a warm sensation filling me. His smile really did light up a room, even when I was confused out of my mind.
"Fuck no Sammie! We, we share women. We're not a typical poly. If we both like the same girl we'll, well we'll tag team. We don't like each other, we're not romantic." He cleared his throat as he tried to contain his laugh.
"Well! Why the fuck do you have to make the both of you seem like rapist at least!" I was trying my hardest not to join into his stupid laughter.
"Always, always mad. Little angry ass elf." I rolled my eyes at the old nickname, I was always shorter then him, and I was always mad at something. So, he came to the conclusion I must have been an elf that was shipped to the wrong place and never returned.
"I would have decked him for his shit the first time he flirted with you if not." I pouted, waddling over to him and hugging him tightly.
"So, what does this mean?.." I mumbled as he wrapped his arms around me tightly I response to my hug, picking me up then bopping my nose. His eyes seem to be filled with love.
"I have no clue, but I'm sure time we'll know." He smiled kissing my cheek, another huge aurora of bliss falling over me. I thought things would have gone much, much worse. I don't think my hearts ever been this full with such love. I gave into his tight embrace, fully. I felt as if everything had been realized.
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