~Chapter Five~
The next morning I woke up with my boyfriends head laying on my stomach and my hands running through his hair. I smiled as I remembered what happened the following night. I slowly got up and pulled the covers onto him properly sitting him up in our bed. I put on my normal silk robe before leaving the room. It was finally Friday, I had one class to go to today and so did Rowell. We normally would go out somewhere before classes started to kill time. Today I had a feeling I should let him sleep, especially with what happened last night. So as usually, I got up, washed my face with my hydrating CerVa foaming cleanser. Brushed my teeth and applied lotion to my face. I then proceeded to leave our bathroom and go into the kitchen.
I grabbed a frying pan for bacon and grabbed some from the fridge, we tried to keep bacon thawed out for whenever we craved it. I grabbed an egg for Rowell, I had never been too fond of eggs. They made my stomach do the weirdest flips. I would still stick it through and make them for him, I then grabbed a Jiffy box, I decided I would bake blueberry muffins today. The easy way. I didn't mind making them from scratch but my mind was still flowing based upon the events of yesterday in heavy rotation. So I decided to simplify this one thing for myself.
I grabbed another egg form the fridge and some milk. I started to whip up the batter for the muffins, I then set up the muffin tray with paper liners, I grabbed the clay versions I had bought at Marshals. I loved it when things we're aesthetically pleasing. I started to whisk the eggs. I grabbed a tub of our "Can't Believe It's Not Butter" butter. I then grabbed some olive oil. I through bacon onto the pan first. Trying my hardest not to get popped. I grabbed the tongs and flipped the bacon quickly. I waited until it was nice and crispy and then I put the pieces of bacon on a separate plate. I put paper towels on the bottom and the top of it.
Then I poured the egg into the pan that already had melted butter in it. I stirred them into there normal flufflyness. I added some salt and pepper. As I turned off the stove I set up both of our plates and grabbed a big old glass mug, adding ice then pouring myself some grape juice. I made a coffee for my boyfriend and grabbed a breakfast in bed tray. I set up both our meals on it. I walked into our room and sat on the bed, putting our food down on the bed with us.
I kissed Rowells cheek as he slowly started to open his eyes smiling at me and nuzzling into my shoulder. I stroked his head with a smile. I held him close to me as I took a bite of muffin and moaned at the taste, as usual. He giggled at my expression and started to eat as well.
"Last night was.. "He mumbled slightly and took a deep breathe whimpering slightly as he bite his lip. He was thinking about last night once again, as was I. I smirked and grabbed his jaw kissing his nose.
"Incredible?" I smirked and then pecked his lip as he started to blush heavily.
"Y-Yeah, that.." He sat up straight and sighed in relieve as he watched me in the corner of his eyes. He was very shy this morning. We often did indulge in pleasure but we didn't get into penetration too often. Even though I am on birth control. It just wasn't something we did. So of course he would be extra shy the morning after.
As we finished up breakfast I moved the stand and mounted myself on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his jaw. He whimpered and wrapped his arms around my waist once again.
I giggled and got up as he looked up at me pouting. His eyes swirling with need and his member growing. He pulled the covers back over himself as he groaned looking at me as if he would get more. I shook my head at him as I then went back into our bathroom. I left the door open for him to start getting ready.
Today I kept my routine simple. I grabbed my Lavender Dove body bar and a wash cloth, I scrubbed my skin quickly, then I washed my neither regions. I got out the shower, put my robe back on after turning off the water, I grabbed a simple outfit of ripped jeans and a black graphic tee. I grabbed my Air Jordan Ones, In black and white and set them near the door. As well as some white socks. I heard my boyfriend getting dressed in the bathroom as he mumbled to himself. I smiled and packed up my book bag. I had a psychology class today. I wanted to be a childs therapist.
I loved the idea of helping people and I wanted to be able to do it daily and help the youth that needed it. I sat down and opened up TikTok waiting for Rowell to finish up in the restroom so we could head to campus. After about 15 minutes of scrolling through and seeing a fuck ton of hot people on my for you page Rowell was ready to leave.
We walked out and to my surprise the gloomy effects of yesterday had calmed down. The sun was beaming and there was a few puddles on the ground but, thankfully that was the reminder of the rain. I smiled and hopped in the passenger seat. Rowell got in on the driver side and started up the car. I held his hand as he started driving. He would occasionally move his hand from mine to change the car in and out of rest mode. I smiled happily.
The day seemed to fly by after that. Our classes finished up around the same times and we both decided to head to go to this small bakery near our apartment, they sold cakes, ice cream, cookies, almost anything you can think of they had. We walked in and ordered two ice-creams. One plain chocolate for Rowell and a cookie dough vanilla ice cream for me. We took a seat in the corner we would normally reside in. It was a bit of a bar type of area in the corner. With huge windows a table against the the wall and barstools tucked into the table. Almost all of the bakery was white brick with black furniture.
"How we're your classes?" I asked Rowell looking into his eyes with a friendly smile as I started to eat my ice cream. A tint of red fell upon Rowells face.
"U-Um they we're fun today, surprisingly. The teacher had us do a small assignment then talked for the rest of the period. It was a pretty nice conversation. Everyone was interested. What about you?" He smiled back at me nibbling on his chocolate ice cream.
"It was okay, my hands hurt like crazy though. Mrs. Lonau went crazy on the note again. "I giggled slightly, as organized as I was in that class it was always hard for me to keep up with how quickly she moved. I was still passing her class of course, but her class definitely wasn't for the weak. I rested my free hand on his thigh as I put my ice-cream on the table. He blushed even more and squirmed.
"I was w-wondering if I could see a couple friends tomorrow, we're gonna go to the movies and maybe the arcade then hit up game stop." I smiled and nodded at him. He rarely went out with friends and for whatever reason whenever he did, he felt as if he had to ask permission. I never analyzed it. I knew he wouldn't have any stupid friends and I'd be at work for most of the day anyways. He's work was quite literally the game. As much as he wanted to be this big tech star he would still make use of what he could already do and he was pretty damn good at it.
What do y'all think so far? I promise the dramas coming, this chapter was a little boring so thank you so much if you read it! Next chapters coming soon!
~With Love, Azira
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