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I'm a born singer 좀 늦어버린 고백 (I swear)
언제나 멀기만 했었던 신기루가 눈 앞에 있어 (여기 있어)
"Hey, Hyung." I tapped his shoulder, and he turned around. "So, you're leaving..." He had a sad look on his face, but also a smile. "Yeah. I tried to tell you, but I got busy. Sorry." I shrugged it off. "When are you leaving..?" His face filled with regret. "In an hour...I have to get to the train station now." He hugged me tight. "Goodbye, Yoongi. I hope we meet again." "Seokjin, wait-" he was already out the door. Leaving in a hurry. "I want you to hear...A song I wrote." I slumped down into a chair next to me, as tears threatened to spill. It's not like we were close. He often did things without telling me. We weren't friends, but he was the only one I had.
I'm a born singer 어쩌면 이른 고백
그래도 너무 행복해 I'm good
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Humming the lyrics as I ran my fingers across the keys, people crowded around me. Someone started clapping to the melody, and everyone joined in. Imagining how Seokjin would sing it put a smile on my face. Someone walked behind me, looking at the lyrics. Then,
They started singing the chorus. That sounds like... Taehyung? Someone else walked behind me and sang with him. I didn't recognize the voice this time, but he was absolutely amazing. Both of them were.
I finished playing, and the crowd erupted. Looking behind me was in fact Taehyung and another boy. He had a nametag, so I guessed he worked here. It read "Kookie"
He smiled at me. "Hello~" I awkwardly waved at him. "I'm Jeon Jungkook." He bowed slightly and gave a bigger smile than before. "Your song is beautiful." My face started to heat up as I thanked him.
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"Now Yoongi, there's another boy that works here. He's an amazing singer, and is here for the exact same reason you are. To attract people. Got it?"
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"Yoongi! It's your turn!" My eyes widened. "F-For what..?" He laughed. "Taehyung didn't tell you? There's a dance team across the street that borrows our equipment. We need it back, so do you mind going over there and grabbing it?" I smiled nervously. "N-No, not at all..."
He smiled. "Just tell them you work here and need the equipment back." I nodded and made my way there.
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I opened the door to be immediately greeted by music. A boy who seemed to be Taehyung's age, was at a desk. He head headphones on and was humming. His voice seemed high-pitched. He looked up at me, flung his headphones off his head and his face immediately got red. "What do you n-need.?!" His voice was indeed high for a guy... "I...Uhhhh..." He looked at me and softened his shook gaze at my nametag. "You need the equipment..?" I nodded. He smiled sweetly, and ushered me to follow him.
He brought me to a back room where loud music was playing. "It's in there, someone's using it though. You can watch until he's done~" the boy swiftly walked back to the desk.
I hesitated, but opened the door. I scanned the room and saw a very expensive-looking speaker. Is that the equipment..? I made my way to the wall and sat down, watching this person dance. He was breathtaking. The way he moved his body in sync with the music was amazing. I could never do that even if I tried. I just watched him. He was absolutely captivating. I wanted to take a video, but I couldn't keep my eyes of him. The music in the room overpowering the one playing in my earbuds, though I ended up pulling them out.
He finished, leaving me in absolute awe. He turned around and looked at me, smiling. All I could do was clap.
I quickly stood up and bowed at him. "T-That was amazing I-" "No, it's really not that good compared to professionals.. Thank you though~" being awkward, I said nothing else. He didn't say anything either.
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"Are you here for the equipment? Taehyung told me they hired another person." I fiddled with my fingers. "Y-Yeah..." He walked over to the giant speaker and collected all the wires. "It's really heavy. Can you carry it?" I started to fumble with my earbuds. "Honestly....I...Uhmmm...P-Probably not...I c-can manage though..." He lifted it up with ease. "I can help~" "I'd feel bad making you carry it..." He smiled and laughed. "I do this all the time, no worries. All you've got to do is take the wires~" I bit my lip. "Hhhhhhhh-" he just laughed. "You have no choice now. Grab the wires, let's go~" I pouted and grabbed the wires.
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"Woahhh, you met Hoseok Hyung?" Taehyung, Jungkook and I were sat on the floor in the back room. "Yeah, why..?" Jungkook inserted himself. "Hobi Hyung is really cool. He's an amazing dancer, yet he says he's not as good as professionals." "I think he's wayyyyyy better than professionals! Have you seen the way he dances! So captivating~!"
"Hyung...You're his best friend..." Jungkook was unamused. "I knowwww~ I can't talk about my friend?" Jungkook smirked. "Yeah, it's illegal." "I saw him dance. He is really good..." I felt really shy saying that.
"Are you three talking about me?" HE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU FUCK- My face went bright red and I hid myself in my hoodie. "Hi Hyung!" Jungkook said excitedly. One of my earbuds fell out. Shit.
"Hoseok, you met Yoongi, right?" Taehyung said. "Yoongi? So that's his name!" I buried myself deeper into my hoodie. "Hyunggggg~" Jungkook started shaking me back and forth. "Don't touch me." I gritted my teeth. My other earbud fell out. God damnit.
I could tell everyone was worried by the silence. "Yoongi, are you okay?" Hoseok knelt in front of me. "I'm never fucking okay." I muttered, only loud enough for him to hear. The voice in my head throwing insults after insults at me. He pulled my hoodie down to look at my face. "Hey, Taehyung? Jungkook? Could you leave for a second?" I heard them both walk out of the room. Tears threatened to spill. "Just leave me alone. I'm worthless. Just go away..."
"Why do you think that way?" "I don't want to tell you." I could tell he was upset too. I hate this. "Maybe you'll feel better if you say something." I looked up at him. "I fucking hate myself. There. Happy?" He pulled me in for a hug. "And why do you hate yourself..?" I gave a shaky breath. "I'm broken. Unfixable. I should just fucking die. Hang myself. No one would care." My shoulder started to get a bit wet. "I care..." "You don't fucking know me. I just met you. Why did I even say anything? I'm better off dead." It's true...I don't deserve to live.
He released me from the hug. Reaching for my wrist, I scooted back. "Please, Yoongi. Let me help you..." I got up and ran out of the shop.
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