Chapter 6
The next morning, the three of them slept in till 11.30am, all tired of the day before.
The first one to wake up was Sam, rolling out of bed and getting a cup of coffee in the kitchen.
Not long after, Dean walked in, still in his boxers, and a bathrobe for the cold.
“Mornin’,” he grumbled, and got coffee himself too.
“Got any plans for today?” he asked, and Sam shook his head.
“Maybe showing Cas around a bit? I mean, he’s been everywhere as an angel but he needs to learn how to act around other humans. We have to go grocery shopping too, should take him with us. I have no idea what he likes to eat,” he said.
“Speaking of him, I think he’s been sleeping long enough,” Dean stood up. “I’ll check if I’m able to wake him up. It worked yesterday when he had been sleeping way less so…”
Sam looked worried. “Dean, what did you do? Did you… Dean, did you splash water in his face?” he has seen the too well-knowing smirk on Dean’s face.
“He wouldn’t wake up,” was Dean’s explanation, trying to look innocent. Too bad Sam knew his brother well enough to know he had fun splashing water on sleeping people’s faces.
“Hey, Dean, be a bit nicer this time, will ya?”
Dean sighed. “I’ll try,” he said before walking away.
Dean opened the door slowly, peeking his head in to see Cas was still sleeping. He went inside and closed the door behind him. For a moment, he just stood there, watching the fallen angel sleep so peaceful.
He thought about the day before. Cas liked him. Cas had talked him about his feelings. Cas had kissed him. Cas, the man who was once an angel with no emotion, the one who had gripped Dean tight and had raised him from perdition.
Cas, the one who always came when he called, always wanting to help. Cas, the one who left in purgatory, telling Dean it was his own choice. Cas, the man Dean had never fully understood, and probably never would in the future.
And Dean, Dean had kissed him back. In a messy motel room with Sam in the room next to them. And Dean had liked it, a lot. Oh yes, he’s had this feeling in his stomach, a feeling he never had with any woman he ever slept with (and that list was pretty big). And Cas could let Dean feel that way with only a kiss.
As Dean stood there, thinking, Cas slowly woke up. He opened his eyes, looked around and screamed when he saw the person standing next to his bed.
The scream brought Dean right out of his thoughts. “Shh it’s okay, Cas, it’s me, Dean. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said.
Cas looked at him. “Dean?”
“Yea, it’s me. c’mon, get outta bed, it’s 11.45.”
Cas still didn’t move. “It’s so comfortable, I don’t want to get out,” he said sadly. “I haven’t had a bed this comfortable since that woman kicked me out.”
“Whoa wait, what?” Dean said. “You were with a woman? You? When?”
Cas smiled sadly. “Well, after I lost my grace, the angel that took it brought me to a random place, took my phone from me and left me there, which is also why you didn’t hear from me.”
Dean thought about that time, when he realized Cas was gone.
“Cas please, listen to me! I need you, Cas. Please stop ignoring me,” Dean spoke as he looked up to the sky.
He had tried calling Cas one more time, but as he expected, the voice said the number didn’t exist.
Dean sighed and went back inside the bunker where he got a drink. He walked over to Sam, or should he say ‘what was left of Sam’.
Sam lied on his bed, cuts and dried blood everywhere, not to forget the many bruises and the broken arm. They had been on a hunt, and while Dean was attacking the one werewolf, Sam had dealt with the other. But unfortunately for Sam, the werewolf had learned some tricks, and that’s how Dean and Sam ended up in this situation.
Dean had tried everything to reach Cas but nothing worked. The angel didn’t answer his prayers, he wouldn’t pick up his phone, and lately the number didn’t even exist anymore.
This went on for 2 more weeks, Sam slowly healing (at least he was healing, even if it went slowly), and Dean trying to reach Cas every day.
Suddenly, he heard the flapping sound of angel wings behind him. He turned around and saw…
“Gabriel?!?” Dean shouted when he saw no one but the Trickster standing there. “I thought you were dead! Where have you been? Oh god, can you heal Sam? I can’t reach Cas. Have you seen Cas?” he rattled.
“Well, what kind of Trickster would I be if it was that easy to kill me?” Gabriel just said. “But to answer your question: Yes, I can heal Sam, which is why I’m here. But we have to hurry up, they’re looking for me.”
He walked over to Sam and put two fingers on Sam’s forehead. Slowly, Dean saw the cuts and bruises go away, saw the broken arm go back to normal, and then it was just Sammy sleeping as if nothing had ever happened.
“Now you listen to me,” Gabriel said, looking Dean straight in the eyes. “I don’t know where Cas is either, I’ve been looking for him too. But so is heaven, and I think Cas has been smart enough to get a tattoo thay protects him from angels, including me.
Now, leave him alone, he’ll handle it. You can go look after your brother. Make sure he sleeps enough. He isn’t fully healed, if I use too much of my powers, heaven will find me. Take care of him, okay?”
Dean just nodded.
“Also, heaven has closed its doors; all angels are there, except for a few, who are now on earth. No angel can get in or out, but I’ve done a little trick. I must go back now before they find out. See ya later Dean, Sam.”
“Thank you,” Dean said to the air.
Dean snapped out of his trance. “Sorry what?” he asked.
“You drifted off for a good few minutes,” Cas said. “You okay?”
“Yea I just thought of the time you were away. Could’ve known that Trickster wasn’t dead. Oh well, I’m glad he came back because I was truly desperate to reach you.”
Suddenly, Dean remembered what Cas had said. “But wait, you said something about a woman you were with? Tell me everything!”
Cas shook his head. “Only if you help me,” he said.
“Well, sure.” Dean took the covers off Cas, causing Cas to shiver from the sudden cold. “Dammit, Cas, have you been working out?”
Unwillingly, Dean let his hand touch Cas’ muscled stomach.
“Dean… what are you doing?”
Dean pulled his hand away, ashamed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” but Cas interrupted him.
“Dean, it feels so nice. How do you do that? How did you bring back the feeling in my stomach from yesterday?”
Dean looked at him. “I guess they won’t be going away if you have them again.”
Cas looked worried. “Dean, am I sick? Do I need a doctor? What is happening?”
Dean just smirked. “”Well I don’t know, but I can make you feel better.” And with that, he leant in, and softly kissed Cas, something he had been wanting to do since they stopped the day before.
Cas kissed him back, and Dean slowly let his hand touch Cas stomach again, earning a small gasp.
“Dean?” Sam yelled. “Cas? Is everything okay?”
I'm sorry i just wanted to do that oops hehehe xD
Well, idk about you but I ain't gonna do anyhting on Valentine's day besides avoiding homework, reading fanfics, maybe even upload another chapter, and celebrating my sister's birthday. In my opinion, the best thing about Valentine's day: the chocolate sale the day after. Oh yeah, I'm gonna get them chocolate *moon emoji*
Thanks for reading!!
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