Chapter 21
A/N I'm so sorry for such a late update. I have no idea what's up with my internet lately but it never works and I just- *sounds of me banging my head against a wall*.
Also lats episode got me crying pretty much. I was honestly thinking i predicted the future with my fic... Sam, Dean, Charlie and Cas having dinner I just oh my god. If only the actual "destiel" part could come to life tho hahaha
Anyways, here's your update :)
The next morning, Dean woke up slowly. He stretched and rubbed his eyes before looking around. His eyes spotted the plate of eggs with bacon set on his nightstand. He raised his eyebrows and picked it up, it was cold.
He decided to take a shower first, and then go to the kitchen to warm up his eggs. He wondered why he didn’t wake up to the smell of them; he must have been very tired. He shrugged and stripped off his clothes to get into the shower.
As soon as he was done, he picked up his plate and walked out of his room. As he passed Cas in the hallways, he noticed Cas looked… afraid?
“Hiya, Cas, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Cas mumbled and he walked on.
Dean frowned. He’d check on Cas later, he was now hungry and really wanted his eggs.
“Hey Sammy, did you make these eggs? I wouldn’t mind being woken up for eggs,” he said as soon as he saw Sam.
Sam sprung up from his chair like he was stung by a bee. “Dean?”
“Yea of course, who else would it be?”
“No, I meant… I just…” Sam shook his head and seemed to recover. “You have been asleep for so long, I was just surprised.”
“How do you mean? I only went to sleep last night?”
“Dean, it’s Wednesday. You slept from Monday night all through Tuesday.”
“Ah, alright. I must’ve been more tired than I thought. I haven’t slept very well past days. Oh, well, I’m just gonna warm up these eggs, I’m starving,” Dean replied and walked to the microwave. Why was everyone acting so… weird?
As soon as his eggs were done, he sat at the table and started eating. Delicious. “You got us a case?” he asked Sam, who was busy typing on the laptop.
“Nope, not yet. Which is nice, so we can rest well.”
“Hmm,” Dean hummed. He didn’t really like it, but Sam was right. After all, getting Cas back was a lot harder than they had thought.
After his breakfast, dean took a book and started reading. It was weird, they didn’t have a case, they didn’t have to save anyone, Sam, Dean, Cas and Charlie were all fine, and still, Dean had the feeling something was missing. His thoughts didn’t make it easier, and he decided to check on Charlie.
She had been in the bunker for a while, Sam had given her a random room at first, and when it became clear she’d be here for a while, they told her to just act like it was her own room. When Dean arrived, Charlie was listening to a song on her phone, eyes closed as she danced through the room.
Dean didn’t want to scare her, so he leaned against the doorpost. She moved so freely, as if nothing was even bothering her, as if there were no monsters, no demons, no dicks called angels, nothing. It reminded him of how he relaxed with his music in Baby. Speaking of her, he’d make a nice trip today since it had been too many time without driving her.
He smiled as Charlie danced, and watched her until the song was done. The ‘not scaring her’-part was failed, because once she saw him, she almost jumped up to a meter.
“Dean! You scared me!” she breathed out.
Dean laughed. “No worries, it’s only me. No evil is able to come inside,” he reminded her.
She still looked startled. “Yeah… I know. How are you?”
Why does everyone keep asking that? They should be asking Cas, he thought. Which also reminded him to check on Cas later. “I’m fine,” he assured Charlie. “Do you need anything for your room?”
They both looked around. She had a few personal things, but nothing more.
“No, thank you, I’ll be fine here,” she said. Dean nodded and turned around. “If you need anything, just tell me!” he said, before walking away and finding his way to Cas.
As he walked through the bunker, he thought about how weird they all acted. He shrugged it off and walked to Cas’ room. When he opened the door, he was surprised at first when Cas wasn’t there. Then, he realized Cas was now an angel, and probably didn’t even use his room.
Dean tried to find Cas without praying, but then decided he should probably not pray if Cas wasn’t here. He was probably busy doing angel stuff.
He walked to the library and announced to Sam he was gonna take a trip with Baby. Sam just looked up and nodded. “Call me if you have any-”
“Trouble, yeah I know. Bye Sammy,” Dean cut him off and smiled. Sam and his worries.
He took his keys and walked to the garage. As soon as he saw his Baby, he almost felt his heart ache. “Oh, how I missed you,” he murmured while caressing the hood. “I’m sorry, Baby. I have been really busy.”
Once he started the engine, he sighed with relief and drove his Baby out of the garage. On the highway, he turned up the music and turned down the window, enjoying his ride. He blared some good old AC/DC, and switched to Metallica later. He had thought of buying some new tapes, but he didn’t have the time for it. He promised his Baby he would get some new, and sang along with what was playing.
When he returned back to the bunker a few hours later, he felt a lot better. He had gotten a new Led Zeppelin tape, and on the way back he had brought more beer.
However, his happiness was over once he stepped back into the bunker. Charlie and Sam were sitting in the library, with worried looks on their faces.
“Dean!” Sam said, as soon as he saw Dean. “Dean, can you help us?”
“Why? What happened? Why didn’t you call me?” Dean asked.
“It’s not really something to worry about. It’s just… I really need to talk to Cas and he won’t listen to my prayers, so I thought maybe he listens to you?”
“Well, I don’t know, he could be busy but I’ll try for you,” Dean said. “I pray to Castiel; if you’re not too busy, please get your feathery ass-”
“Hello, Dean.”
“Oh. Oh.”
“Hello, Sam. I am sorry I didn’t reply to you earlier.” Cas gave no explanation.
“Well, you’re here now, and I need to talk to you,” Sam said.
Dean shrugged and walked away.
“Sam…” Cas started as soon as Dean was away.
“You’re gonna tell me what the hell you did to Dean,” Sam put on a 15/10 bitchface.
“It does no harm, it’s the best for him,” Cas tried to explain, but it didn’t work.
Sam pulled a 50/10 bitchface, and started talking again. “A few weeks ago, you suddenly disappeared. Dean went without you for weeks. He did what he did, but he wasn’t happy. He missed you. Four days ago, we get you back. You won’t talk to Dean, and Dean does not eat, drink or sleep for four days.
This morning, he walked into the kitchen with food. He ate. He has slept longer than thirty-six hours. He talks.
What. Did. You. Do.”
Cas looked to the floor.
“I deleted a part of his memories,” Cas finally whispered.
Sam didn’t say anything for approximately 3 minutes. “You what?!?” he finally managed to spit out.
“Dean wouldn’t have been so depressed if all of us never happened,” Cas explained. He was still looking at the floor. “It’s better for him, and for you two. He is back to normal, he eats, he sleeps, and he doesn’t have any worries about me.”
This time, it was Charlie who spoke. “But how can you do that to yourself? You love Dean!”
“I don’t...” he paused. “It’s better for you all.”
“Cas, you can’t do this,” Sam tried, but Cas was done.
“I am an angel now, I am back on the angel radio, and I have things to do. I can’t and I won’t change it. If you want to keep Dean safe, you better not tell him anything, it’s your choice,” and with that, Cas disappeared to the sound of flapping wings.
When Cas left, Sam and Charlie stood still for another whole minute.
“Did he just... sacrifice himself?” Charlie finally asked.
“Seems so,” Sam replied. “Always happy to bleed for the Winchesters, he once said. I never knew how much he’d be willing to do for us, but now…”
He didn’t even have to end his sentence. Cas had done so much for them ever since they first met. He had died, he had stood up against heaven, and he just gave up is love for the sake of Dean.
He told Charlie to not say anything and just act normal. They didn’t want Dean to fall back now that he finally seemed well.
It was a few hours later, when Sam was sitting alone in the library when he suddenly thought of something. Why had Cas done that? Why couldn’t he just return to Dean? They had been so happy; Sam hadn’t seen anyone that happy before.
Right before he went to bed, he promised himself he would find out what the hell Metatron had done to Cas, and he’d get them back together. They needed each other, and soon, something would go wrong. Sam felt it in his veins; soon, Dean would notice something.
He thought of what Dean had said to him a few years ago. He wanted Sam to be happy. And now, Sam wanted Dean to be happy. Dean deserved it after all this crap that had been happening. Dean deserved someone to lean into, to hug, to talk to, to protect him.
Dean needed someone to love.
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