Chapter 14
After Charlie had told them about her time in Oz, Sam Dean and Cas tried to tell her what happened.
“Wait, not all three of you at the same time! you,” she pointed at Sam and Dean. “Go first. I believe you and Cas got split up, so I will listen to Cas after you.”
And so Dean and Sam told her how they had searched for Cas for so long, how they had been on jobs, and how they had finally found Cas. Right at the part where Dean found Cas at the Gas N’ Sip, Cas stopped him.
“I think it will make more sense if I tell her first what happened to me and the other angels,” he explained, putting his hand on Dean’s arm. It was a small touch, and Charlie noticed Dean didn’t swat away Cas’ hand as he’d usually do. She didn’t say anything yet.
While Cas told Charlie his part, of how he had become human, how he had searched for a place to sleep and food, Charlie saw Dean swallow when Cas talked about being homeless. She did however laugh when Cas told her about the woman who kicked him out.
“You need to learn a lot about humanity,” she said, still laughing.
“I know a lot more than before. Sam and Dean have been teaching me, and I seem to fit in pretty well by now,” he answered politely.
Charlie looked at them, Dean sitting very unlike-Deanily close to Cas, Cas blushing and looking at the point where their knees almost touched. She was almost sure, but decided to ask. “You two are… a thing now?”
Cas’ head snapped up, blushing even more. Dean looked at Charlie like Cas would usually do: confused, trying to figure out how she knew.
And Sam? Sam was too busy laughing his ass off. “I told you she’d know, it’s too obvious,” he said.
“My gaydar never lies,” Charlie told them proudly. “But awesome for you, guys!” she smiled as Dean immediately pulled Cas into his arms, sitting a lot more comfortable than before. Cas just buried his head in Dean’s neck, too embarrassed.
They decided to lay low for once and Dean dug up some movies they’d gotten a while ago. He went to the kitchen to get popcorn, groaning as the last thing he heard was Charlie: “So Cas, tell me…”
The night had been full of movies and drinks, causing Cas to fall asleep halfway through ’10 Things I Hate About You”. Once the movie was finished, they decided to get to bed. Tomorrow would be a day full of research; Charlie was good with the internet.
Dean carried Cas in his arms, not wanting to wake him up. He threw a glare at Sam and Charlie that said say anything and today was the last day you lived, but as soon as he looked back at Cas in his arms, his eyes softened and a smile appeared on his face.
“I haven’t seen Dean much, but I can say I’ve never seen him this happy,” Charlie said when Dean had walked away.
Sam was smiling too. “Me neither,” he said.
The next day started like all the other days in the past weeks: they gathered around the table as Dean made breakfast, and chatted a bit. Once done with breakfast, Dean Cas and Sam got the books they’d been looking into and Charlie took the laptop.
2 hours later and they still got nothing when suddenly a loud ringing was heard. They all looked up, wondering where the sound came from. Cas took his phone and looked at the screen, confused, before picking up.
“Who are you?”
What?” Cas’ face went pale white. “Are you serious?” he leaned on the table, still looking white and a worried look on his face. “Yea”
“Yes, I’ll be there as soon as I can,” and he ended the call.
From then, everything went very quickly, as if someone had doubled the speed of time.
Cas had been called by another fallen angel, who, somehow got his number. He had been cooperating with the other angels and fallen angels who were left on earth. By using the grace they had left together, they could find a way back into heaven, he had said.
When Sam, Dean, Cas and Charlie arrived at the place, they were greeted quickly and told what they had to do.
“You,” one of them pointed at Sam. “Are gonna read this spell. You are gonna put these things together,” he told Dean, shoving some several ingredients into Dean’s hands. “make a fire, and once you put the ingredients in it, Sam is gonna read the spell.”
As soon as the fire was ready, and Dean had all the ingredients mixed in a bowl, the fallen angels put their hands together, standing around the fire. “Come here, Cas, we need everyone, human or not. once Gabe gives us the sign, Sam and Dean do their thing.”
Sam and Dean figured out Gabe had been playing Trickster again. Sometimes those tricks could be very useful.
When out of nowhere a shiver went through the group, Dean put the bowl with ingredients in the fire as Sam read the words. They had done things like this before, and they were sure they’d done it right, but nothing happened.
The fallen angels were standing around the fire, eyes closed. Sam, Dean and Charlie held their breaths.
Just as they started to worry if they’d done it right, a huge white light exploded into the circle. They covered their eyes, the light was too bright to look into.
The moment they looked again, three gasps were heard. The fallen angels, the former-angels-now-humans were, they were gone. Dean opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Sam and Charlie just stood there, jaws dropped.
“Guys?” a familiar voice was heard.
Sam blinked. “Kevin? What…? How…? Where? He couldn’t form a full sentence.
“I’m sorry,” Kevin said. “I’m sorry for hurting Cas, I never meant to. He was my friend too. I’m also sorry for hiding but I was so ashamed of myself, I just…” he didn’t finish and looked away instead.
“Hey, Kev, it’s okay. Heaven’s Gates are open, for now. It’s time to reunite with your mom,” Dean said, nodding at Kevin.
“Of course, I, uh… I need to… can you shoot me?”
Sam nodded and got a gun.
“I’m sorry your life had to end this early. I never whished this for you,” Dean’s voice trembled. He knew people died every day, but Kevin simply hadn’t deserved this. “It was good to have you as family.”
Kevin looked at him, smiling sadly. “It was great to know you, guys. Thanks.”
Sam added a last “You’re a good kid. See you later, Kev,” and pulled the trigger.
Sam, Dean and Charlie were alone again, not knowing what to do. Cas was gone, Kevin was gone, what should they do?
They started to leave, but suddenly a piece of paper fell from the sky. Dean caught it and started reading:
“I am sorry for leaving so abruptly. I did not know what was about to happen. I will try to get back as soon as possible.
A/N I've only gotten 7 reads on chapter 13 ??? Am I doing something wrong with this story?? Please, tell me
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