Chapter 1
A/N Hello there again! I decided to publish my other fic, since i finally came up with a name for it. I really hope you like this one too. Thanks for reading :)
- Luci
"Dean!" Cas shouted. "Dean, I need help."
Dean groaned and rolled over. "What is it?"
"I don't know how to brush my teeth," Cas replied, a bit shameful.
"Really? That's what you woke me up for at..." Dean looked at his watch. "5.30 in the morning? What the hell did you have to get up for that early?"
"I... I don't know," Cas said. "I just woke up and when humans wake up they dress themselves right?" He still didn't understand humanity to the fullest and Dean wasn't exactly helping.
Dean sighed. "Humans dress themselves when they want to or have to. Now, have you had enough sleep?"
Cas thought about that question, trying to understand what he was feeling. "I don't know," he decided. "I went to sleep at 4 in the morning... is that enough?"
"Of course not!" Dean replied. Only 1.5 hours of sleep isn't enough, Cas, even I need my 4 hours. C'mon, go back to sleep."
Cas walked back into the room, pajama pants still on, but his shirt unbuttoned and the toothpaste and brush in his hands. He looked a bit sad, which was kinda cute in combination with messy hair.
Dean sighed again. "When you wake up again, I will help you, okay? But please, go to sleep, it's too damn early to be awake. What were you doing till 4am anyways?
Cas looked at the ground. "I was... watching over you," he said. "But then I felt... tired and I realized I can't watch over you anymore. I can't protect you when you're asleep." He sounded really sad.
"Hey," Dean said. "Before you were here, I have managing to protect both myself and Sam for many years. And there are really good things for humans too, trust me, once you understand what you feel, you'll be happy to eat, sleep or do human things in regular."
That seemed to cheer Cas up a bit and he nodded, thinking about what Dean had said.
"So... you'll go to sleep now?" Dean asked.
"Yes Dean, I will. Thanks for helping me." Cas put his shirt off and stepped back into his bed.
Dean and Cas shared a room with separate beds. Sam slept in another room, leaving it to Dean to teach Cas about humanity. He didn't hate Cas, but he just thought Dean was better with kids and, in fact, Cas could be compared with a kid.
So while Dean answered al Cas' questions, Sam could get his sleep. He hadn't minded sharing a room with his brother, but he had gotten used to having separate rooms in the bunker, so he liked a bit privacy too now.
Cas was trying to sleep, but he just couldn't get it. He tried things people said to him to help him get some sleep, but how could he possibly count sleep if there were no sheep to be counted? He didn't understand. Again, he looked at Dean, who was fast asleep.
Dean looked tired, with bags under his eyes. Was it because of Cas? Was it because Cas kept asking questions? Dean would act really annoyed sometimes. But Dean did other things that made him tired too; hunting wasn't an easy job to do.
Cas felt guilty for waking Dean up once again, he really needed his sleep. But so did Cas, and he had no other choice.
"Dean? Deaaann...? Are you awake?"
Dean muttered something and went back to sleep. Suddenly, something was touching his shoulder. In a reflex, he grabbed the gun he always had under his pillow, and put it in front of who or whatever was there. He blinked a few times and finally saw Cas who stood there, a bit shocked.
Dean pulled the gun away. "I'm sorry, Cas, I didn't mean to scare you," he said. "It's just..."
"It's okay, Dean, I understand. Don't get mad at me but I still can't sleep."
Dean sighed, he couldn't just keep being awake just because Cas couldn't sleep. If he didn't have his four hours, it'd make him so grumpy the next day. He looked at Cas, who was just standing there in pajama pants, no shirt, a little sweaty and a sad look on his face.
Damn, soon he needed to learn Cas how to shave. He dozed off for a second, and suddenly remembered why he was awake in the first place. His eyes snapped back open, Cas still hadn't moved. "Okay," Dean said. "C'mon, get in your bed."
Cas looked confused, but he did what Dean said. He lied under the sheets and then Dean stood next to his bed. Cas laid on his side while Dean made the sheets more comfortable and at last, he just sat next to Cas. He looked up and after a moment of silence, Dean started singing.
"Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better"
Cas remembered the song from when he touched Dean's forehead. He had seen the memories of his mother, singing this song when Dean couldn't sleep.
"Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better"
Dean's voice, so gruff, was singing softly, and it matched perfectly with the song. Cas understood why Dean loved it so much when his mother sang it.
"Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her"
Cas felt the sleep come back, and he drifted away to the sound of Dean's voice.
"The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better"
Dean, who saw Cas had finally fallen asleep, sat there for another minute, singing to himself. When he was done he went to bed, facing Cas. He looked at his best friend, happy he was finally asleep.
And with that image and the sound of his mother's voice in his head, he also drifted away in a peaceful sleep.
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