I'm Last.
The castle is oddly empty. Now that I have the gas mask on, my thoughts begin to clear. I pause for a precious second and try to think. Where is everyone? The castle has been breached. Invaders are ransacking. Probably looking for royalty to execute or kidnap. That cannot happen. Neena is on a rampage, and her people are bent on violence. They have bombs. Hale is here trying to stop them.
Something clicks and my instincts kick in. That's it. The staff and family would have gone to the lower levels through the secret elevator and stairways, to the chamber beneath the grand hall. It's bomb proof, large, and has been kept secret from most.
I run my hands along the wall until I find a tapestry depicting my parent's marriage. I raise the corner and feel for the indented button.
Got it! I press it and then glance around to make sure no one is watching me.
Wait. I hear a sound, a voice... Dad!
I drop the tapestry and follow the sound.
It's Dad, leaning against the wall, bleeding from the temple, looking dazed and in shock.
"Dad? Dad?" I touch his cheek and the minute my skin meets his it's like a curtain opens and he sees me.
"What happened?" My words crowd up my throat, making me choke back a sob. I've never seen my dad hurting. Heck, I've barely seen him rumpled.
"I led them away so the others could escape." His voice is tight like a heavy weight is on his chest. "But I got away. They're coming!"
I hear them, boots stomping this way. Dozens of them.
"Hurry!" I throw an arm around Dad and help him to the tapestry. We slide behind it and I press the button for the door to shut. Panting, we stay perfectly still. We hear men rushing past on the other side of the wall. Their voices are muffled but I can still hear how angry and loud they are.
After they leave and a long moment passes, I ask, "Dad...are you alright?"
"I will be. Take me to the safe room and to your mother. I'm worried about her. But not the elevator. They've shut that down."
"Okay," I say, and I help him to the stairs. He's unsteady on his feet and it takes a lot of strength for me to keep him upright. Our progress is slow and we have to stop frequently.
During a pause, I ask, "Dad, what do they want?"
"Control. To do who knows what. I can't let them take charge just because they have guns, Eady. You have to understand the monarchy is in place for a very good reason."
"I get that now, Dad. I was wrong to insist we all step down." I clear my throat of all pride. "I think there is a middle ground I was neglecting to consider."
We climb down two more steep staircases. The silence is eerie and combined with the smell of Dad's blood and his wavering weight on my shoulder, I'm completely panicked.
"Middle ground?" he repeats, his voice breathless and pain riddled.
"Yes, like I said in my address."
"I liked that address," he puffs out.
"You did?"
"Yes, a more collaborative approach. It's fair to you and includes your brothers. Why didn't I think of that? Maybe because I have no siblings. But why not share the burden and the glory with your brothers? You all have strengths. Ahren can be our diplomatic affairs secretary, Osten can train to be tourism coordinator and Kadan can assist you until you are ready to split your focus on other things...maybe even kids. I never realized how much Kadan wanted the crown. You could even co lead. You'll figure it out. Together."
"Dad, you must be delirious!" I should have checked his pupils. But I have to get him to medical and protection.
"Ha ha," he huffs dryly. "Like you, I neglected to see the middle ground."
"Runs in the family," I quip.
"So it does," he sighs.
"And you'll...what...retire?"
"You know? I'm not ready to do that now. But your mother recently convinced me that someday we might like it. Bounce some grandkids on my knee, travel, enjoy more alone time with your mother."
"Okay, I don't need all the details." We manage to reach the lower level of stairs. It's cooler and the air smells dank and moldy. "We're almost there, Dad. Hang on."
He's lost in the topic and rambles on, "We've had a busy life of service to Illea, but I do think we'd enjoy a bit of freedom. I can always consult if you need me. Maybe in five or ten years you'll be ready."
We pause. Sweat drips from his temple. I wipe it with my sleeve.
"Hang in there," I say again.
"You good with five to ten?" he asks, a gleam in his eyes despite the fatigue and pain.
I realize this conversation is fuel he is desperate for. I say, "I like that. Five or ten is awesome. I can relax and develop my business plan on the side."
"A queen with a business plan?"
"Well, I can have someone manage it for me. I know a lady who needs a new job. Actually, I guess I know a couple."
"From your time forced to work in the factory?"
"Yes, I want to help them in a hands-on way as well as with reformed policy." We finally reach the bottom of the stairs. That was a weird conversation that I never thought would happen. Especially amidst an attack on our home.
"Here we are." He puts his hand on the keypad nestled into the wall. "Before we go in, I want you to know I am very proud of you, Eady. I don't say it enough and I know I pressure you and can be narrow minded like my dad. But I love you. I want the best for all my kids. You, above all, have been my responsibility but also you've been my joy." He presses the code to unlock the panel. It flips open and he gives me a look like, are you ready?
I take the chance to hug him.
"You're not going anywhere anytime soon," I murmur into his chest. "Let's get you to a doctor."
"Ah, Eady."
I press the combination of numbers to turn on the intercom, and then I signal that we are wanting entrance. I press in the second code confirming it is us.
Heath opens the door and actually draws me into a warm embrace. Eikko is at his side.
"Eady!" He grunts. "You disappeared!"
"Kile? Josie? My brothers?" I ask breathless with fear. The medical team swoops in on Dad.
"They're all here, we were hoping..." he coughs to cover his rising emotions.
"Where?" I ask, casting my eyes over the crowded room. I see a few injuries. Overall it's a scared but healthy group of a hundred or so royalty, esteemed guests, and staff.
"Where's the rest?" I ask, knowing that it should be more like two hundred.
The intercom sounds behind me.
"Were you followed?" Heath barks out. Leger shoulders through and grants me a quick, relieved smile before frowning at the intercom.
"See if they identify themselves."
Heath opens the frequency.
"Eadlyn! Let me in! I have to talk to you!" Hale shouts.
"No!" I cower between Leger and Heath.
"He followed you?"
I shrug. "I don't think so. He has blueprints of the castle. Would this be on it?"
The men clearly don't know.
"Eadlyn!" Hale screams, frantic now. "The bombs are in there! They are set to go off in three minutes! You have to evacuate!" His voice breaks over the last word.
My throat closes. I bend and put my hands on my knees, deep breathing to avoid a panic attack.
"He's bluffing. I bet they have a force out there to mow us down." Leger says, but I hear his uncertainty.
Only I know Hale enough to make the decision if he's being honest or not.
"Could they have known about this room?" I ask, scanning the crowd for Dad. Dad is bending over Mom. His posture is wrong, tense, like he's worried. Is she okay?
"Can we check?" I ask, Heath is already screening the room, as is Eikko and the other guards.
"It's true! Eady, believe me. Please. Didn't I help you before?" Hale sounds desperate. He believes this is true, that I know.
Frantically I search the crowd for Kile.
Leger speaks carefully, "It makes sense. No one was taken, the invasion was perfectly timed and too many staff refused to accompany us down here for suspicious reasons. I thought they were robbing us, but that doesn't get them control over the government."
"No," I moan. Who do I believe?
"Taking out all the royalty and staff and devoted guests in one swoop gives them full opportunity to take over."
"Eady!" Hale screams.
"It's your call," Leger says. I need Dad, Heath, Kile...but none of them are close enough and if Hale is right and we have-had- three minutes...there is no time.
"Open the door," I command.
Leger nods and rushes to open it. Guards position behind him, armed and ready.
The door swings open.
It's just Hale out there, with a gash in his forehead bleeding freely down his cheek and a woman slumped in his arms.
The woman looks like she's in bad shape. She looks like Jayel but younger.
"Medic!" I call, reaching for the woman.
Hale shakes his head. His eyes are frantic.
"It's out of my hands, Eady," Hale says. "You need to get out. Now!"
"Where are the explosives planted? Maybe we can—"
He shakes his head. "Out! Now!" his voice is high with fear. "Now!"
"Hale!" I scold, and then spin to help Leger, who is calling for silence to make an announcement.
Hale catches my arm. I try to shake him off but his grip is steel.
"Eady, stop this. You have to get to safety. I didn't kill you for a reason. I saw hope. Hope for change in you. You have to carry this through!"
Leger is making a loud announcement to evacuate the safe room. I should help him to lend credence to his words. I'm sure it seems confusing to them. I start to join Leger but Hale yanks me hard.
"Run!" he pushes me toward the door.
"No! Everyone needs to get out. They're innocent!" I cry.
"Okay," he splutters. "You first! Lead them!"
"No. I'm last."
He goes pale and his eyes dart all about the room. He knows I mean it.
With a defeated incline of his head, he says, "Hurry," in such a solemn tone that I am sure we will not all make it.
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