A Free Woman
"Pheeeeeeeeyu!" A loud shriek fills the hall. I'm not sure where it's coming from. Kile hovers over me protectively. Heath unholsters his gun.
Neena's howling face appears through the bars. She screams for another good minute.
None of us in the hall say anything. Her face is a wasteland of sores and her teeth are all gone. Black holes are where they used to be. Dried blood encircles her eyes and her ratty crown of dreads give her a monstrous medusa effect.
Kile mutters shocked phrases while Heath motions for his men to stand down.
"Stay alert," he barks at them. He glances at me as if to give me another chance to retreat.
I stand firm and say loudly, "It's me, Eadlyn." It is so hard to match the face behind those bars to the demure maid who used to give me hand massages and tell me I looked lovely.
"Like I wouldn't know your whiney voice?" Neena grinds out, her voice cold and hard like a straight razor.
In a split second I know exactly how I need to handle this. And luckily, I am so up for it.
I throw my head back and laugh.
Kile turns to me in alarm. Heath's body goes completely still and his eyes laser in on me. Even Neena cocks her head.
I wipe my eyes. It's too funny.
"My voice?" I repeat. I shake my head and laugh some more. It's not kind but it helps the knots in my shoulders and the tension in my gut. This woman acted like the perfect maid. I was totally fooled. And now the mask comes off...and I feel relief. She will not trick me again.
I am no longer the privileged princess demanding a hand massage. I am not threatened by a woman who will sink to such levels for power, control, and greed.
No, she doesn't scare me. Not to mention, she's behind bars. It's time to stop acting afraid.
Kile rubs his face and seems off. He's shaking but I'm not sure if it's in anger or disgust. I feel badly that I brought him into this. Neena's face is not one you can forget easily.
Suddenly, Neena grabs the bars and shakes the door of her cell. The heavy clanking reverberates off the stone and seems to vibrate into the floor and up our legs. She just yanks and throws her body weight back and forth, no doubt killing her shoulder sockets and wrists.
The door is solid, but the effect is on target: she's unhinged.
"You have some kind of *&#^ golden luck still being alive..." she hisses at me. "With all your body parts, too. A pity Hale did not take my suggestions," Neena spits to the side. "A hobbled princess is not going to run away. But *#&% no, Hale is a wimp when it comes to a pretty, spoiled face. Or, not so pretty now, is she?" Neena cackles and then breaks into a coughing fit.
Kile starts to say something but I put my hand up. I know I'm pretty and it's not because of my now almost totally healed face or my slender figure or couture clothes.
"It's good to see your outsides catching up with your personality," I say lightly, coming to terms with this visit bearing no information. She is too far gone. Too full of hate. Empty of fear.
Neena seems taken aback by my aplomb. But she rallies and changes her focus to Kile. Eyeing him lavisciously, she licks her lips and brings her hand up to make a crude gesture to him.
"I shared Hale with you, now you've come to share this morsel with me?"
Kile shudders and steps back. Heath steps forward, more into her view.
"Let me out, I want to play," she whines. "Hale got to play with Eady, didn't he? He and she slept side by side every night, not hardly becoming behavior for a *#$ queen, hmm? Maybe we got a rebel baby brewing in that royal—"
"Enough!" I shout, slapping the door to her cell. It kills my palm but she quiets. "I will spare you and Hale if you tell me the rebels intentions."
She cackles. "You got it all upside down, brat."
"Inform me of their plans and you will have my mercy," I say imperiously.
"If you hadn't come along, he'd a been mine," she seethes.
"Are you an idiot?" Kile shouts, "He took her! She had no choice!" His face is blotched and I can see he is close to really losing it.
I grab his hand and pull him down the hall the way we came. He follows like a zombie.
"Sure about that mister carpenter?" Neena yells, and then goes back to the high pitched wailing she started with.
Heath catches up and leads a brisk pace all the way back up the twisting stairs.
During a pause for me to catch my breath, I say, "I regret that."
Kile snorts. I give him a meaningful look we both laugh.
"I guess it's possible she'll take your offer once she gives it some thought," he muses, visibly shrugging off the horrible encounter.
"Did you just roll your eyes?" I ask Heath, who quickly assumes a straight face.
He gives me a dubious look.
"Let's keep climbing," I say. "It's a long way to a hot breakfast. I need a big breakfast if I'm going to get any work done today."
Heath escorts us to the royal living quarters, where I see my room door standing ajar. He scowls and strides forward.
When he comes out, he gives me an intrepid look. "It's safe," he says.
"Are my parents in there?" I ask, immediately reading his meaning.
He gives a curt nod.
My intention was to see Ean after my jaunt into the dungeon but when I am greeted by a frowning queen sitting on my bed, I reschedule my priorities.
"Eadlyn! Do I want to know where you've been?" She stands and squints at me, reaching out to wipe a cobweb from my hair.
I shake my head.
"Okay then. Take two. We're putting on a formal dinner party tonight. What colors do you like for the flowers? I told the greenhouse white and rose but then I worried I'd overstepped."
"Pardon?" I sit down, exhausted from the morning activities. "Dinner party? Formal?"
"It's for show, mostly. We need to be seen as confident and unworried. Castle business as usual. You know, royal decorum as usual. So no one thinks we're panicked."
"But why—"
"Would you excuse us please?" Mom asks Kile.
"No, he can stay."
Mom gives us both an arched brow and pursed lips.
"Bye, Eady." Kile races off with a boyish shrug of his shoulders and an impish smile. It is almost impossible to refuse my mother anything.
"Eadlyn, we need an official announcement from you that you are back and safe and well. I know you don't want to do a Report so this is a medium measure; they get to see you but not hear you. They can see you, and Ean, and Kile and make their own inferences."
"Mom, that is soap opera esque! I cannot be part of a farce—"
"Dear, it's settled. The staff have already begun to set the table. I have ordered several dresses for you to be sent to your room."
"How can we have people in when the rebels have us surrounded?"
"Poor choice of words, Eady. Wording is everything. They are squatting outside our home. We are tolerating it for a time." Mom gives a quick nod as if approving of her own wording.
"But to have guests?"
"Only guests who are currently here will attend."
I mentally tally the number of visitors we currently have. I'm not up to date on the royal social calendar but I do know each month we have visiting dignitaries from all over the world.
"Mom, can you break this down for me? I need a nap and it's not making sense at all to me. Why all the fuss? I already tried the picnic thing..." I lie down and curl up on my bed. It's nice to be back to a huge, soft bed.
Mom glances at the door like someone might hear. Seeing no one, she murmurs, "Your father is adamant. We are doing this for him. He wants to relax and have an evening where he can nod in sympathy at Ean and then officially shake Kile's hand. It kills two birds with one stone and the food should be delicious."
"Mom, aren't we under siege? Shouldn't we be conserving..."
Mom unfolds one of the blankets at the foot of the bed and drapes it over me, brushing my hair off my shoulder and tucking in the top cocoon style, the way I like it. "Darling, your father is brilliant. We have tunnels in and out of the castle in every direction on every level. We have stores for six months."
"Who knows about these tunnels?" I ask through a yawn.
"Mostly family."
Heath clears his throat loudly. I look to my door.
Maids flow in. Followed by hairstylists, jewelry consultants, manicurists, pedicurists, make-up artists, seamstresses, and people to carry all their bags. I moan.
"A quick nap and then I'll wake you. Shall I tell them where to set up?"
"Um hum," I mumble, already slipping off to sleep.
Mom's voice chatters through my doze, "Go with it dear, get pampered and prepare what you'll say to the young man. He is welcome to stay on in whatever capacity he would like. I'm fond of him, he's a quiet man but so dashing. An uncommon mix. Somewhat of a loner. What are his interests?"
Her meaning finally penetrates my fog.
My eyes pop open. "Ean!"
"Yes, it's time." She pats my thigh. "I have to go get ready and track down Osten and Kaden. The staff will wake you in twenty." With a sigh she adds, "I wish Ahren were here."
"Me too." He would know what to say to Ean. He would know how I'm feeling. But that's why he left, right? I leaned on him too much and I pushed him right out of Illea.
"When all this is over we'll have a huge banquet for him, a ball maybe, to welcome him home and officially celebrate their union." Mom's voice is so dreamy that I don't say anything snarky like that Ahren would hate that.
Mom starts to leave but throws one last comment over her shoulder, "Don't forget to wipe that lipstick off, Eady...it's too bright for your pallor."
A maid is already at my mouth with a cloth. I nod and shut my eyes. It's going to be a long day.
* * *
Minutes before I am announced for dinner, I get a bad case of nerves. I haven't been at an official function since my abduction. I haven't reviewed the seating chart or the menu like I normally would. I don't even know the amount of courses. This could be three hours or five.
I am hungry, that's the good part. Even better? Kile will be there, and he loves a good meal also.
My spirits waver. Ean will be there. I tried to call him and even stop by his room earlier but he was being fitted and trimmed and buffed. There was no way to get a private moment with him. I can't believe I haven't see him yet.
I decide to wear an uncomplicated somber dress of my own creation. If I had more time, I would adjust the lines somewhat, but I don't.
I am back to my traditional severe look. It seems better than that flouncy look I had for the picnic. Hey, I've been through a kidnapping. I'm sure they get why I might not be chipper. Also, I don't want to seem overly celebratory on the evening when I break Ean's heart.
I float in a daze through the introductions and formal seating protocol. Dad gives my arm a squeeze when he escorts me to my seat, but his eyes rarely leave the shimmery fire of my mother's hair, coiffed elegantly for the evening, suited well to her deep blue velvet gown.
All the men at the long table are in tuxedos or white ties. Dad is at one end, Mom at the other. I am seated between Senor Alfonso and Dr. Humbrect, both esteemed intellectuals from abroad, here to confer about research in their fields. I imagine they do not know much of the unrest closing in on our castle.
Ean is diagonal to me, across the narrow table. His eyes meet mine, and in them I see all the questions I worried he would have. But I also see love and understanding. He gives me a small smile. I blush, and try to return it but who knows if I succeed. It's been so long since I was in control of my emotions. But tonight I have to bring my A game.
Kile? I don't see him. He must be further down on my own side of the table. That must be where Ean is glancing every now and then.
It's a kindness on my mother's part that I am seated here between esoteric gentlemen who have no sense of where I have been. I take refuge in their academic chatter during cocktails. Sipping on the cool fruity mixed drink, I surge with electric nerves and a staccato heartbeat. The men find a common interest and I let my gaze settle over the table. My eyes swim with so much finery spread before me. The porcelain, crystal, silver, and linens seem so out of place considering where I've been and what I need to do tonight. Somehow, I must gracefully let Ean down. But also, I need to thank him, reassure him, and help him plan for a future without me and the title of royal consort. I made a mistake. And tonight I need to make it right.
I'll tell him during appetizers. We'll duck out to the terrace and I'll be eloquent yet genuine.
But there is no time during appetizers, no privacy to be had. And my head is full and buzzing from the cocktail. I decide to stop drinking for the night.
I'll tell him during the soup course. I'll catch his eye and we'll meet in the powder anteroom and I will break his heart before the fish course.
No, I can't do it yet.
I nibble through the first three courses, but I am completely full by the time they slip the plate of roast in front of me. This is my first real meal. Why am I attempting so much all at once? Oh, yes. For my father. To try to get back to work, help the people, break up the rebels, catch Hale...
I realize I am panting. Senor Alfonso hands me a damp napkin. He is frowning at me.
I nod and reassure him, moving my food around my plate as if I am eating. I wish Kile were next to me. But then it would have been obvious from our faces. That would be an unforgivable slap to Ean's pride. It cannot be done in such a demonstrative and public way. Yet I must accomplish this tonight.
The fruit course revives me. I manage to fake my way through dessert.
I go over what I should say to Ean as we nibble through the cheese and nuts course, and everyone else sips on brandy. We will surely have dancing after this. I can refresh myself during their cigars and then meet Ean to dance. I'll be expected to dance with him first, as he is my fiance. I will do my best during the privacy of that one dance to make it right between us. While breaking our engagement.
Between cigars and dancing I check my face and see a pale, gaunt woman who has barely hidden circles under her eyes and scars that will never completely vanish. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I think of how Kile looked at me when he found me in the road, huddled close to death. How he gazed at me when I woke up in the infirmary. I felt beautiful because his heart was mine, because we found each other again.
I hold on to that confidence, wishing all the while that he was by my side, holding my hand. If I could even catch a glimpse of him...somehow he has been tucked out of sight and juggled away from me tonight. I am sure my mother has her reasons.
I wait for Mom and Dad to finish their first dance. Perfect.
From behind me, a warm, deep voice says, "Your highness, may I have the honor?"
Ean. Looking amazing. Tall, broad, that chestnut hair swooped off his forehead in a perfect effect for his aqualine nose and full lips. I sense the guests quiet as we take the floor.
Being in his arms feels wrong. He is polite and barely touches my waist and hand. I want to look around for Kile, so I can shoot him a reassuring smile. I still don't see him.
"I am so grateful you are here." Ean smiles at me, his warm brown eyes so tender and deep.
"Thank you," I say shyly. "I am sorry I didn't come to you sooner." I hear clicks of cameras. Flashes go off in my peripheral vision but I stay focused. For Kile.
"I am honored to be holding you right now. I was on my knees when they told me you were back. Eadlyn, you are so special. I would do anything for you." He bends his head and for one second I think he is going to whisper something to me. At the last instant I realize he is going to kiss me.
I pretend to cough, stopping my feet and causing the entire dance floor to pause and stare. I feel the heat of the lights; hear the whir of the cameras recording for broadcast. Suddenly all the food I ate threatens to come up. Dizzy, I hold my head and swallow slowly, breathing the way Jocelyn taught me.
"Your highness?" Ean tries to support my sagging body.
I can taste the sickly sweet liquor on my tongue. I wish I hadn't had a sip.
I finally catch sight of Kile, standing at attention near Leger. My beacon in the troubled tumult. Leger appears to be holding his elbow. Holding him back from coming to me. Because it's not his job. He's not my fiancé.
I can do something about it. About my future. Finally.
I straighten my spine and bite my tongue to get my thoughts sharp and in order. I grab onto Ean and the music grows loud again. People begin to move. I look Ean in the eyes.
"I'm different, Ean. I'm not the person who was willing to settle for a handsome, charming man as her consort. I want real love. And I'm lucky enough to have found it."
"With Woodwork," he says, sadness in his eyes. But he loosens his grip on my waist, and I dart a glance at Kile, who is frowning severely. It'd almost be funny if Ean's feelings weren't on the line. Leger won't let there be a spectacle. I imagine Kile would run forward fists raised if he wasn't under Leger's careful eye.
"You don't seem surprised," I say quietly.
"I'd be an idiot if I didn't see the way he felt about you. All along we noticed it, all the Selection candidates."
I lower my head. "I have great affection for you Ean, and I thank you for coming to my aid at a difficult time in my life. I was so fortunate to have you in my corner. I hope I can continue to count on you as a trusted friend?" I look up at him through my eyelashes. I watch him as he struggles to conceal stormy emotions. Guilt surges through me and I wish I could make it better, do it more gently, channel a way to let him down kindly.
Ean slows our movements, gradually dancing us in the direction of Kile and Leger.
In a careful, measured tone he finally says, "I will always love and respect you, Eadlyn. But not the way he does. This wrecked him. He was not going to be okay if we didn't find you. I would never prevent you from having a man like that. I will always be here to help should you need me."
I draw him close for a hug and feel a light tap on my shoulder.
Kile, towering over me with a restrained frown on his face and tight fists at his sides.
"May I cut in?" he asks me.
I melt a little at his perfect posture in his black tuxedo.
"Certainly," Ean says, extending his hand to Kile. Kile grasps it, and they shake forcefully, an uncommon exchange for switching dance partners. But I think we all know it's more than that.
I can finally breathe now that I am in Kile's arms. I want to kiss him, laugh, chatter gleefully about anything and everything, but I keep a serene smile on my face and move with the music, keeping an eye on Ean.
Ean says something in a low voice to Leger, and then is quickly accosted by Josie, who demands a dance in a haughty tone. She is wearing a dress I thought was hanging in my closet, and even from here I can smell her. She must have practically showered in my custom perfume.
"Insult to injury," Kile mutters, holding me closer, too close for this type of occasion, but I draw even closer.
He raises his eyebrows. "You okay?"
I feel a broad smile grow on my lips. "I'm a free woman, Kile Woodwork. Engagement is off."
He spins and dips me low. I laugh out loud and gaze up at him. Love shines in his eyes as he pretends to dip me even lower. Then he swoops me up with a graceful turn of his strong arms and we dance the rest of the night, not paying attention to anyone else. We don't notice the clock, or think about the rebels. As if by magic, the evening is ours.
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