Chapter 3: Stronger Than You. . .
I didn't know what I got into
Somehow I can't go back even if I really wanted to
Frisk whimpered as a knife appeared in her hand. Four options came before her.
❤️Fight *Act *Items *Spare
Her hand was hovered over the Fight button.
So what more can I do?
Here in the end it's just me and you. . .
Frisk growled as she took her hand away. "Chara, it's wrong what your doing. You. . ." Frisk trailed off, looking down at the ground.
I never wanted to play by all the rules
A knife in hand in playing out the part of the fools
Frisk looked up. "You just want me to murder everyone since you can't do it." Frisk said narrowing her eyes. "I don't want to do that."
So here we go, you can judge me throughly
"It's too late for Apologies."
Chara glared at Frisk. "What did you just say? You've been under my control before Frisk." Frisk stood there staring at the ground once again
Go ahead and just hit me since you're able
We know my determination is unstable
Frisk shook as she fell to her knees. "You. . . You made me kill my friends.. Mettaton.. And Undyne a while ago.." Frisk whispered the words. "And now soon to be Papyrus then Toriel.."
I'm not even made because I keep on dying
But I don't even know why I'm trying
Frisk stayed there gripping her shirts sleeve's tightly. "You.. You made me kill... You made me kill, you Megalomaniac. . ." Frisk whispered tears falling down her eyes.
This is what I want, yet it's what I asked for
Curiousity over all my morals
Frisk looked up. "Your making me suffering through this pain. Through the pain to use LOVE and gain EXP. What would you do if Asriel killed you?!" Frisk yelled
I took away our perfect, happy ending
Resetting the world despite the warnings
Chara eyes widened as she clenched her fists before dropping to the floor and approached Frisk. "He. Betrayed. Me." The Megalomaniac said.
Right now I'm made of love X5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Frisk widened her eyes. "Asriel did not betray you, Chara. No one betrayed anyone. . ." Frisk let out a shaky breath.
I know who you are, you remember who I am?
We knew that once in a timeline we had grown to be good friends
Frisk dropped the knife to the floor of Snowdin. " You, Chara, out of all people, should be dead..." Frisk said her eyes burning with hatred.
And yet I killed your brother without giving him a chance
Every time you throw me down, I hope you kill me once again
Frisk chuckled slightly. "You've made my friends. . . Made me kill them. Made my friends hurt me. For no reason. But you, Chara should die." Frisk said
So go ahead and just hit me since your able
All the sin that I fell is unbearable
Chara glared at Frisk before seeing someone behind them. "So your the one who's making the kid go around and kill everyone huh?"
If I could hit you once it would be over
But the consequences last forever
Chara smirked slightly. "The comedian hmm?" Chara grinned. "Perhaps I should make you suffer?" Black colored vines popped out of the ground.
The flowers are in bloom as the bird will tell
Frisk eyes widened as it wrapped around her as well as Sans. "Hey now kiddo, you don't have to do t-..." His eyes widened when he saw the knife in Chara's hand. The megalomaniac giggled.
You gave me advice, I chose Genocide. . .
Frisk eyes widened also as she struggled against the tight grip of the black vines. "Chara! No! Stop!" Frisk screamed out. Chara let out a giggle.
But I know how to make it right. . .
(Wait 11 secs)
"Why Frisk? You can just RESET the timeline." Frisk stared at the ground as Chara snapped her fingers making herself visible as she stood in front of Papyrus. Frisk's eyes widened as she stayed there helpless.
I am made [of {love]X2
But I'll give up for you} X4
"HUMAN! AT LAST. . . UNDYNE ISN'T AT HER HOUSE! YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS HUMAN?" Frisk looked at the ground. "Papyrus..." She whispered knowing what was going to happen.
Chara giggled slightly as her red eyes glanced towards Sans and Frisk before slicing across Sans's brother's chest. Frisk didn't watch as she looked at the ground as she let her tears roll down. "P-paps..." Sans whispered, trembling.
"I SEE NOW... WHAT MY BROTHER MEANT..." Papyrus said before his body turned to dust.
"See now Frisk? This is what happens if you don't obey my rules. Your closest friends will die. Like Mettaton and Undyne by YOUR hands." Chara said as she approached the two. She tightened the vines around Frisk as she wrapped some around the last fallen human's neck and dropped Sans down. "Bye bye Comedian." Chara said giggling.
A/N: Keheheh~
So I hope you enjoy this chapter. I also plan on making a Echotale and a Chronotale Book.
Tell me which names are good.
Faded Love and Goodbye?
Thank you. . .
One who Loves, One who Dies
Snow Fall
Above are Echotale Book names.
Threatening Timelines
Beware the One That Rids Of Timeline
Different World, Same Old Ways
Being Killed, or Be Saved...
And the last four are Chronotale!
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