L O S T C O N N E C T I O N.
Ryan woke up to the sound of his phone ringing in his ear, hearing it made him jerk awake for he thought it was Bryce. He check the caller ID to see it was Scottie making him frown. Bryce never called him back last night and it upset him dearly–maybe he had forgotten?
"Yeah?" Ryan said, lazily. "Hello?"
"Ryan! Ryan..."
"What? Scottie what's wrong??"
"Bryce! He-he got into a car crash last night!"
His heart dropped in his stomach and his lungs began to act up for he couldn't take a single breath of air. Those words made his blood rush and his body shake with agony. "What?" He choked, nearly coughing into the phone.
"Yes! They didn't find him till a few hours ago..Jonathan just told us.."
"What hospital Scottie?!"
"I-I don't know! Jon is refusing to talk to anyone and as far as I know the only people that know where he is Tyler and Craig because they got concerned and called the police!"
"Goddamn it!" Ryan nearly screamed into the phone as he leaned against the wall. "Scottie please find out where okay?! I have to see him..I have to know if he's okay.."
"I promise you I'll let you know okay? Just, keep in touch!"
Ryan let his head hang as he clenched his jaw and the grip around his phone tightened. Pain rushed through him like a river and the feeling made his head hurt. Then, a light knock came at the door. He didn't want to get up but the knocks began to get louder and harder till the point to where they were bangs. Feeling annoyed and upset he pulled himself off the couch and pulled open the door only to be tackled in a hug; his eyes widened in shock.
"Ryan I heard what happened and I am so sorry!"
The voice was Smitty's and boy was he glad to hear it in someway. He embraced the man back before shakily sighing and fighting back the tears. What else could he do?
Smitty pulled away and frowned deeply as he cupped the man's cheek and let his thumb wipe away the tear that had escaped. "I'm so sorry.." He whispered, letting his hand fall from the man's cheek. The other shook his head as he gave a sniff and backed away from the man's grasp. "I am so sorry.."
Suddenly it hit Ryan why he was apologizing and he shook his head as another tear ran down his face. " didn't.." The other man just frowned deeply as he held himself where he stood. "Smitty please tell me you didn't tell Jon..!" The other man just shook his head as he turned his back to him.
"I was drunk. I-I didn't know who he was! H..he came in and bought me another drink knowing I was already drunk and then he tried to..he tried to make a move and I told him no but then he said your name and I just..."
"You just what?!" Ryan growled, grasping his shoulders violently. "You just what damnit!"
Smitty looked up and their gaze locked as he began to tremble. "I..I don't know.." The man holding him loosened his grasp as he began to back away again. "I don't know what I done. Ryan, I'm so sorry.." The said male just sat back down in his chair and raked a hand through his hair as he struggled not to cry anymore.
His body trembled.
Smitty held his mouth as tears strolled down his cheek like a waterfall as he realized what this meant. "I didn't mean to I swear. I'd never rat you two out cause I know how much you two love each other–as much as that pains me!" He cried to the man sitting down. Ryan just shook his head as if to stop him from speaking but it didn't work because more apologies were made from him. "Smit," he finally spoke. "Do you know where he is?"
Smitty stared at him with a certain look before slowly nodding.
•Uptown Hospital...
Ryan bolted through the doors after talking to the woman upfront and looked around until he seen the door number the woman gave him. Feeling pained more than anything, he dashed to the room and opened the door to see Bryce barley awake staring at the door.
"Bryce!" Ryan whispered as he rushed to the man and grasped his hand, the blonde gave him a confused look. "Ryan? What're you doing here?" He questioned weakly as he held the others hand in his. "I came to see you.."
Bryce gave a slight shake to his head as he furrowed his brow. "Ryan you can't be here, Jon is supposed to be back soon.." Ryan frowned as he kissed the man's head and whispered, "I don't care. You're more important than an ass kicking Bryce."
The man smiled at him as he backed away, his hazel eyes staring into the blondes blue ones. "How long as he been gone?" That question made the other snicker as he looked away, "He has been gone for an hour.." Ryan clenched his fist as he used the other to gently hold his. "Ryan?"
"Yes Bryce?"
"I love you. I love you so much..but I'm afraid we may loose connection here.."
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