Thanksgiving Fait.
Ryan sat down a large thing of food before looking to Smitty who was setting out silverware and placing the glass flower cup in the middle before putting two sunflowers in it. He hummed loudly as he fixed a fork that was turned the wrong way before slightly smiling. "I can't wait to see everyone again." Smitty finally admitted, turning to face his boyfriend who just smiled at him. "I mean it's been a while since we last seen them Ryan. I mean I remember when you was all over Bryce and I tried to help bu-" Ryan hugged him to cut off the painful memories.
He didn't want to admit he still loved another man because he was so close to convincing himself he loved Smitty. And just the thought of Bryce was enough to pull him away.
"That's in the past Smit. I told you that." Ryan whispered softly, feeling the other hug him tightly. The embrace held and he wouldn't want it any other way. Then the doorbell rang and broke their moment. "I've got it. You just check on everything okay?" Ryan pulled away then he made his way to the front door where his stomach turned for some unknown reason. When he opened the door he was met with Scottie and his husband Marcel who smiled at meeting the man.
"Smitty long time no see man! You look great! Same to you Ryan." Scottie greeted as he shook his hand. He looked back to the man who was smiling polity to him before shaking his hand with a grin. "You must be Marcel," Ryan began. "Scottie talks about you all the time. It's nice to finally meet you." "You too man." "Just make yourself at home. We have plenty to go around there's also some champagne in the kitchen if you guys want some."
As time flew the men caught up before Michelle and Krism came followed by a few of Scottie and Marcel's friends showed up at the door. Ryan was the one to answer and tell them they will start when all arrive. When Brock got here he was informed that he had invited three of his friends which of course he talked to Smitty about before even thinking about acting. Smitty seemed to be okay with it which meant they weren't bad people and he must've known them.
The door bell rang and Ryan made his way to it one more time before feeling uneasy. He turned the knob with a warm smile and was met with deep blue eyes.
His heart skipped a beat.
"Hey Ryan!" Bryce said, smiling warmly at him. Ryan however, stood there in shock as he looked at the other two men behind them. "It's been awhile hasn't it?"
"Uh, yeah it has. Welcome. You guys must be Brocks friends." Ryan choked out. Smiling a forced smile as he suddenly felt sick to his stomach. "Yes that would be us. Oh Ryan you remember my boyfrie-" "Fiancée." "Um, yeah. You remember him."
Ryan just stared at the man that towered behind his lover; holding back the urge to snarl like a dog. He only shook his hand and invited them inside to the table.
"Bryce! Jon! I am glad you two made it!" Smitty cheered as he came from the kitchen and embraced Jonathan and them in a hug. When he pulled away the two men began small talk with him and Ryan watched as Jonathan showed him the ring he had gotten him. It was a beautiful sapphire blue and honestly it made his stomach turn with disgust. To even think he was marring a man who treated him with disrespect.
"I know I know!" Smitty said with a smile as he wrapped an arm around Brock's neck. The Canadian looked over at his boyfriend who was talking to Evan and Sydney. "Ryan are you ready to start?" The said male looked over and nodded to agree that he was indeed ready.
All the men made their way into the cramped kitchen and they took their seats before saying a silent prayer. It was nothing too fancy since half the room was full of gays but it was something silent and showing they were thankful for what they had today.
Ryan served the first plate then everyone began to dig into the meal the two lovers had cooked.
"So Bryce," Scottie began. "How is everything with you and Jonathan here?" Bryce looked to his man before looking back at the blonde with a smile that was forced. Ryan could see the indents from where he was clenching his jaw and felt his stomach turn. "It's been great. We actually have a wedding in, four days. I'm sending out invitations tonight which is gonna be stressful but I'll get it finished." He sighed, looking at the blonde who just smiled. "I'm glad that you two are finally getting married man. It's great news isn't it guys." Ryan stayed silent as everyone began to mumble how "great" it was for them.
"Yeah.." Bryce looked down at his plate, "It's great.."
Ryan raised a brow at this but stayed silent for the sake of his secret lovers safety. He knew what Jonathan was capable of doing to the blonde.
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