Lost Feelings.
Bryce sat down a plate of fired fish before then smiling to the fisher men who thanked him as he began to leave. He had to admit his college was going great and he couldn't be more happy with life right now. After talking to Ryan he felt a lot better for the weight he held on his shoulders was gone, just like that.
He knew Marcel was his friend but for some reason he felt like his new friend would be someone to talk too. It could've been the way he managed to make Bryce feel like he had a reason to live or maybe it was the fact that he made the blonde feel like he mattered.
The door jingled and he looked up to see Tyler and Craig who was followed by Evan. Bryce had to admit he wasn't a fan of the Canadian man but he wouldn't let that get in his way, it was ridiculous to hate someone for dating your boyfriend in high school. Evan was supposedly straight but everyone knew it was a lie. Even his soon to be wife.
"Hello!" He greeted with a warm smile. "What can I get you guys today?"
Craig smiled warmly at his friend and continued to look down at the menu before sighing deeply and placing it down in front of him. "I think I'll have the usual." Tyler squints a little as he tried to see what the fishermen was having. Bryce took notice and decided to tell him, "Fried fish is what they're having with steak on the side." He watched as the blue eyed male gave a slight nod. "I'll take that then." Bryce looked to Evan, "Just some coffee is fine."
Bryce nodded before taking off to the back to set up their order. Not really feeling like going back out he sat there to cool down in the hot diner. He really didn't understand why the owner had to keep it around eighty degrees in this small place but he knew he hated it with a burning passion. After waiting a little longer he grabbed their drinks before taking back out and setting the cups in front of them, "Thanks." Tyler muttered as he grabbed his cup and peered into the liquid. "Say how are you and Jon?"
Bryce smiled slightly as he shoved his notepad down into his apron. "We're okay. Did he tell you he got a raise?" Craig and Tyler shared a glance out of shock before turning their attention back to the blonde who was still grinning. "He didn't tell us." Craig said, shock holding his tone. Bryce couldn't blame them for being shocked. "Jon never told me anything about it." Evan spoke up as he twirled his cup. Bryce watched as the man never let his eyes wander from the cup and a slight frown burning his lips. "Figured. Well now you guys know."
The door rang and he turned his attention to it where one male stood. His hazel eyes glanced around the room before locking on Bryce, a small smile forming on his features. Taking this as a great time to leave he heard the bell ring from the back then excused himself. Ryan had came at a bad time. Mostly because last time Evan was here when he was talking to a guy friend, Luke especially, the man had told his boyfriend just for shits and giggles. A lot of drama had happened that day.
For the most part Luke and Bryce were close friends before he even met Jonathan. His blue eyed boyfriend had admitted to seeing his best friend as a threat because of how he managed to make Bryce smile more than he ever could. After the big argument Luke kinda stopped talking to Bryce but never once stopped talking to his boyfriend.
It did upset him for the first few weeks but then as time passed he slowly became used to losing guy friends. He even lost Tyler and Craig for two weeks before they announced their engagement then Jon allowed him to talk to them. It was very upsetting.
Bryce brought them back their food before making his way to the hazel eyed male who watched his every movement. "Hello! What can I get ya?" He asked with a small smile. "Eh, I think just a cup of coffee is fine Bryce." The blonde jotted it down before looking back up at the grinning boy. "Do you need a ride home today?" Ryan moved his hands to demonstrate what he meant.
Bryce looked to the table where the group of friends were before making a face, "Um, not that I know of. Actually let me get ahold of Jonathan." The blonde pulled out his phone before turning his back to the table Evan was on. He texted his boyfriend and got a reply quickly.
Jon: Yeah I'll be there to get you babe. I promise. (:
He showed Ryan the message and the hazel eyed male clenched his jaw and forced a small smile out of hate, "Oh okay, glad to know." Was all he said before turning his attention to the menu.
Bryce sat outside the diner and looked in his bag before sighing deeply. He just got off work and his boyfriend still had to prove he'd come here to get him. He heard the door jingle and his eyes locked with Ryan's hazel ones.
"Hey," Ryan greeted, softly. "You just get off?"
Bryce nodded slightly as he watched the male face him to show he had his attention. "Yeah, Jon should be on his way." He sighed and looked away.
"Hey listen you know if you need me to call right?"
Bryce furrowed his brow a little as he looked up at the male. "Yeah I know." He watched the male look away before taking a deep breath. "Listen Bryce I need to talk to you about some-"
Lights flashed in their vision.
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