Oh The Irony.
Bryce sat in the same old chair with his hands folded against his stomach, blue eyes staring at the ceiling. He knew Marcel wanted to see him sooner when he got a text from the male around one thirty saying how he wanted to see him today at three. Honestly Bryce wasn't sure what had made him instantly want to see him.
The dark room was the same as always. Dimly lit and smelling of mints as well as coffee.
The door creaked and Bryce turned to glance at the male who pulled his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Hello Bryce," Marcel greets. "I hope I didn't wake you last night. I just wanted to see how telling Jonathan went." Marcel took a seat in his leather chair before grabbing his pen and clipboard.
"Well it went bad.."
Marcel raised a brow at this but stayed silent to see if the other would continue. When he didn't he simply wrote something down on his paper before checking a box. "Tell me exactly what happened."
Bryce could only wish it was as easy as he made it sound. Telling the older how his boyfriend acted was almost a crime against relationship laws. But he was paying this man so much for so little. "He got angry and told me I wasn't going anywhere. Made it very clear by slamming his fist on the table.." His voice cracked slightly.
"Well how did you handle it?" Marcel asked as he sat his clipboard on the table. Glancing at the time he looked to the blonde who just sighed deeply at his question. Through their friendship Marcel had learned that he tended to do that to try and calm himself, though it rarely worked. "Well?"
"I cried at first but..a friend of mine cheered me up afterwards.."
"Who was it?"
"A guy called Ohm."
Bryce nodded at this and shifted his gaze to the other male who only stared at him with confusion. He knew the other had no idea who this male was when he gave a slight look and shook his head. "So Bryce how does this..Ohm guy make you feel?" Marcel asked, shifting in his seat. The blonde tore his gaze away from the colored male and stared up away from him as he tried to figure out his own feelings for the man.
"He makes me feel like someone listens. Like someone actually cares." Bryce reached up and touched his throat. "Makes me feel like I'm not alone.."
Marcel stared at his friend for a moment before writing something down on his clipboard. His brown eyes didn't leave the paper as he stared blankly at it before looking back up at his friend who still held his throat. "Bryce," he spoke. "What about college?"
Bryce let his hand fall to the side at that as his gaze shifted again to his friend, "Starting today.." His answer was simple and Marcel seemed pleased with it. "Good. Maybe it'll help you clear your mind."
•Dans Diner...
Bryce sat down the food and the drinks in front of the two men before making his way to the three woman across them. With a bright smile he pulled out his pen and paper before speaking, "Hello ladies! Welcome to Dan's Diner. What can I get you?" The three women began to ask what they have and once he told them they all began to order. "Okay what can I get you to drink miss?" Bryce asked nicely as he watched the woman eye him up and down before smirking, "A tea with your number to the side."
He froze.
"A tea it is. I can't do the second one but I can get you a tea. I'll be back with your drinks in a second." Bryce laughed a little. The woman eyed him for a small moment as he spoke then when he turned on his heel and walked away he could feel her eyes leave his body. It was rare to get hit on by girls so that actually shocked him more than it did anything, he was so happy his boyfriend wasn't here.
Bryce took them their drinks before hearing the door open, his gaze darting to it only to be met with his boyfriend and their friends Sydney and Evan. Jonathan's gaze locked with his and the man smiled before waving slightly. He waved back to them and then continued his job.
The blonde stopped at a table that two men and two women sat at before giving them a warm smile. "Hello! Welcome to Dans Diner, what can I get you guys?" He asked as cheerful as he could. The two women looked to one another before finally saying what they want while the two men sat still deciding.
"Okay," The Canadian spoke first. "I want some waffles. I haven't had Dans waffles in forever man. To drink I'll have some lemonade. Ryan hurry ip dude."
The man named Ryan sat there before giving a frustrated sigh as he sat down the menu and looked to the blonde. "Can I ask you something?" He smiled at Bryce who just blinked. "If it's my number you can't have it." Bryce joked as he grinned from ear to ear. Ryan crackled before speaking again, "No I was gonna ask what's the best they've got here?"
Bryce hummed as he thought on that one. Dans Diner was well known for its breakfast food and since they were all getting something related to breakfast, "The chocolate pancakes are the best I have to say." He watched as Ryan looked that over in the menu. "I'll have them and a tea."
Bryce nodded before getting their drinks and taking it to them. "Okay so when your food gets finished I'll bring it to you." He said as he gave a warm smile. "Anything else whole I'm here?"
"Uh yeah," Ryan spoke up. "Can I get your name?"
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