How Even.
Bryce just stared at the screen that had an Ohm symbol on it as he heard the other repeat the word again. "Michelle? You there?" At those words he made a face. Putting on his boyfriends headpiece he spoke out, "Wrong Skype." It went silent. "Oh! Oh my god, I am so sorry." The man laughed out and Bryce shifted in his seat as he listened. "I must've accidentally found yours instead of hers. Sorry about that man."
Bryce smiled faintly. "It's okay. It happens." He could hear the other male do the same and shift in his seat before giving a cough. "Yeah I uh," he pauses. "I don't know how I got this name."
"Pretty much yeah." The other laughed. "Ugh it's so late though. I was gonna talk to my friend but I don't think I'm gonna be able to find her name.."
"It is pretty late. Why are you still up?"
"Well I was just wanting to tell someone about my promotion hahah, I just got off work like a few minutes ago."
"Oh? Well how was it?"
"It was actually pretty good. My boss is a dick so when I got that promotion it was pretty great. Moved up to twenty two dollars an hour! It's a big improvement from what I was doing. I was working a desk but now I get hands on action so definitely better."
"I can tell." Bryce grinned as he stared at the screen where the symbol stood. He didn't know why he was smiling like an idiot but it felt good to do so once again. "So Jonathan is it?" The other asked and Bryce immediately corrected him, "Um no, it's Bryce. This is my boyfriends computer." The other made a noise.
"Oh okay. Well Bryce I go by Ohm."
"Yes, now if you'll be kind as to tell me about your day?"
•Next Day...
Bryce smiled as he saw one of his friends walk through the door. It was Tyler and Craig, a former married couple. "Hey Bryce how are you?" Craig asked as he took a seat in front of the blonde. Bryce shook his head as he looked to Tyler who was walking up to the counter, "Could've been better but I think Marcel is helping me a lot." Craig nodded slightly as he thought over it. "I'm glad to hear that man."
Bryce smiled slightly at that as he folded his fingers togeather then shifted his gaze to Tyler who sat a cup in front of him and his husband. "So how much are these again? The uh, visits?" Craig asked, scooting over for Tyler. The blonde sat still for a moment and let the smell of his coffee invade his senses. Then he answered, "A hundred each month. But it's not bad compared to what he charges others which would be around two hundred and something. He cut down cause I'm his friend.."
Tyler nearly spit out his coffee at that. "A hundred?! Your his friend who had paid for most his shit whenever he got in trouble or at least been there and he charges you that much? What a fuckboi." Craig placed a hand over his hand to calm him as the blue eyed male glared at his coffee with a smug look.
As all fell silent Bryce listened to how much chatter was going on in such a small place. Here and there he'd catch conversations or small talk.
"That's insane Bryce," Craig snapped him back to reality. "I think Marcel should charge you at least eighty because you paid off his bill for that car he had. It was what?" Tyler chimed in. "Two hundred and fifty dollars."
Bryce sipped on his coffee and listened to his two friends argue over what it really was. He remembered how much it was but decided to keep silent and watch. "Two hundred and twenty guys." The blonde finally said and they stopped their argument.
"What did he say about Jonathan?"
Tyler's question made Bryce fall silent again as he stared back down at his coffee. It was as if time froze in that small moment for the blonde didn't move a muscle. Finally he looked up and met the others gaze, "He told me that I needed to give Jonathan time.."
"Wasn't wrong there."
Craig elbowed his husband and shot a glare his way to show him that wasn't appropriate for the conversation. "Well," he turned to Bryce. "I think Jon does need time but I don't think you should leave him. I mean come on we all know you keep him up."
"Yeah maybe by paying the bills and dealing with him."
Craig elbowed his boyfriend again only harder this time. "I know. I think Marcel is right though Craig. Maybe if I leave him he'll realize he loves me?" Tyler smirked mockingly at his boyfriend who stared at Bryce with wide eyes. "You're joking right? Bryce this isn't a movie." Bryce sighed deeply as he sat his chin in his palm. "I know but I don't have a choice.."
Craig looked to Tyler with a frown before giving in to his blonde friend. "If that makes you happy then do it but please be careful. Tyler and I know how Jon is when he gets told something like this..that's when Delirious comes out and you're screwed." Tyler chimed in, "Oh yeah. Poor fuckboi can't even control his other side..bipolar fuck.."
Bryce couldn't agree more with Tyler on that part and if he was honest it scared him to even think of what Jonathan's other side would do. He only met Delirious once at a bar when Jonathan tackled a guy who was trying his hardest to hit on him. They weren't even a thing at the time either.
Just the thought of his face made him flinch. It was a pretty horrible sight that he always looked back on when someone said Delirious..
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