The darkest moment
Erza's P.O.V.
We were in the middle of fight, but suddenly Zeref's soldiers started disappearing.
"What? What is this?" Gajeel said.
"I dunno. They just disappeared." Gray looked at me.
"Hey! Look!" Wendy's high pitched voice shouted.
I turned to see what she was pointing, but before I even saw her, shadow covered the sky upon me. I saw huge figure to jump right next to me.
"Kyaah!!!" Wendy screamed and she covered her eyes.
The figure started turning smaller. Then I realized who it was.
"Master?" I asked.
"Yes, it's me, but we don't have time to be here. Where is Natsu?" Master asked when he was back to his normal size.
"It's not... Natsu... I mean..." I tried to say something.
"E.N.D has taken over his body." Gajeel said suddenly.
"What? No.......that can't be..." Master's face turned into a mixture of sadness and madness.
"It is true." I said. "And Gray was ready to attack him, but Gray didn't realize that it was still Natsu's body." I told him.
Master nobbed slowly. "We need to go... Now!"
Lucy's P.O.V.
I slowly petted Natsu's cheek. He weren't breathing. I felt panic grow inside my head. I pressed my head on his chest and listened. There was no pounding.
"Natsu... You can't go... Not yet... We were supposed to tell everyone! Tell them about our relationship" I shouted and cried at the same time.
His cheek was cold. I couldn't breath. I failed.
"I'm so sorry... I failed... I couldn't save you. I am so, so sorry. I can't... Live without you... Natsu! I love you!!!" My tears dropped on his forehead.
"I... I"
Suddenly I heard steps come closer.
"No....what can I even say......" I tried to wipe some tears away.
"Don't worry... I am here too. I don't know what happened between you and Zeref, but I can still be here with you." Luna said and tapped my shouldet slightly.
Then I saw Erza running towards us. I turned back to Natsu's lifeless body and started crying again.
"Lucy-san!" Wendy shouted from the distance.
I only turned more away from them.
"Lucy?" Luna asked.
"Yea?" I said not even looking at her.
"Aren't you gonna tell them?" She asked.
"I...don't know." I replied.
"Okay... If you decide that, I'll stay quiet." Luna said.
She walked next to a tree and sat down. Luna closed her eyes for a second and then she sighed heavily. I heard steps slowing down, then stop.
"NO NO NO!!!" Erza screamed.
I turned to look at her.
"No.... Is he?" Erza kneeled down.
"Yes." I said simply.
Erza started crying, which was something I never believed to see. Gray and Gajeel were only looking at Natsu, sadly. Wendy was only staring at him, she looked scared. Luna was just sitting quietly, she kept her head down.
Master walked next to me. "Lucy..."
"I failed, master." my voice was cracking.
"No..." Master tried to calm me down.
Then I remembered something really important. I almost like jumped up and turned towards Wendy.
"Wendy!" I said and grabbed her shoulders.
"......." She turned her big gaze at me.
I took my hands off. "Milkyway....."
Wendy immediatly fell on her knees and started saying spells.
"Is she trying to talk to Natsu?" Erza asked quietly.
I wiped some tears off. "I'm not sure... But, before E.N.D killed Zeref..."
"Keep going." Master said.
"Zeref's last word was milkyway." I told them.
Master nobbed, but didn't say anything.
"Look!!!" Gray yelled.
We turned to watch and, there it was. But it was wrong person...
I slowly took one step closer. "Zeref?"
Zeref's spirit started talking. "Hello. Lucy, you remembered... Thank you. Now I can save Natsu..."
"Save!? You tried to kill him! YOU did this to him! YOU killed Natsu!!!" Erza raged.
"Erza calm down, please." I said.
"I see. You didn't tell anyone yet. That's okay." Zeref smiled a little.
"Tell what!? Lucy what is going on?" Gray was getting angry too.
"Shut up." I pointed at him.
I turned to look at Zeref and then turned back at my comrads. "Everyone, listen to what Zeref has to say."
Zeref nobbed. "I'll tell you a story...The story starts in a mansion, over 400 years ago. Happy family lived there. Mother, father and two sons."
Everyone stayed quiet. They all were just looking at Zeref's spirit.
"One day, mother was really sick. She was almost dying. Father was away and the sons were playing outside. Older son heard a scream. Boys ran inside the mansion, straight to their mother's room. Mother had dropped from the bed and she was cougching badly. She didn't let the brothers come any closer, because her disease was contagious. She tried to get up but she fell down again, knocking down the lamp from the table. Lamp started an fire. In a minute the whole room was on fire. She screamed and told her sons to escape before the whole mansion is in fire. Boys ran outside. They were left to look at the burning mansion where their mother was burning alive. Then the father came back home. He blamed his sons. He grabbed the younger boy in his arms and dropped him. Boy fell down from the cliff and his bigbrother ran down to see if he was okay. Bigbrother realized that his littlebrother was dead. He cried. He looked up to see his father cry as well, but he didn't cry for his son. He cried because his love was gone. Father used his own magic to commit suicide. The boy was all alone. After few years boy had mastered magic. But his magic was dark. His magic was so called black magic. Boy decided to try to wake his brother from the death, but it went wrong. He failed. His brother was alive, but as a demon. Magic council placed an curse on the bigbrother. Curse that made him immortal. He could only die, if his own brother would kill him. Bigbrother named his last demon, E.N.D. After one year living with his demon brother, boy decided to send him to grow with a dragon named Igneel. Igneel took the demon and loved him like his own son. Demon boy grew with Igneel, until he disappeared. Demon boy found his new family in a guild named... Fairy Tail."
"A-are you saying that... Natsu IS E.N.D?" Gray asked with fear.
"Kind of... It's more like personality." Zeref said.
"It was you... In the story. You are the bigbrother... So..... Why did Natsu have to die?" I asked.
"It's really diffucult to explain. But I need to save him. I can still wake him up and he won't have the demon personality anymore. But if I'm going to wake him from dead again, it will take my soul. It will be my last magic..." Zeref's spirit started fading a little bit.
No one dared to say anything. I was crying, and so was Wendy. Erza looked sad, but she didn't let her tears come.
"I promised to myself that I'll use this magic, when it's darkest moment in my life and now it's time ...Sayounara..." Zeref's spirit disappeared and Wendy stopped spelling.
Then I suddenly felt something. Natsu's body was warming up. I looked down and got up quickly as I realized that he was glowing.
"What!?" Someone yelled behind me, but I didn't care.
Natsu's hand moved slightly. I quickly kneeled down again and I pressed my head on his chest.
"His heart is beating!" I put Natsu's head on my lap.
I looked over at Wendy but she was exhausted by the milkyway. I saw Erza sitting down next to me.
"He's breathing?" Erza asked quietly.
I nobbed. I started crying once again, but these tears were the tears of happiness. I held him tightly, his eyelids moved a little bit.
"He's awake..." My vision was blurry because of the tears in my eyes.
Natsu slowly opened his eyes.
"Natsu!" I petted his head.
"I saw... Them..." Natsu whispered as he looked at me.
"Who?" My fingers touched his forehead.
Natsu looked sad. "My...parents..."
"You did?" I looked deep in his eyes.
Natsu's eyes teared up. "My own father killed me..."
"I know... Zeref told us everything." I gave him a little smile.
"There was so cold.... And dark... I couldn't see anything..... I was scared......." Natsu slowly started crying.
"But now you're here." I hugged him.
Everyone else were quiet on the background. I could hear someone cry. I didn't care, I only cared about Natsu. He breathed heavily as he turned his lovely eyes on me.
"Let's take you to Porluysica. She can help you." I said and he slowly nobbed in respond.
Third person's P.O.V.
Everyone were back at the guild at last. Lucy, Erza and Gray took Natsu in the guild's infirmary. Erza and Gray laid Natsu on the bed, because he went out cold before they were at the guild. Lucy, Gray and Erza wouldn't leave there until they knew that Natsu was alright. Porluysica was in the other room with happy, who was still a stone figure. Wendy went in, Porluysica stood up from the chair as she saw her.
"Did you get it?" Porluysica asked.
"Get what?" Wendy looked confused.
"The demon hair. Remember that we need it to free him." Porluysica pointed at Happy.
"Oh no! I'm not sure if anyone got one..." Wendy rushed back at the infirmary.
"Did anyone get the hair?" She asked.
Erza and Gray shaked their heads. Lucy only pressed her head down.
Wendy put her hands on her face. "Oh no.... This can't be..."
She was just about to go through the door, as Luna popped in front of her.
"Huh?" Wendy stepped backwards.
Luna didn't say anything. She raised her hand and gave something to Wendy.
"When did you get this?" Wendy looked surprised.
"When E.N.D was childish and playing with his fire. Can you believe he didn't notice that I took one hair?" Luna smiled.
Erza, Wendy and Gray looked confused, but Lucy giggled a bit.
Lucy looke relieved and she smiled. "Thanks Luna."
"Well, it weren't that hard afterall." Luna grinned in return.
Erza stood up. "Come here." she said.
Luna hesitated a while before going. When she was close enough, Erza grabbed her and gave her a big hug.
(a.n: ouch...😬 that Erza hug tho...)
Luna walked away with wobbly legs. Wendy and Lucy started laughing like crazy. Erza smiled before sitting back down next to Natsu's bed.
"I need to go now. Me and Porluysica are going to free Happy." Wendy said and went back to the room where they were.
"I'm glad it's all over..." Lucy said.
"Me too. And I'm glad that everyone is okay." Erza nobbed.
They looked over at Gray who was only gazing at the wall.
"What's so interesting in that wall?" Lucy asked with sarcasm.
Gray turned his gaze on her. "I'm just thinking."
"Well what?" Erza asked curiously.
Gray sighed. "I was ready to kill him, without even knowing that he's the one who is in pain... I..."
"You feel guilty?" Erza looked serious.
Gray didn't say anything anymore. He started looking somewhere again.
"It wasn't your fault..." Lucy said.
"It feels like it." Gray anwsered quickly.
Erza sighed and got up. "Gray. Let's go."
"Where?" Gray looked at her.
"Let's go to see if Happy is okay." Erza simply said.
Gray murmured somethig, but left tge room after Erza.
"We're on our own again." Lucy laid her head next to Natsu.
She smiled happily as she fell asleep next to the one she loved.
The one she loved deeply.
That's it. It's done. xD feels so weird tho... I have been doing this for like ages and now it's finished. Yup. Last chapter.
Well okay. I might do one chapter more. But it'll be more like Nalu one. Maybe some cute things after all this death stuff? I dunno... Maybe ;)
if you have some ideas, just comment :D
Thank you for reading ❤✌✨😁
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