Third person's P.O.V.
Happy saw the guild already. He tried to rush there. Natsu was just hanging on his paws. Natsu was awake but he didn't speak.
Happy was so worried about the situation. Erza, Gray and Lucy were left behind to take care of that monster. Happy was worried about his best friend. They were really close to the guild, but happy felt his magic go down. He tried to stay in the air but his wings couldn't keep going. They had to walk to the guild.
"Natsu... My magic is... Weak." Happy said as he tried to land safely without hurting Natsu.
Natsu only nobbed. He had hard time to keep his eyes open. Happy tried hard and they did a succesfull landing.
Erza's P.O.V.
We were hiding from the monster. I heard it's horrible roar. But it faded away. It was strange.
"We need to get rid of it somehow." i said to the others.
"Well duh, but how in the freaking world are we gonna take that damn thing down!?" Gray shouted annoyed.
"Gray shut up. And put some clothes on you perv." Lucy said.
"Wooow... You're becoming like Erza." Gray stepped back and laughed.
"What did you say?" I looked down on the ice wizard angrily.
"Absolutely nothing..." Gray looked scared.
Lucy laughed at Gray.
"Well. What do we do now?" Lucy got serious again.
"I think we just first have to get out of this hiding place." I told them.
"Okay..." Lucy said as she got ready to run.
I pointed at the street. We all started to run. I leaded our team towards the exit of the little village.
"Erza!" Lucy pointed at something.
I looked where she told me to. Gray did the same.
"Oh gosh..." I gasped.
What we were looking at was that monster, but it was sitting. It obeyed someone. I tried to look who it was.
"Oh hell no... It's that fucking good good guy!" Gray shouted.
I punched his head. "You're too loud. Just be happy that he didn't hear us."
The man was talking to the monster. I couldn't hear what he was saying. I looked at Lucy and then Gray, they understood what i was trying to do. We all got silently closer to the good good guy and the monster.
"Those idiots walked right into our trap." Good good guy said laughing.
"Totally." monster anwsered.
"They had no idea that this all was just fake. Now... Good good. I shot that fire-ass, so he is weak. You made those other three morons go away so he's with the cat. Now Traz is on her way to kidnap that salamander. Only thing we have to do is to wait." Good good guy acidentally told us their plan.
"Gray, Lucy... Natsu is in danger..." i whispered.
Good good guy was silent for a moment but then continued his talking.
"Hey Rasya, you can transfom back you know...it's good good that you can transform into that thing but you don't need that form anymore." good good guy was slightly annoyed.
"Okay. I know." the monster transformed into a guy.
He had long red hair, pretty dark skin, angry look and piercings all over his face.
"Hey dott... Is my sister gonna bring that pink haired dude here or to our place?" guy named Rasya asked.
"To our place of course." the good goo- i mean Dott said.
"Erza?" Lucy looked at me.
"We need to go really fast. Or else... Natsu will be kidnapped." i said with serious tone.
Lucy nobbed and Gray didn't even bother to say somethimg stubid. We started to head towards guild as fast as we ever could.
Happy's P.O.V.
We made safe landing. I was so scared that i would drop Natsu, but luckily i made it without hurting him.
"Natsu?" i looked his injured shoulder.
"Happy... I think that it wasn't normal arrow. It was poisoned... I can smell the poison and i can feel it running in my veins..." Natsu said shakily.
"I don't know what to do... My magic just suddenly got so weak that i couldn't fly anymore. We have still a little to go. Can you walk... Or even stand?" i asked him.
Natsu moved his hand and tried to got up, but he fell down immediaetly.
"I'm sorry... Happy. I can't do it." he said.
I looked around. Searched for something or someone to help.
"Natsu, i do-" i was interrupted by loud crack behind me.
"Well hello little kitty cat." female voice said behind me.
Okay, new chapter is ready.
People actually reads this book? Holy shit... When i started this book i never thought that this could actually be something people read. Wow... But yeah, hope you like this. :) if you have ideas for my story, feel free to comment.
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