Natsu's P.O.V.
Erza, Gray, Happy and Lucy were following me. I was leading the way to the scent i smelled earlier. It really made me wanna puke again as the smell got stronger.
"Are we closer?" Gray asked annoyed.
"Gray, just let Natsu do this without any disturbing." Erza said.
I didn't say anything, i just kept following my nose. I actually didn't except Gray to keep quiet, but something that surprised me...Happy is quiet. That is something. Lucy didn't talk too. Then i smelled something new and I suddenly stopped.
"What is it?" worried Lucy asked me as she ran up to mu side.
"I smell something new... It's someone..." i responsed in a low tone.
"Someone?" Erza looked around.
"He or she isn't that close... Yet." i said to her.
"That guy is coming to us?" Happy asked and he flew onto my head.
"Wait a second..." i moved quietly closer to the way that person was coming, i smelled again. "That guy is almost here." i whispered.
"But how do you know that person is a bad guy or a good guy?" Gray asked me.
"I smell it. I smell that is a bad person." i responsed.
"How can you sme-" Erza put a hand on Grays mouht.
"Shh!" i hissed.
All four of them were quiet as i walked closer to the scent. I heard something, it sounded like growling or...!
"Run!!!" i shouted and started running at them.
Just second after i shouted, big monster appeared behind me.
"Is that the monster which we are suppose to catch!?" Happy yelled as he flew high.
"I think so!" Lucy said catching her breath.
I was just going to shout, but something hit me. Little metal arrow sliced my shoulder. It actually hurted, a lot. I grunted in pain and fell on my knees. Blood flew around me.
"Natsu!!!" Lucy and Happy shouted my name.
Then i realised, what that man who gived the job said.
If it smells your blood, it will chase you until it can drink your blood...
"Wow fuck! Flamebrain watch out!" Gray yelled at me.
I tried to run, but the beast was right after me. It roared to me. Erza, Lucy and Happy gasped as i holded my hand and grunched in pain. Erza came to pick me and we all climbed on one house, but Happy flied of course.
"How did that come to you???" Lucy asked.
"Something sliced onto my shoulder... It looked like an arrow..." i panted.
"But did it hurt that much or why are you gruntching in pain like that?" Gray added.
"I really... Ah, don't know." i replied as i tried to keep my balance.
"Hey... Take it easy. We have to cancel the job." Erza said.
"No! We can't" I yelled.
"Natsu! You're injured! WE ARE NOT GOING TO CONTINUE!" Erza commanded.
"But-!" I couldn't say anything more as I fell onto the ground and evweything went black.
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