Gajeel's P.O.V.
"I have something to do. My servant is waiting for me." guy used some kind of dark magic and he disappeared.
"Gajeel!" Levy yelled at me.
Jet and Droy ran next to us and Lily was sitting on my head.
"That was Zeref!" Levy screamed.
"What!?!?!?" me, Jet, Droy and Lily yelled at the same time.
"Yes... But who is that servant he said???" Levy thinked outloud.
"What the heck... Zeref here?" Droy was shoked.
"I don't know what he's after." Levy said.
"We don't need to know that right now." i said.
"Yeah, if i remember right we need to find Natsu." Lily jumped off of my head.
"That's right. Gajeel, lead the way!" Droy yelled
"Yes sir!" Jet agreed.
"Well... But be awared of everything." Levy said.
"Yes... Let's go." i started to follow Natsu's scent.
Gray's P.O.V.
We had been searching for so long, and nothing. Wendy couldn't catch Natsu's scent. Lucy was really worried. Even if i don't like that fire breather, i still feel bad for Lucy. Juvia was holding my hand as we walked.
"Gray-sama... Is Juvia... Bothering you?" She asked and squeezed my hand.
"No... You're not bothering me." I anwsered.
"Gray-sama!! Juvia is so happy!" Juvia jumped around me, hearts in her eyes.
"C-calm down a bit..." i said.
"Hey! I think we are done with this area." Carla flew next to Lucy, who was sitting against a tree.
Wendy jumped out of the bush next to Lucy.
"I'm sorry... I couldn't find him..." Wendy said with shy voice.
"Wendy... It's not your fault! Maybe Laxus or Gajeel found him." Lucy tried to cheer her up.
"That's right Wendy... Don't blame yourself." Carla said.
Everyone was kind of despressed. Who knew that fire ass could make everyone so sad.
Happy is in a pretty bad shape too.
"Gray?" Lucy asked.
"Uh yeah?" i snapped out of my thoughts.
"Something in your mind?" Wendy looked at me and showed a tiny smile.
"Nah... Just this whole situation. This is insane..." I ran my hand trhough my hair.
"Yeah..." Juvia agreed.
Suddenly Wendy turned her head. She started smelling around.
"What!? Did you find his scent!?!?" Lucy jumped up.
"No... Sorry... I just smell Gajeel." Wendy said and pointed at one direction.
"Oh?" Lucy said with stupid face.
"Juvia thinks that we should go to see Gajeel-san and his team." Juvia said.
"Yea... That would be probably good." Carla agreed.
"Well, let's go then." I said.
Wendy started leading us towards them.
Dott's P.O.V.
I was sitting in my room. Looking at a map of Fiore on my wall. I had marked differend places there. I had marked my enemies, so it would be easier to make my plans work. I stood up.
"Once i was like that pink haired dude... I was in a guild..." I remembered how happy I was back then.
"But now... I will be the one who controls Fiore... I will be the king of this place. And everyone will obey me! Good good!!!" I slammed my fist on table.
"Master Dott!" one of my servants ran into my room.
"Didn't i tell you that knocking is much nicer than just rushing in like a headless chicken, you idiot!" i absolutely raged at him.
"M...my deepest apologies... But..." He kneeled down. "Someone is attacking!"
"What!? Who is it!?" I panicked a little.
'who the fuck is it!? Someone from Fairy Tail??? No... No way. But... Who?' I rushed out of the room and started giving commands.
"You assholes! Go and freaking kill the attacker!!!" I screamed at the bottom of my lungs.
"Yes Master!!!" my knights Yelled and they ran outside where was full fight going on.
"Fucking shit ass jelly heads!" I nervously started biting my nails.
"Everyone is trying to ruin my things!"
Erza'z P.O.V.
*with Laxus's team
Everyone except me and Laxus were tired. We had to take little break.
"I don't think we can find Natsu here." Freed sat down.
"So true... We have searched everywhere... And nothing. Absolutely nothing." Bixlow said.
"I agree with you." Evergreen sighed.
"Let's just leave this place." Laxus started walking away.
"Wait. I have an idea. Laxus can you smell anyone else's team?" i asked.
Laxus showed me painful face, but he walked back. He sniffed few times.
"Actually I smell Wendy's team,but they're moving further away." Laxus said.
"Let's catch them." i commanded and started running.
I heard few moans behind me, but everyone followed. Laxus ran ahead me and leaded way.
We had been running for about ten minutes and Laxus pointed ahead. I saw Juvia and Gray.
"Catch them!" Freed yelled at me.
I nobbed and ran as fast as i ever could. I was now close enough them to hear me.
"Gray!" I yelled and he turned around dmsurprised.
"Everyone stop!" Gray wawed at his team.
I stopped running and stood next to Juvia.
"Found anything?" Juvia asked.
"No." i anwsered.
Laxus jumped next to Gray. I looked behind me, Freed, Bixlow and Evergreen were finally here.
All three were out of breath. Laxus looked at them and sighed.
"Well... Where are you running i asked.
"Wendy smelled Gajeel's team." Lucy said as she walked next to me.
Carla landed on Lucy's head.
"We were going to them."
"Yeah. We couldn't find anything." Gray said.
"We are coming too." i decided.
Unison raid wasn't actually happy about it.
"We should run then..." Webdy said.
"Okay. Let's go." Lucy started running after Wendy and Laxus, who were already going.
We made our way towards team three. I decided to use my time better and started thinking about this whole thing.
'Dott fooled us... But why Natsu? Because he is dragonslayer? Maybe. Or firemage? That could be it too. I hope Natsu is alright...
This is bad situation. We lost our nakama to enemy. Natsu might get injured really badly or even... No. He is strong. He won't... But still.'
"Hey! I saw Lily!" Carla yelled and cut my thoughts.
"Catch them up and tell to stop!" Gray yelled.
Carla looked at Wendy, who nobbed in agreement.
Carla flew ahead us and in no time we saw Gajeel, Levy, Jet and Lily waiting for us.
"Come on! I catched his scent!" Gajeel wawed at us.
We speeded up. Not so long and we were all running toward Natsu's kidnapper and his hiding place.
Third P.O.V.
*at Dott's place
Dott's knights and mages fighted against hooded guy. Guy was winning. He beated knights easily, and made his way inside the mansion. New mages and knights were running towards the attacker, but everyone of them were thrown out of the way.
Attacker rushed inside the biggest room. Dott was standing in the middle of it.
"Who are you!? What do you want from here!? ... Good good..." Dott yelled.
Attacker slowly removed the hood.
Dott gasped loudly.
"Black mage... Zeref..." he backed away a bit.
"Yes. I am Zeref. And i have come to take something which does not belong to you." Zeref said with calm, but cold voice.
Dott freezed, he looked at the dark mage with fear. "What is it...?" he asked with vibrating voice.
"In a crystal ball... You keep him like a slave, but you forgot that his power is precious... It's very wanted." Zeref took a few steps towards the little old man.
"I-I-I don't k-know wh-what you are ta-ta-talking about..." Dott backed more.
"This person is precious to history and to future. He will bring peace to the world, but it takes it's price. You do know who i am talking about." Zeref started looking angry.
"I-I k-know! H-He is in the next room!!!" Dott was now his back against the wall.
Zeref looked at him with emotoinless face.
"You have taken something too precious. You must be punished for that. You took his power to make yourself happy. It is selfish. You must be punished." Zeref raised his hand.
"~blackened soul~" Zeref said a spell and Dott fell down on the ground screaming.
Zeref walked outside of the room. He looked around and choosed one door. He opened it and finded big crystal ball. Inside of it was a person.
"What are you doing!?" Red haired man ran towards Zeref.
Man turned into a monster and he attacked.
"How stupid." Zeref used one finger and he shoot a little black ball at the monster.
Monster turned back into a red haired man and he fell down at the ground.
"Rasya!!!" Silver haired girl ran next to the man. "You asshole!" She yelled and pointed at Zeref, ready to use her magic.
Black mage smiled and waved his hand which sent a black wave towards the girl. She screamed and fell down next to the monster man.
"Done." Zeref walked over the two.
Natsu was unconsious in the ball. He were alive, still. Zeref tapped the crystal and it started braking slowly. It fell apart and Zered grapped the dragonslayer in his arms.
"Natsu... Nice to meet you again." He said quietly and started walking towards the door.
Suddenly he heard steps coming closer.
"Here!" someone yelled outside the door.
Then it slammed open and members of Fairy Tail were watching Zeref holding the passed out fire dragonslayer with horron on their face.
I'm so mean... I stopped the chapter at that point. XD
Thank you all for reading! It makes me so happy when someone likes my work. It means a lot for me. Thank you! ❤😘
BTW: this is my own version of e.n.d's awakening, so it maybe won't match with the real one.
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