[C.45] Princesses Of Enchancia
• A U T H O R ' S P. O. V •
"We have another very important announcement to make."
After the group managed to successfully do their mission, even though there were one or two mishaps that happened, it was finally time to commence the training that will help shape the ordinary students in becoming fearless, dedicated, and powerful warriors in the battlefield.
Ever since the announcement made by the royalties reached all the citizens' ears, everybody in the whole of Enchancia, may they be normal people, noblemen, or even rogues, knew that this war will be marked as a major event in their history, so they needed to unite and get every form of help that they can to strengthen both their offense and defense if they want to claim this as another win for the four kingdoms.
But it would be a little hard if the good people of Enchancia wouldn't be able to recognize their rightful leaders.
"A few months ago, I know that all of you are aware that four new girls enrolled in this school." The king of the north bellowed to all the people, both students and citizens present in the gigantic field located at the heart of the academy of magic.
Murmurs of confusion filled the air as the king uttered those words because they were all, already shocked by the recent dreadful news, and apparently now there were more surprises waiting for them.
The royalties glanced at their nervous looking daughters standing by the sidelines.
"Jisoo, Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lalisa."
All the students, the ones who knew, have interacted, or even just have seen the aforementioned girls all diverted their wide eyes towards them and it only made the four princesses more conscious. They all fidgeted and fiddled with their hands in nervousness as they were aware that there were almost thousands of eyes watching them and their every current move.
"These girls, are not ordinary," The king paused as he glanced at the anticipating eyes of his people, "Because they are the four lost princess of the four kingdoms."
"They're our daughters."
A collection of loud gasps echoed through the field once those words were spoken. For almost at least sixteen years, the tale of the lost princesses of the north, south, east, and west was always talked about in the land. The elder enchancians made sure to keep the story alive and told the younger generation about it, but now to their confusion and disbelief, the girls in the story who most thought were already deceased, were standing right in front of their eyes, alive and breathing.
Jisoo, Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa slowly looked up to meet the surprised eyes of the people.
From this moment on, they knew that every eye they met will be the eyes of their subjects, their people, their responsibilities. They knew that there would come a day that they will be leading these people, so they made an oath within themselves that they would win this war no matter what because they will live until the day where they would be known as the rightful queens of the land of Enchancia.
Despite the loud whispers of shock, the four girls joined their parents and held their heads high.
"I am princess Diana, the rightful heir to the throne and royal daughter of the west." Jisoo as the eldest started first with a confident voice and took a step forward.
"I am princess Aria, rightful heir to the throne of the south, and the royal daughter of fire." Jennie followed as she took a step to take the space beside Jisoo.
"I am princess Selene, long lost princess and royal daughter of the east ." Chaeyoung followed as she glanced at her future subjects beside Jennie.
"And I am princess Rhea, the last lost princess of Enchancia, heir to the throne of the north." And finally, Lisa.
A beat of silence prevailed, before the first row of the crowd started to bow to the ground, then the others from behind followed, and just like dominoes, every person present were found bowing to their knees in a silent happy greeting for the four princesses.
The sight tugged several heartstrings inside the four girls, and they tried their best to control their tears.
They belong here.
"All hail, the princesses of Enchancia!"
And soon, the dreadful upcoming war was momentarily forgotten as the atmosphere was filled with happy cheers of celebration, and the only things that were heard were the voices of people, happily welcoming their beloved princesses.
The four glanced at each other as they telepathically shared the same thought.
We promise, to protect this land at all cost.
Because that is the destiny and the responsibility bound for the princesses of Enchancia.
° ° °
As the royalties were leaving final words before the training ensues, the four girls went back to their friends, with them directing the four princesses supportive smiles as they approach.
While they continue to listen to the royalties, Jennie suddenly faced the other three princesses with a thoughtful look on her face.
"Hey, this may sound petty but. . ." Jennie paused before sighing and looking down, causing the other girls to groan at the 'dramatic' effect made by a very much dramatic Jennie.
"What, Jen?" Jisoo asked with knitted brows towards Jennie who looked up.
". . .We're supposed to be serious, but did you see Jung's face earlier? Priceless, I tell you!" Jennie said before cackling to herself in a rather satanic tone, to the point where she almost found herself rolling on the floor laughing if it weren't for the three snorting girls holding her in place.
Lisa calmed her laughing self first before facing Jennie, but as they looked at each other they only started to laugh between themselves again with Jisoo trying to steady them, but she was also laughing herself so Chaeyoung was the one to answer.
"Yeah, I mean I sure did." The red-haired girl chuckled.
"You guys don't know how long I've been waiting for this." Jennie said as she wiped the tears coming out of her brown orbs.
"Like, watch this."
Jennie composed herself first before replacing her amused smile with a smug grin, then she directed that at the girl standing not too far from them. Melody at first was listening to the king's words, but after a few seconds she felt a pair of eyes staring right at her so when she looked at a certain direction, she met Jennie's intense, piercing gaze. The girl's eyes widened before sheepishly looking away.
Truth be told, she wanted to roll her eyes so bad, but she knew she was only asking for a death wish when she does just that. She was dealing with a royalty after all.
Seeing Melody Jung's actions, Jennie and Lisa stuck their tongue out at her in a mocking manner.
Jisoo slapped the both of them upside the head, "Yah! Stop that!"
Chaeyoung agreed, "As much as I want to do that too, we have a reputation to maintain here."
"Okay, we shall calm thyself." Lisa muttered to which Jennie nodded to. The two coughed before composing their selves, which if you ask them was hard considering the previous events.
Events which to them were amusing and hilarious.
"But seriously though," Jisoo muttered, "That girl must have left her manners inside her mother's womb."
Jisoo clicked her tongue and shook her head in disapproval, but as she looked up she regretted uttering those words almost immediately, because then, Jennie and Lisa glanced at each other.
"Please, don't." The oldest begged.
But it was to no use as the duo laughed anyways.
Jisoo sighed, "Shouldn't have said that."
"That one was on you, unnie." Chaeyoung grinned.
° ° °
"I told you, Melody. Just confess or something."
"No, I'm definitely not doing that." Melody grumbled to her friend before sighing, "When the opportunity presents itself, I'll just apologize for bitching out at them a little."
"A little?"
Melody groaned, "Okay, fine! Geez. Don't blame me, I just don't know how to deal with this stupid little crush. Ugh! Damn feelings."
"Yeah," Her friend agreed, "I mean, you pretended to like Jungkook when the truth is that the one you truly like is her."
Melody chuckled a little at that. It was true, she told Lisa to stay away from Jungkook because she didn't want Jungkook to have her all to himself. The first time she saw her, she knew it love- or just like- at first sight. But she didn't really want to admit that considering it was a little unusual, so she pretended to resent her and like Jungkook for her own sake.
"Well to be fair, I did have a crush on Jeon. But no offense, she's way more attractive than him." The girl admitted.
"So are you going to tell her?"
"Nope, not a chance."
She's contented with admiring the both of them from afar for the time being, because besides, they had a bigger problem to face.
° ° °
"Still sleeping?"
Nayeon glanced at the person entering the humongous bedroom, only to find Jeongyeon carrying a tray of food for them to eat.
And by them, she meant her, Jeongyeon, and Tzuyu. The only ones who are still awake.
"Yeah, the other girls are still asleep."
"I can't believe we ended up here again just after returning back home." Tzuyu chuckled at the irony as she stared at the high marbled ceiling of one of the palace's rooms they were currently occupying. Earlier the others agreed that while they make the announcement at the academy, the nine of them will stay here at the palace to rest first.
It has been a hectic day after all.
"Yeah." Jeongyeon sighed as she placed the tray at one of the center tables.
"I guess we're really meant to be here. We belong here after all." Nayeon absentmindedly whispered, but it was still loud enough for the others to hear.
"What do you mean we belong here?"
The three snapped their heads towards Jihyo's groggy voice, followed by the agreeing hums of the rest of their now awake sisters.
"Why are we still here? It's not a dream?" Sana asked with wide eyes.
Jeongyeon chuckled, "Funny how we said that when we first arrived here a few weeks ago."
"A few weeks?" Mina stood up from the bed, squinting her eyes at the older girl, "What do you mean, unnie?"
Momo, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung nodded in agreement as soon as that certain detail sunk in their minds.
"This may all sound crazy, but that was what we also thought at first," Nayeon's voice broke the silence as she inched closer towards the others, causing the rest to follow her actions in suit in order to hear better.
"Guys, you're in for a story of a lifetime."
Nayeon started to tell them everything starting from the very beginning, including the part where the story they told them just a few days ago was only fake, with Jeongyeon and Tzuyu joining in from time to time to input some of their own little details. The other girls were listening intently until the three girls finished the retelling of their own expedition.
The rest of the daughters fell into immediate silence, with their poor minds still trying to let everything sink in, all the while comprehending what was make believe and reality.
Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Tzuyu respected and understood that, so they said nothing more and just left them alone with their own thoughts.
As the girls were questioning their whole being and life choices, a knock on the door snapped them out of their own reveries.
Jihyo stood up, "I-I'll get it."
When the girl only received silence, she rushed to the door before opening it.
"Hey I was just-"
The owner of the voice halted.
Jihyo cocked her head to the side in confusion as the nameless male in front of her remained speechless and unmoving when he laid his eyes on her. The girl waved her hands in front of his face several times until the male finally went back to his senses.
Jihyo watched as he coughed before facing her. "You guys must be Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Tzuyu's friends?"
Jihyo opened the door wide enough for him to see the others before nodding, "Yes, that's us."
The man's attention returned back to her.
"O-Oh, the name's Daniel." He waved sheepishly at the other girls before extending his hand out towards Jihyo. The girl looked at it for a few seconds before slapping herself mentally and taking his hands into hers.
"Nice to meet you, Daniel. I'm Jihyo."
"The pleasure is all mine." Daniel grinned at her but when he remembered what he was here for in the first place, he glanced back at the others who were actually giving him knowing looks.
"Uh, my sister Seulgi, is looking for you all."
"Wait, Seulgi-unnie has a brother?" Dahyun asked in shock. It seems that they were learning a lot of things today.
"Yeah, that's me. She'll meet you guys at the main hall, I believe your unnies already know where that is. That's all, it was nice to meet you guys but I forgot I have to get going." Daniel smiled at them one last time before hurrying to close the door.
"The hell was that?"
A sudden voice from behind made Daniel jump in shock. The male glared at Yeri before asking her.
"Why are you here? I though you guys were supposed to be there at the academy?"
Yeri crossed her arms, "I accompanied Seulgi-unnie here as I was going to get something from here before the training starts anyway."
Daniel's lips formed an 'o' as an unspoken okay.
"But gotta say, Niel."
"That," Yeri jutted her thumb towards the door of the room where the nine were staying with a smirk on her face, "Was so lame of you."
Daniel groaned in annoyance.
° ° °
As the training commences, so does danhyo hahaha lmao. Also you saw that little plot twist? Hahaha it was another request from my friend who has a major crush on both Jungkook and Lisa so I agreed to give her a little cameo role here. Ever since I introduced Melody's character I've been itching to write the truth lol hahaha.
Anyways guys, after this book ends I'm planning to have a little q&a (again) the last one was a flop so please don't make this one flop too :'). If there's anything you want to ask about the book, characters, plot, and maybe even about me, comment on the dot below (still upto you though) I'll answer as many as I can.
Also, I swear we're all nearing to the climax so until then please bear with me, because things are about to get intense trust me.
If there's any grammatical errors, just ignore it cuz I'm not perfect and I'm too lazy to edit. This was also rushed because of certain things.
Anyways, always remember to keep safe guys! Wash your hands, eat and drink healthy things, and be conscious of your surroundings!
Luv y'all
Author-nim outtt
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