[C.4] The Land Of Enchancia
• A U T H O R ' S P. O. V •
She felt like she was falling into an endless pit, falling, falling, and falling. . .until it suddenly stopped.
"Ouch." Was the first word that Lisa uttered as she opened her eyes after much effort.
In daze, her hands wandered aimlessly and it wasn't long until she felt something rough making contact with her skin, and it didn't take a genius to figure out that it was dirt. That made her perk up almost immediately because wasn't she inside the bathroom just a few seconds ago?
Body still aching all over from the fall, Lisa resorted to looking up in an attempt to see where she came from but all she saw was the dark blue night sky, with millions of stars decorating it and stretching into the horizon.
A spark of curiosity was ignited within her, prompting her to finally using all the energy she has left to try and help herself up. She succeeded, though not without grunting in pain and falling back to the ground a few more times.
"Where am I?" Lisa whispered to herself as she looked around, only to find tall, thick, and brooding trees surrounding her. It was creepy to say the least, and the deafening silence didn't help the situation at all.
Lisa couldn't help but be scared, the nasty sense of danger starting to overtake her whole body, but it was normal after seeing the unfamiliar surrounding she's suddenly thrown in, she doesn't know what to do in a dark and creepy forest.
But her worries were momentarily forgotten when all of a sudden, a large group of bright, glowing fireflies started to appear seemingly out of nowhere. The little creatures started to spread out within the perimeter, illuminating the dark area in an ethereal glow in no time.
Lisa watched as they danced around her, soft buzzing sounds invading her ears. In a way she felt comforted, she almost felt like they were welcoming her.
A small smile that was barely seen crept on Lisa's face, the beautiful sight giving her a sense of hope and comfort.
Unbeknownst to the girl admiring the view, there was a boy, hiding in one of the trees. . .admiring her.
"Beautiful." the boy said.
He kept observing the clueless girl in curiosity, his head tilted to the side but stopped when he sensed another figure approaching her. His hands instinctively went to the handle of his sword which was attached conveniently on his belt, this wasn't a safe place after all.
"Lisa? Is that you?" The newly arrived figure asked.
His grip on the sword loosened as soon as he saw the look of recognition dawning on Lisa's face.
They seem to know each other, so he didn't need to worry about her after all.
"Lisa, huh? Nice name." The boy muttered to himself with a smile and walked away quietly, not wanting to be noticed.
° ° °
Chaeyoung fluttered her eyes open, only to find herself lying down in a grassy field in the middle of a place that suspiciously looked like a forest. The girl had to cover her eyes from the blinding light coming from above, grunting as she got up while feeling an obscure pain engulfing her entire body from falling down.
Apparently from nowhere.
"What place is this?" Chaeyoung asked to no one in particular as she scanned her surroundings, but all she saw was the bright blue sky, and brown sturdy trees that seemingly stretched into the distance.
Despite having no knowledge of where she was, Chaeyoung was just in awe of how beautiful the place was above anything else. There was still the undeniable sense of uncertainty and caution inside her, but after seeing the sight that was unraveled before her, it appeased her worries somehow.
But that was only until she heard faint footsteps coming close to her vicinity.
The tall girl panicked, she had close to none when it comes to the information that she knew about this place, so she did the rational thing to do and decided to hide in the bushes that laid not that far from her with the fear of being seen.
Craning her neck upwards to see what or who was coming, Chaeyoung peeked slightly and eventually saw a silhouette of a walking figure coming near.
Upon closer inspection, she concluded that it was a person—a young man to be exact. The taller male was clad in a white button up shirt and dark trousers, both of which were noticeably covered with a questionable amount of dirt. As Chaeyoung continued to analyze him she took note of the way the sunlight gave his brown silky hair a brighter shade, how it emphasized his sharp nose and jawline, she even briefly though about how soft his lips looked but it really wasn't the time to think about that.
Chaeyoung watched as the man's brown alluring eyes roamed the area, causing her to duck her head in haste. When he didn't see any suspicious movement coming from anywhere, he immediately propped himself up on a nearby tree to allow it in supporting his obviously fatigued body, if the way he was furiously panting and sweating was any indication.
'He's very handsome.' Chaeyoung couldn't help but note, for it was the undeniable truth anyways. Not wanting to alert him, she continued to silently watch the unknown man as he grabbed a small water container from his satchel and began to drink it, before putting his sword down to ease the weight on his body.
Then that's when she saw it, a glaring silver symbol that was embedded on the expanse of his silver sword, it was hard not to notice when the sunlight kept on reflecting against it especially when it didn't have its cover. Chaeyoung briefly thought that if she can get a closer look, she may be able to determine what it was, and it may even be a symbol that can help her indicate the place where she currently resided.
With the new found determination to at least stop being clueless about her peculiar situation, Chaeyoung moved to have another close look as stealthily as she can, but the girl regretted it almost immediately as soon as her feet made a distinct crunch sound. She looked down and willed herself not to curse out loudly as she looked at the leaves that made contact with her feet beneath her.
The young man's head snapped towards where the sound was coming from, and Chaeyoung found herself face palming as she slowly turned around in a last desperate attempt to escape quietly, but then there goes her luck once again as the man laid his eyes on her.
She was more than ready to run away when the he suddenly called out to her.
"Hey! Stop right there!"
The man had a sword, and did she want to get impaled after doing something foolish? Of course not, so Chaeyoung had no choice but to halt at her tracks, she didn't want to do something that this man wouldn't like, it could literally cause her life.
"Just, don't mind me please." Chaeyoung muttered as she stilled in her place, afraid to even face the man.
All she received was silence, so she mistook it as a sign of approval and took another step when the man stopped her again. "No wait! Can you just turn around? I promise I'm not going to hurt you." The young man said in the softest and most reassuring way his voice can.
For some reason, Chaeyoung can hear nothing but the sheer genuineness from his tone, but even then she didn't have any choice but to oblige because she was the one who was defenseless here. Choosing to trust his words despite the small voice in her head telling her not to, she turned around slowly.
The man was taken aback as soon as he saw the face of the nameless girl. Both of them were absolutely clueless about this fact, but they reacted almost the same way upon seeing each other.
The young man stilled in awe. Even though he had roamed almost the entirety of the kingdom due to being raised in the main capital and coming from a known and respected family, it wasn't everyday that he was able to be in the presence of a lady as gorgeous as this one.
He continued to stand there, frozen, until Chaeyoung spoke in a small voice. "Uh? Hello?"
The soft tone reeled him back to reality, a bright shade of red dusting his cheeks after being caught blatantly staring at the girl.
"Oh, I apologize," He awkwardly coughed. "But uh, you seem to be lost, did you perhaps lose your way home?"
The young man couldn't help but ask her in a kind matter after noticing the look of confusion that's been marring the girl's face for quite some time now.
Chaeyoung hesitated, she didn't even know where her home was from this place, or even if she had a home here, plus even though the lad had been nothing but polite the entire time since they started to talk, she knew that she still couldn't fully trust him.
"Uhm, it's kind of hard to explain and no offense but," Chaeyoung scratched her right cheek meekly. "I can't really just trust strangers immediately."
That statement had caused the lad to raise a brow.
'She doesn't recognize me?'
In his thoughts he didn't want to sound arrogant by asking her that question, but as humble as he is it was still very odd that he wasn't even the slightest bit familiar to the girl. Even though he was still a knight-in-training, he could've sworn that his and his brothers' name were already known and passed among the whole kingdom as the ones that will proceed with their fathers' legacy.
"I am training to become a knight, my lady." The young lad smiled. "It would be very disgraceful for me to condone an an act of deception on an innocent civilian, let alone be the one to do it."
He had honestly hoped that his hints would shed some light on the girl, but unknown to him it only confused her further, because the only thing that was coursing through Chaeyoung's head was;
'A knight? Huh?'
Seeing that it did nothing, the young man sighed before offering another polite smile. "My name is Park Jimin, how about yours?"
With her head still running a whole mile in a minute because of the information he just dumped on her, Chaeyoung absentmindedly said, "Rosé, my name is Rosé." She simply answered with an unsure smile, at least still having the sense to just give him her nickname, and not telling him her real one.
'Rosé huh? Suits her quite well.' Jimin thought in his head with a smile.
"I'm sorry but I really need to go, it was nice meeting you!" Chaeyoung said quickly and didn't even wait for his reply as she turned in the opposite direction and ran, even though she absolutely has no idea of where to go. The girl took a lucky guess and deemed that he wouldn't hurt her so she bolted, and as much as she appreciated his offer to help her, she still couldn't afford to just trust his words. It was better to be safe than sorry.
"Wait!" Jimin tried to run after her, but he got the idea that she probably wouldn't want that so he decided to just let her be.
In his mind, Chaeyoung's face flashed.
"I hope we meet again, Rosé." Jimin smiled as he picked up his stuff, before walking the opposite direction as Chaeyoung.
On the other hand, the redhead was continously running and running, not noticing the change of the environment in her haste. This one, wasn't as positive and bright like the one from earlier, it was rather dark, creepy, and ominous. Chaeyoung was too concentrated on her goal of running away to realize that another figure was running in the dark, until she bumped into it.
"Hey! Watch where you're—"
° ° °
• 𝐔 𝐍 𝐊 𝐍 𝐎 𝐖 𝐍 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕 •
I was just roaming around the forest to get some much needed fresh air to somehow appease my sore body, and fortunately the weather today was nice so I got to do just that.
Man, our training really knows how to tire us up.
I heaved a deep sigh, feeling exhausted, but my actions were cut off when I suddenly heard a loud thud resounding near me.
In mere seconds, my instincts immediately kicked in. I scanned the perimeter around the forest to find where the sound possibly came from.
I slowly crept towards where I thought the thud came from, baring my sword in the process but I soon realized that I wouldn't have to use it because to my complete shock, it was just a girl lying on the ground, obviously unconscious. I put my sword back into the sheath and immediately ran to her before crouching down to check if she was okay. I briefly put my ears against her chest, and retreated with a relieved sigh after hearing her heartbeat.
Without my intention though, my cheeks couldn't help but heat up at the contact, but I ignored it, for it was for her sake anyways. I took a closer look at her face this time, and couldn't help but marvel with how pretty she looked.
She honestly looked like a goddess lying in the grassy field under the blue sky.
I shook my head, it wasn't the time for that. With a sigh, I carefully put my hands on her shoulders.
"Hey, wake up." I shook her gently.
° ° °
• 𝐀 𝐔 𝐓 𝐇 𝐎 𝐑 ' 𝐒 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕 •
"Hey, wake up." Was the first thing Jisoo heard as soon as she regained conciousness. Her eyes slowly opened, and soon enough she was greeted by a figure of a man hovering just above her. In shock, her eyes widened and she yelled, pushing him off her as she did so. "What do you think you're doing?!"
The man was surprised by her sudden yelling. "Calm down, I'm not doing anything, you should even thank me I found you before someone else did! Who knows what they'll do to you!" He couldn't help but fire back with furrowed eyebrows, slightly offended by her accusations.
Jisoo squinted her eyes at him, but he only continued to look at her in disbelief. In the end, she just sighed when the offense on his face never faltered, "Is that so? I'm sorry."
The girl couldn't help but unconsciously pout, looking down as she was ashamed by her rash actions. But at the end of the day you really can't blame her, after all her last recollection was the whole crazy scene in the bathroom, and the next time she opened her eyes suddenly there was a stranger hovering above her.
The young man found the sight both cute and amusing. He secretly grinned, before facing her again. Now that her eyes were opened, he could see clear uncertainty and a hint of. . .fear?
How did she even end up here? Did she collapse?
"It's no big deal." The man reassured her. He figured it wasn't a good idea to scare her further as she was clearly shaken up by something.
Upon seeing the guy's genuine smile, Jisoo's heart started to feel at ease, at least a tad bit. Looking at him properly now, she would be lying if she said he wasn't handsome.
Jisoo laughed at her own silly thoughts at a time like this and stood up, causing the man to do so too.
"Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves formally yet." The young man stated.
Jisoo stared at him for a good second, and she got the feeling that he wouldn't do anything funny, "Kim Jisoo."
The guy offered his hand and Jisoo took it.
"Kim Seokjin."
"Look, it's been nice talking to you but I need to find my friends." Jisoo said with finality, while looking around.
"Would you like me to accompany you?" Seokjin offered, causing Jisoo to let out a small smile.
'What a gentleman.' She thought and chuckled.
"What's so funny?" Seokjin asked, clearly perplexed by her sudden action.
"Nothing it's just that, it's rare to meet guys like you these days." Jisoo replied nonchalantly while wiping the dust off her uniform. (Yeah they're still wearing their uniforms).
Seokjin blushed at her statement. Jisoo looked at him and grinned. "Are you blushing?"
'Stop laughing Jisoo-ssi, you're making me blush even more!' Seokjin thought. He retorted to looking down at the ground to hide his blushing face from the chuckling girl.
Jisoo gingerly held Seokjin's chin, holding it up to face her. Now this didn't help Seokjin's situation at all.
"I'm just joking, anyways thanks, but you've helped me enough. I don't want to trouble you anymore." Jisoo stated and retrieved her hand, though she started having doubts because she didn't have a single clue of where she could be, but the guy looked tired and he's helped enough. "I can handle myself from here."
She wasn't sure herself, but he didn't have to know that.
"Well then it's nice meeting you Kim Jisoo, I hope we meet again." Seokjin offered her a smile
"The feeling is mutual." Jisoo reciprocated and mustered a grin of her own, before turning around and walking away.
Seokjin stared at her retreating back, his head tilted to one side and when Jisoo was already at a safe distance, he muttered to himself, "You somehow look familiar Jisoo-ssi."
° ° °
Jisoo walked further in the unknown place until she found herself in a dark forest. She kept walking and walking not knowing where to go until she saw a figure, two figures to be exact. The first one was a girl, admiring the fireflies that's surrounding her, and the other one was a boy who kept staring at the girl.
Jisoo slowly walked closer, and in a matter of seconds was both shocked and relieved to recognize who the girl is.
"Lisa? Is that you?" Jisoo asked, and true to her words, the girl turned around, revealing Lisa.
"Oh my God, unnie!" Lisa exclaimed and ran towards the older girl, giving a tight hug to Jisoo afterwards who of course accepted it. They both let out a sigh of relief and broke the hug. Jisoo then looked around for the mysterious boy staring at Lisa earlier, but found nothing.
"Where did he go?" Jisoo asked herself, causing Lisa to be confused.
"Where did who go unnie?" Lisa asked.
"Earlier I was walking around trying to find you guys, and in the process I saw you, but not only you, I found a guy who kept staring at you." Jisoo told her in a confused tone as well.
"Well that's creepy." Lisa said. A chill ran down her spine, freaked out about the fact that a guy was openly staring at her in this mysterious place, but it was the least of their problems at the moment.
"By the way unnie, have you seen the others?" Lisa asked the older girl, and Jisoo sighed. "Unfortunately, no."
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go find them." Lisa said with a determined voice, causing Jisoo to nod her head firmly in silent agreement.
° ° °
"What the fuck?" Jennie blurted out as soon as she woke up.
"Ah." The girl grunted as she felt the pain coursing through her body from falling down. With much effort, she got up slowly.
"Where the heck am I?" Jennie asked herself in an annoyed tone and scanned her surroundings, only to find nothing but thick trees surrounding her. She secretly thanked the fireflies around her for giving her a bit of light to be able to see somehow, for all she saw in every direction was pitch black darkness.
Jennie shifted when she suddenly felt someone's presence behind her. Now she wasn't some pro fighter or anything but her survival instincts still kicked in, pushing her to grab the nearest weapon near her.
A stick.
"Who are you?!" Jennie glared towards the figure in front of her. A man.
"Woah! Easy there." The young man said, almost in amusement much to Jennie's annoyance. The man pointed his index finger to Jennie's supposed weapon, indicating her to let go of it.
"Just so you know I'm not afraid of using this!" Jennie raised the fairly sized stick she's holding and continued to shoot a menacing glare at the guy, but the latter just chuckled.
"You think I'm joking?!" Jennie blurted out.
"No it's just, that's cute." The guy laughed once again and it started to seriously tick her off, so with all the pent up confusion, annoyance, and rage that started to pile up within her body since she was in the bathroom, she attacked him but the guy dodged it with ease, and held the stick.
"Nice try, but I'm a knight, you're just a girl." The cocky young man smirked, but it faded away as soon as Jennie kicked him at the. . .well if you're a guy, imagine the most painful spot to be hit, yeah you're sure as hell that the enraged Jennie kicked him there, and soon enough he fell to his knees.
"Are you crazy?!" The arrogant guy yelled at Jennie while clutching the spot where he was hit. It was Jennie's turn to smirk now, she crouched down to his level.
"Nobody belittles me." Jennie glared at the guy, but he took this chance of unpreparedness on her part to tackle Jennie to the ground.
Jennie's cheeks turned a light shade of pink because of their awkward position.
Too close.
The young man couldn't help but grin at this, causing Jennie's expression to quickly change back to a serious one as she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her flustered. He noticed this, and finally got up, offering his hand to Jennie as soon as he stood to his full height.
"Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you."
Jennie just stared at him and swat his hands away, before getting up by herself.
"I don't care and FYI, I can take care of myself." Jennie crossed her arms across her chest.
"You're a feisty one, eh?" Taehyung ignored his cluelessness over whatever 'FYI' meant and tilted his head to one side in amusement, causing Jennie to roll her eyes.
"And you'll never meet anyone feistier." Jennie sassed before turning around, wanting nothing but to be at least a mile away from this jerk.
"Uh? Your name at least?" Taehyung said, making Jennie face him again.
"Oh, I'm sorry my name is Jennie, Jennie Kim," Jennie suddenly smiled, causing Taehyung to raise a brow, "And I hope we don't meet ever again." Her smile immediately dropped and she finally walked away, and just like the other girls, without knowing where to go to.
Taehyung chuckled. "Oh it would be a pleasure to meet you again."
° ° °
While wandering in the forest she had no idea how to navigate, surprise surprise, Jennie ended up being lost. The cat eyed girl even started to become scared which was so out of her character, but she didn't know what to do. It was dark, she was lost and all alone.
Until she bumped into another figure.
She almost forgot about the fact that she was literally lost inside a dark ominous forest because just who dared to bump into her?
"Hey! Watch where you're—"
Jennie's eyes widened in relief at the face that greeted her, another action which was so out of character. Damn this forest did weird things to her. "Oh my God! Finally!"
"Are the others with you?" Chaeyoung asked Jennie with hope in her eyes.
"Do you see anyone else?" Jennie managed to raise a brow. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.
"We don't have time to fight, let's just find the others." Chaeyoung firmly said.
"There's no need for that." A new voice said, and it didn't come from Chaeyoung nor Jennie.
"Unnie! Lisa!" Chaeyoung's eyes sparkled at the sight of her smiling bestfriends. She didn't waste another second and ran to her friends, engulfing them both in a bone crushing hug.
"Yay." Jennie said with sarcasm evident in her tone, causing the three to break their hug.
"We've been looking everywhere for you guys." Jisoo addressed both Jennie and Chaeyoung in a worried matter.
"Well, we're here now aren't we? What now?" Jennie crossed her arms as she asked Jisoo. "I mean we don't even know where we fucking are!"
"Uhm, I might shed some light on that." Lisa fiddled with her hands, earning everyone's attention. Now that all eyes were on her, Lisa took a deep breath. It was just a hunch but with everything she saw so far, she was afraid she might just be right.
"We're in the book." Lisa sighed after a second of tense silence.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Jennie looked at her like she's gone insane, and she wasn't going to lie, she was going to consider herself insane too if she spends another second in this damned, jerk-filled, forest.
"I'm afraid not." Lisa replied in resignation.
"Waking up earlier I thought it was a dream, but based on our environment right now, and after briefly reading parts of the book," Jisoo glanced at Lisa uneasily. "I think Lisa might be right."
"This is starting to get on my nerves." Jennie paced back and forth for a few minutes before finally stopping and facing Lisa.
"Who am I kidding it's been getting on my nerves since earlier, but where exactly are we?" Jennie demanded for the younger girl to answer, causing Lisa to look at her.
"We're in The Land Of Enchancia."
° ° °
Finally done with that *takes a deep breath*
I would like to apologize for taking too long, see last week me and my fam went on a vacation, and poor me, doesn't have WiFi. So when we finally arrived home, I started with this chapter, I was halfway through it when my parents decided to confiscate my phone, cool right?
(No, it sucks) but the chapter's here isn't?
I can only use my phone when my parents come back from work, so don't expect continuous updates, and btw I just realized this is the longest chapter I've written😂
Anywayss, you guys might be confused with the plot, on why in Lisa and Jennie's POV it's night time, but with Chae and Jisoo's it's daytime, we'll its because. . .naahh I won't spoil you, but don't worry, on the next chapter you'll get to know the Land Of Enchancia more, and how it works.
But eyyy the bangtan members showed up, and don't worry because all of the members will be in this story so yeahhh.
If there's any grammatical errors, I'm sorry, but I'm lazy XD
Luv y'all
Author-nim outtt
° ° °
An update about my plans of revising this book:
hey guys, yes i'm still alive. so long story short, after some thinking (again) i ultimately decided against continuing the revision of enchancia (my brain rn doesn't have the capacity to do it). apart from the first four chapters (including this one, sorry i said three on my announcement it's supposed to be four), the rest will pretty much stay the same, and i'll just think of the whole book as a reminder of how i started, and how much i've improved since then. so with that out there, i'll just continue from where we all left off.
that's all, have a nice day everyone!
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