[C.37] Announcements
• 𝐀 𝐔 𝐓 𝐇 𝐎 𝐑 ' 𝐒 𝐏. 𝐎. 𝐕 •
"Thanks again, Seokjin." Jisoo shot the latter a knowing and thankful grin, causing the aforementioned male to roll his eyes playfully.
"We've been doing this routine for days, Jisoo." Seokjin reminded her. "Also, I told you to call me Jin."
"Whatever you say, Jin." Jisoo chuckled, not noting the awe-struck filled eyes her companion was directing at her.
They didn't know when it started, it just rolled out the way it did and they just went with the flow. It all started on the same day the academy's resident mean girls decided to attempt to cause humiliation onto the girls, only to fail miserably. From that day forward, the boys took advantage of their friendship with RV and of course their younger brothers to be able to hang out with the girls, and eventually, try to be close with them.
Her effect on him was no joke, probably because she really made a huge impact and impression on him the first time they saw each other in the depths of the forest. As clichè as it may sound, he can supposedly call it love at first sight. If it's in the term of him being attracted to the young lassie the first time he laid his eyes on her, then it surely is.
He was attracted at first sight, then he fell deeper from that moment on, and those feelings were growing more prominent everyday without him even noticing, that or he may or may not be in denial. He wanted to be in denial but he can't, he figured he would just be making a huge fool out of himself.
There's just something about her that invites him in, it may be her strong personality, her witty mind, her dazzling smile, Jin can go on.
Another thing is that not too long ago, he discovered that he's been growing fond of two things; smiles, and Jisoo. So imagine what he's feeling right now seeing Jisoo, smiling.
He was slowly released from his daze when he felt Jisoo's warm hands slightly shaking his broad shoulders. Talk about being whipped, if it weren't for Jisoo, he'd still be staring at nothingness even though the bell was already ringing loudly causing the students around them to dash to their own respective rooms, of course not forgetting to give the duo one last look before going on their way. It has become normal to the students body's eyes to see the pair together, though some are still casting Jisoo dirty looks from time to time but the latter gives it no mind.
"O-Oh, yeah I'll s-see you later." He mentally scolded himself for stuttering.
Jisoo found his behaviour peculiar, but paid no attention to it as she can already make out the figure of her teacher approaching the classroom in front of them now.
"You should go to your class, I'll see you when I see you." The girl smiled and waved her hand at Jin before disappearing into the room.
The boy returned the smile, but when Jisoo was already out of sight, he sighed a hit his own head.
"Someone's not acting like himself."
Jin jumped in surprised when he heard a teasing voice pop out of nowhere.
"Jesus Christ! Don't do that, Namjoon." Jin raised his hands as if he was about to punch his bestfriend. Namjoon only chuckled and put his arms around Jin's neck.
"Let's go, dude, we're running late for class, you can daydream about Jisoo later."
"Aish, Yah! Come back here you dickhead!" Jin exclaimed at a running Namjoon.
° ° °
"Thanks for helping me, Jeon." Lisa said as she helped Jungkook carry the materials they just used to finish the project. Lisa didn't know Jungkook had a knack for art, so she was pleasantly surprised but at the same time, thankful.
The hallway was already half empty for classes were about to resume, they both have the same subject after lunch so they decided to go back to the classroom together.
The remaining students lurking back at the hallway were all staring at them, because of this, Lisa can't help but feel a little conscious, and it didn't go unnoticed by the male walking alongside her.
"Don't mind them," Jungkook whispered, causing Lisa's attention to divert to him." They're just jealous of the visuals we hold together."
Though he said it in a joking manner as it was followed by a laugh, Jungkook didn't seem to take notice of what he just said, but Lisa figured that it was practically the same thing as calling her pretty. She felt her blood immediately rushing up to her cheeks. She was blushing.
Then it suddenly hit Jungkook. They suddenly fell silent as awkwardness filled the air between them.
"I m-mean, truth to be told, I'm pretty- no, I meant I'm handsome, a-and you're p-pretty, that's probably why they w-were staring." He rambled with his head down as he nervously fidgeted with his fingers.
There are times when he asks himself what's the point of being good at a lot of things if when it comes to handling a mere girl he can't manage. This is one of those times.
Meanwhile, Lisa found the sight cute so she can't help but giggle, her laugh eventually dissipating the awkward air engulfing them.
"Once again, you're cute, kook." The girl grinned.
Jungkook was about to reply when suddenly, the speakers of the academy blared, informing both the students and teachers that there were important announcement to make.
"May we request all the teachers to please come to the boardroom right now, again, may we request all the teachers to please come to the boardroom right now, thank you."
"What's happening?" Lisa asked Jungkook who just shrugged in return, but deep inside, the both of them knows what may be the cause of the announcement but they truly hope that were wrong.
One by one, teachers started to pour out of the classrooms, all heading to the same destination. As the duo was about to reach the room, they encountered one of their teachers who looked at them in confusion.
"What are you still doing here? I suggest you both go to your respective rooms Ms. Manoban and Mr. Jeon."
"Will do, Mr. Kim."
With that being said, Heechul proceeded to go on his way. He personally had a bad intuition with this.
As Lisa and Jungkook entered the room, they were met with the loud chatters of their classmates, all curious as to what was going on. They both placed their things and the materials down and took their seats before also starting a conversation of their own with the people they are close with inside the classroom.
"I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this." Irene voiced out her concern with furrowed brows, she was especially nervous as she knows something they don't, it's only been her, Seulgi, Yeonjun, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Tzuyu who knows about it.
"I do too, but I hope it's not what I'm thinking." Sooyoung agreed.
"Let's just wait for further announcements." Jungkook sighed.
For the next few minutes, they were all engrossed with random talks, all eagerly waiting for their own teacher to return. But all of them fell silent when Mr. Kim finally re-entered the classroom with his face mirroring the same anxious expressions his students kept.
He cleared his throat before finally speaking. "Alright class, I'm here to announce that for the next few weeks, classes will be suspended."
The atmosphere shifted to a jolly one as the people inside the room started to cheer after hearing what their teacher said, all of them except for four students who's frowns didn't waver, but actually deepened.
"I'm not finished talking." Their teacher said in a very serious tone. This caused all of them to be silent.
"You all would still be reporting here, but instead of practicing your powers and having classes,"
"You will all undergo heavy training, in preparation for something very big coming ahead."
° ° °
Once again, I can't sleep, what's new?
Unedited, so pardon me if by chance you come across errors, I wrote this at 3AM - 4AM.
I know I rarely ask for this, but guys I hope you vote and comment, I want to read your opinions and reactions, cause I feel that lately only a little amount of people do so, causing me to think that nobody reads this anymore or is it really just me? :(
Anyways, continue to stay safe guys!
Luv y'all
Author-nim outtt
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