[C.36] Ten Things
• 𝐀 𝐔 𝐓 𝐇 𝐎 𝐑 ' 𝐒 𝐏. 𝐎. 𝐕 •
As the days pass by, the seven boys have been getting impossibly closer with the four girls, and this fact made four boys specially happy and pleased. They would all hang out from time to time, sometimes together with RV and TXT but sometimes, only with the eleven of them.
At the moment, Jennie was attending her english class and unfortunately the only person she was close with in this certain class was none other than, Kim Taehyung. Unfortunately, just because for Jennie, the male have been ten times more annoying lately.
"So in accordance to our class today which is poetry, you will all write a list of ten things about anything and I will be expecting it by the end of this class," Ms. Yoon explained which earned collective groans from the students, "Am I understood?"
Though against their will, they all replied with a, "Yes, ma'am."
Jennie was dubious, only God knows how that was poetry. The girl looked at her friend slash enemy beside her, expecting a this-is-such-a-stupid-class look from Taehyung, and the latter did just that, causing the cat-eyed girl to laugh.
Jennie might have not witnessed it, but Taehyung smiled fondly at the sight of the girl laughing, with her gummy smile and chubby cheeks, honestly who wouldn't?
But when he saw that her laughter slowly subsided, he cleared his throat and quickly removed the silly smile on his face. He didn't know when it started, but one day it suddenly seemed that Jennie would have the ability to make him smile no matter what she does.
Unbeknownst to her, that was why he was purposely being more annoying, he was doing it to cover up his occasional pink cheeks and shy smiles.
Do I like her?
As Jennie faced him, he swiftly shrugged the thought off and plastered his signiture devilish smile on his face, "So what do you think about the poem thing? I'm gonna write ten things that makes Jennie annoying."
As if on instinct, Taehyung's hands immediately raised themselves knowing fully well that Jennie was about to smack him on the head, it was a good thing he dodged it, or that was what he thought because Jennie's other hand reached for his ear and pinched it.
"Wow, violent, I like it- Ah! Jennie let go, it hurts!"
If it weren't for the glare their teacher were sending them, Jennie wouldn't have let go and pinched Taehyung's ears harder until the boy would reconsider about living.
Jennie just rolled her eyes at the pouting Taehyung before finally getting a sheet of paper to write on.
As she was writing, she glanced at Taehyung who was so engrossed in his own paper, her eyes furrowed in amusement when Taehyung quickly ripped the paper off and folded it before stuffing it to his pocket. Then Taehyung's eyes met hers, not expecting that Jennie was already looking at him, he immediately diverted his attention to anything as long as it's not a person with the name of Jennie.
"Why was he so flustered? That's so unlike him." Jennie whispered to herself. After a few minutes she finished her last sentence and scanned it one last time.
Confident with her work, she smiled, stood up, and made her way to the teacher's table to pass her work, not missing the dissaproving look from her teacher. Prolly Taehyung's fault.
As she went back to her seat, she collided with Taehyung who was finally back to his old self judging by the way he stuck his tounge out at Jennie. She just shook her head, but her attention was grabbed by the sound of a paper being stepped on. She looked down and saw a folded piece of paper, and being the decent human being she is, she bent down and picked it up before returning to her seat.
They still had a few minutes before the next period comes so out of curiousity, she slowly unfolded the paper and straightened it up, a mischievous glint twinkled in her eyes when she recognised it as Taehyung's penmanship, she concluded that it must have fell from his pocket when they bumped into each other earlier.
He made sure that Taehyung was already seated back on his seat before she started to read the content of the paper.
Slowly but surely, her smile started to fade away when she read the title.
Her brows furrowed.
What the hell?
° ° °
᯽ 𝐓 𝐀 𝐄 𝐇 𝐘 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 ' 𝐒 𝐏. 𝐎. 𝐕᯽
Snap out of it Tae, she's supposed to be your friend slash enemy, nothing more, nothing less.
But what if I want more?
I groaned as I ruffle my hair in annoyance, what am I even thinking?
My mind was fuzzy from trying to think of answers which caused me to sigh in confusion.
But screw this, I should be true to myself, maybe just this once so I could get a clearer picture of my feelings. I'm tired of being confused so let's try this one more time.
I turned to look at her, she looks cute with her brows furrowed like that.
My eyes travelled down from her silky brown hair, her hazelnut colored orbs, even that cute mole located beneath her eyebrows on her left eye, her cute button nose, and lastly her pink kissable lips.
I straightened my posture as my eyes flickered back to the empty and clean paper placed on my table.
Did I really refer to it as kissable?
I did.
Do I really like her?
I think I do.
Do I really?
I do.
But since when?
I tried to recall all of our past interactions and found myself smiling. Maybe it wasn't when she was dressed up nicely, or when she would answer a hard question in class, or even when she would make all the guys shut up in their room because they were being too noisy.
Maybe it was when I would see her comforting her friends who needed someone to talk to, when she would smack my head because I did something troublesome, when she would hum a random song with her soft voice when she's bored.
Maybe it was when she would sense that I was troubled and she would pat my head, furrow her eyebrows and ask softly; "What's wrong?"
Holy shit, I do like Jennie Kim.
But if it really is the case then I don't want to think about it at least now, so I just let my hand write what it wants to write, I let my heart manuever it as it writes my true feelings without any denial.
But one thing is certain though, I know that I'm smiling while writing this.
1.) She's adorable with her gummy smile and chubby cheeks.
2.) No matter what others say, she's one of the kindest people in the world.
3.) Her name is Jennie Kim
4.) Unfortunately, she has to deal with a certain idiot everyday haha.
5.) She's beautiful.
6.) Kim Taehyung is handsome.
7.) Kim Taehyung is the best boy bestfriend ever.
8.) She's not fat, though she argues that she is.
9.) She will be successful someday.
10.) The last thing that Jennie Kim should remember is that even though he doesen't say it, she's one of the best things that ever happened to Kim Taehyung.
Okay Taehyung, you get it, you like her. So this is what happens to people when they like someone.
I didn't want anyone to see this so I immeadiately ripped the paper off, folded it and stuffed it inside my pocket. Feeling a little brave, I turned around to look at Jennie but I didn't expect that she was already looking at me.
I suddenly found everything else interesting as I pried my eyes away from her.
Don't be so obvious Taehyung.
To distract myself, I grabbed my forgotten pen and started to write my actual work. As I was writing my last sentence, I assumed that Jennie was already finished with hers as she stood up and made her way to the teacher's table.
When I was finally done, I was going to pass by Jennie so I tried my best to act nonchalant and just stuck out my tongue at her, which of course earned a dissaproving shake of the head.
After I passed my paper, I went back to my seat and was about to talk to Jennie when I noticed that she was hiding a piece of paper, and upon further inspection that piece of paper seemed familiar.
Wait, that paper is mine.
Holy shit.
° ° °
I didn't want to disappoint you guys so here you go, and I hope I'm not taking things too fast? take note that I'm not that good in writing fluff cause this is basically my first time and I wanted to give you guys light moments before things goes down.
And the ten things thing was actually inspired from a book I read, yes I lack creativity cause I mean you read my last author's note and I'm just trying my best for you guys :)
Just enjoy these updates while there still is MWAHAHA jk.
Luv y'all.
Author-nim outtt.
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