[C.21] Siblings
• 𝐀 𝐔 𝐓 𝐇 𝐎 𝐑 ' 𝐒 𝐏. 𝐎. 𝐕 •
The weak boy slowly opened his eyes for him to only shut it tight once again due to the blinding light coming from the sun.
He sighed in relief while shifting to a sitting position.
"Thank God I didn't end up in the dark forest." He said as his eyes turned to slits, his hazelnut orbs scanning the surroundings.
He groaned as he got up, he immediately clutched his stomach, feeling hunger.
He looked at the trees, to see if some of them were bearing fruits, and to his luck, he saw some apples hanging on the other trees.
But the problem was, it was too high.
He tried jumping but still no avail, he kept trying and trying, desperate for some food.
All the running from last night made him exhausted.
After a few more weak attempts, he finally gave up, feeling defeated, he plopped down back to a sitting position.
After a few more minutes, he felt someone nudge him, fearing that it was the bad guys from last night, he slowly looked up to see a person, even if it had a mask on, you could still tell that it was smiling for it's eyes crinkled a little.
The boy couldn't quite decipher if it was a man or a woman for it was wearing a thick robe and the only thing you can see is it's dark brown orbs, and due to the mask it's wearing, it's voice wasn't clear enough. The boy averted his eyes to the person's hands and there he found the things he's been craving for since earlier.
The mysterious person crouched down to level it's height with the boy's sitting figure.
"I saw you struggling earlier, so here." It offered some of it's apples.
The boy was hesitant but took some of them anyways due to extreme hunger.
"Thanks. . .Miss or Mister?" The boy asked.
"The names Kang-"
"There he is!" To the little boy's horror, it was the same men from last night standing not that far away from their location. "After him!"
"Miss or mister. . .Kang we have to hurry!" The boy quickly stood up and pulled the mysterious person with him, the 'Kang' person noticed that the little boy was too slow for he was too weak, so it thought for a solution fast for them to escape faster.
It crouched down all of a sudden, the little boy looked at the mysterious person weirdly.
"Uhh what are you doing?" The boy asked, voice still filled with panic.
"Hop on," The person said, but the boy was still hesitating. "C'mon! we don't have time!"
It was enough for the boy to hurriedly jump on the person's back and with that they dashed out of the forest, effectively loosing the bad guys.
Seeing that the coast was clear, he jumped down the person's back and they were both panting heavily.
"C'mon, we shouldn't be so sure of our safety." It held the boy's small hands and led him to a cottage.
"You live here?" Was the first thing the boy uttered when they settled inside the humble cottage.
"Pretty much." The person shrugged.
"So little boy, I didn't get a chance to know your name, can you tell me?" The person said slowly not wanting to freak out the younger boy.
The little boy was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking.
"Leo, Leo Cynth, nice to meet you." The boy smiled brightly, showing it's perfect set of teeth.
The mysterious person narrowed it's eyes towards Leo before realizing something, causing it's eyes to grow wide.
"Wait. . .aren't you the adoptive child of Peter and Athena?. . .who's currently missing?" The person looked at the boy with disbelief.
"Shh! please don't tell anyone about this yet, it may reach those bad men and they'll kidnap me again." The boy sighed, as much as he wanted to go back to his foster parent's warm embrace, he needed to do it quietly for they might catch him again.
The person nodded understandingly. "But in the mean time, let's get your wounds cleaned up, you must have gone through shit." It said before grabbing a small kit, it made it's way towards Leo and started cleaning and patching up his unattended wounds.
While it was aiding Leo, the latter remembered something.
"Wait, miss or mister, whatever your gender may be, you didn't tell me your full name, or is it just Kang?" Leo asked out of curiosity.
With one last final dab on a small wound, the person stood up, pulled it's mask down and smiled.
"The names Daniel, Kang Daniel."
° ° °
"I swear I'll kill him if I see him again!"
"Oh wait, Seul let me guess, he's gone again isn't he?" Sooyoung snorted.
"What else?! My brat of a brother decided to disappear again!" The monolidded woman exaggeratedly sighed, her brother really loves to leave unannounced.
"Leave him alone Seul, he's old enough to handle himself." Irene chuckled as she settled herself in Seulgi's beanbag.
"Woah, woah, woah, wait a minute, Seulgi unnie has a brother?!" Lisa asked wide eyed.
"Correction, a brat of a brother." Seulgi huffed.
"What's his name?" Jennie asked.
"Kang Daniel, but you can call him Daniel if you ever see him but I don't think you'll be able to see him anymore."
The four furrowed their eyebrows.
"Why unnie?"
"Cause he'll be dead by the time I lay my eyes on him." Seulgi threatened her brother.
"Relax unnie, he'll come back again sooner or later, he just wants to explore, and out of all the people here, you know that the most." Wendy reasoned.
"I'm just worried Seungwan, I'm his sister for God's sake!" Seulgi ran her fingers through her brown locks.
"We know that unnie, it's literally girls night, again, I might add, don't ruin the mood." Yeri exclaimed.
It was still the usual, they just got home from school earlier, and one by one, each of them enters Seulgi's room and booya! girls night, this ritual started at their first night here in the palace of the North and soon enough, history keeps repeating itself.
"Yeah, yeah fine, I just didn't want last time to happen again, he literally almost got himself killed, oh wait it's supposed to be ourselves, he almost got me and himself killed." Seulgi sighed.
The four were still new to the topic, considering how wide their eyes got upon hearing Seulgi's statement.
"Geez, don't be too loud." Sooyoung covered her ears.
"We got it from you unnie." Chaeyoung smiled innocently.
"Ohh! The chipmunk snapped!" Yeri cackled, earning yet again another hit from Sooyoung.
"Sorry, but if you don't mind me asking, how?" Jisoo asked, curiosity taking over her body not minding the chaos coming from the maknaes.
"Oh no no I don't mind, there was just this one time when we were young, he managed to persuade me to come with him, and we're not the Kang siblings if were not daring so we decided, that for the first time we enter the dark forest." Seulgi glanced at the curious eyes of four girls, namely Jisoo, Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa before continuing.
"At first, all was going as planned, well not until dark creatures decided to interrupt our little expedition, it looked like it wanted to eat us but it got Daniel first, we were lucky I got to distract the creature and Daniel managed to escape it's grip, yeah it might be scary but we still fought it."
"Because hey, sometimes you gotta be bold." Seulgi grinned.
The four girls laughed at the familiar reference their unnie used.
"Has she been listening to Red Velvet while she was in our world?" Chaeyoung whispered to Lisa who just shrugged, indicating she doesn't know, even though they were whispering, Seulgi heard them.
"Huh? who the heck is Red Velvet? and for your information, I didn't copy it from anywhere."
"Originally from the one and only Kang Seulgi." Seulgi boasted.
"Hmm, I'm really getting curious about the other world. . .and Red Velvet? are they like, curtains or something?" Irene scratched her head.
"Yah! Unnie, you don't get to insult one of the most popular girl groups of all time, at least not in front of us." Lisa said.
"Whatever, we're probably better than them." Yeri said cockily.
"Yeah right." Jisoo replied.
° ° °
Hi guys you might be wondering why I'm updating like crazy well spoiler alert I won't be able to update for the next days due to our exams taking place next week and I need to study *sigh*
Take note the groups like RV and Red Velvet are different, RV is the gruop in Enchancia while Red Velvet is in the other world, same goes with BP, Blackpink, and with BTS and Bangtan so I can feel free when leaving references here and there
Until the next update!
Luv ya'll
Author-nim outtt
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