[C.10] Royal Blood Pt. 2
A/N: Okay can we take a moment to appreciate those visuals?!?! Like oh myy. . .this is Ace's ghost speaking btw, she died due to the overflowing visuals coming from the woman up there ok I'll stop now😂
Also shout out tooo BANGPINKSHIPPER101. . .you wanted an update so here it is😂
(Disclaimer: unusual long chapter ahead!)
• 𝐀 𝐔 𝐓 𝐇 𝐎 𝐑 ' 𝐒 𝐏. 𝐎. 𝐕 •
"You must be joking right?" Jisoo laughed nervously.
"I'm afraid not and that's why we need to go to the kingdoms." Seulgi finally explained why she was in a rush earlier.
"We need to confirm our assumptions as soon as possible, we can't loose you now, we're lucky that the Dark Realm doesn't know about you yet so we really need to hurry."
The four younger girls quickly obliged, they didn't like the idea of being captured by the said enemies.
A few minutes later they were all set to go to the kingdoms, they were already aware that the forest they were currently in was not far from the Central Domain.
Seulgi was just finishing writing a letter to her friends to inform them what they were up to, she didn't want to disturb their sleep knowing that they've been tired lately so she told them in the letter where they were going and why, so that when they read it, they'll know what to do and where to go, besides, Seulgi is confident that she can handle the girls just well.
"You guys ready?" Seulgi asked as soon as she finished the letter.
"All set." Jisoo smiled, but Seulgi can see something different in her eyes.
"Guys c'mon loosen up a bit, don't be nervous." Seulgi said trying to lighten up the mood, cause again, she really doesn't want to burden these girls, they were the only human beings she was close to while fulfilling her mission in the Other World.
Jisoo sighed. "Was I that obvious?" She thought.
"Yes you are." Someone lightly chuckled, it didn't belong to any of the females getting ready.
"Yeonjun? How'd yo- oh right you can read minds." Jisoo chuckled.
"How's the meeting?" Seulgi asked, apparently Yeonjun and his friends, who by the way was just standing behind him, just got from the meeting.
Yeonjun sighed. "Apparently, they captured a Dark Realm spy who was heavily injured roaming around the Eastern side in the Mystic Lake."
"Excuse me but what is the Mystic Lake again Yeonjun?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Oh, hi there noona, but anyways, the Mystic Lake was once a normal lake but the royalties of the Eastern Kingdom casted a spell where it heals any injuries once you make contact with it, it can heal injuries but it can never bring back people from the dead." Yeonjun explained.
"But what was a Dark Realm spy doing in our property?"
All heads turned towards a room door and found a sleepy Irene standing there rubbing her eyes, soon enough, Joy, Wendy, and Yeri emerged from their own rooms.
"Aw, looks like unnie's letter was a waste." Jennie snickered.
Seulgi glared at the young one who immediately stood up straight out of fear, remembering what she said earlier.
"Anyways, why would they roam around here?" Irene asked the boys who came from the meeting.
"Well we interrogated him but all he said was "the prophecy, the prophecy", he kept repeating that until he said "they're here" and the next thing we knew he passed out." Soobin was quick to fill them in.
"And after that they put him in the dungeons but. . ." Soobin trailed off.
"But what?" Sooyoung asked.
"He escaped." Soobin sighed.
"So he can be roaming around the kingdoms now?" Irene asked.
"Unfortunately noona, yes." Taehyun spoke for the first time.
"But what does "they're here" mean?" Yeri asked.
"That we don't know, we were about to visit him and ask him what he meant, but by that time he was gone." Beomgyu was the one who spoke this time.
Meanwhile, Jennie on the other hand was thinking about what the man said.
"The prophecy."
"They're here."
She didn't want to think of it's possibility but they can't avoid it, what if they already know about her and the other three?
So she quickly nudged Seulgi, now her attention was on Jennie.
"What is it." Seulgi asked worriedly seeing how Jennie became nervous all of a sudden.
"What if. . .t-they're referring to u-us?" Jennie stuttered.
Everybody was confused hearing what Jennie said to Seulgi except for Lisa, Jisoo, and Chaeyoung.
"It can't be. . .right?" Lisa asked nervously too.
This added more confusion to the others.
"What are you guys saying? Seulgi unnie what do they mean?" Yeri asked completely confused.
Seulgi sighed, she guessed her friends would know about this earlier than the royalties but she knows that they could be trusted.
"Guys I want you to be quiet with this for the meantime okay?" Seulgi said before looking at the four girls and nodding afterwards.
The rest were still confused, but their confused faces were replaced with shock when the four girls raised the sleeves of their dresses.
"Are you saying that they're. . .no way!" Yeonjun said, eyes still wide in shock.
"Before you guys came and before you girls woke up, me and the girls found out about their tattoos so we decided to go to the kingdoms, but since you already know I guess it'll be best if you go with us now that you've mentioned there's a Dark Realm spy roaming around, and they he could be referring to the girls, meaning, they could already know about them." Seulgi explained to ease their confusion.
"We'll change, we'll be quick." Irene told them.
The boys were already in clothes fit for their journey back to the kingdoms so they sat down for a moment to rest for a while, not to mentioned they were accompanied by Jisoo, Lisa, Chaeyoung, and Jennie.
"I believe we haven't introduced ourselves yet."
"My name is Jeon Soobin, but you can call me Soobin." Soobin gave them a warm smile.
"Aww his chubby cheeks are cute." The older girls thought.
"How about me noona?" Yeonjun posed cutely in front of the four girls.
"I swear Yeon, if you read our minds again I will seriously strangle you, give us some privacy!" Jisoo scolded the younger male.
"You know each other? Oh my name is Beomgyu by the way, Park Beomgyu." Beomgyu smiled.
"Yes, yes we do and I believe you've met Kai already, and that's Taeh-" Yeonjun was cut off.
"Hyung I can introduce myself." Taehyun chuckled.
"Taehyun, Kim Taehyun."
"Wow your names pretty similar to that annoying guy." Jennie's mood shifted quick remembering the guy she met.
"She can be like that sometimes, I'm Lisa by the way." Lisa then introduced herself.
"Park Chaeyoung."
"Jisoo, Kim Jisoo."
"Kim Jennie, but Jennie's fine."
Taehyun chuckled again. "I think I know who your referring to noona."
Jennie arched a brow.
"Must be my brother, Kim Taehyung right?" Taehyun guessed.
"Wait your brothers? Oh yeah right, the unnie's explained that earlier." Lisa said.
"And you Yeonjun, didn't know your famous here." Lisa wiggled her eyebrows, causing Yeonjun to blush.
"It's nothing really." Yeonjun replied shyly.
"So if you're brothers with those BTS guys, does your group have a name too?" Chaeyoung asked out of curiosity.
"Ah yes, our groups name is TXT, cool right?" Yeonjun said.
"Can you guys tell us which kingdom you're in?" Jisoo asked this time.
"I'm from the NK along with Soobin, Beomgyu's from the EK, Taehyun's from the WK, and Kai's from the SK." Yeonjun said.
"Ohh and uhh Beomgyu your the only Park, does that mean your related to Park Jimin." Chaeyoung asked shyly.
"Actually yes noona, Jimin hyung is my older brother, why?" Beomgyu asked.
"Oh nothing." She replied.
"Are whipped or something?" Lisa whispered to Chaeyoung, causing herself to earn a smack on the head from the older girl.
"Silence means yes?" Lisa snickered while rubbing her head.
Chaeyoung was about to smack her again when Seulgi came out of the room along with the others.
"So you guys ready?" Seulgi asked them.
All of them nodded so they proceeded to the door until one by one, they got out of the house.
A few minutes later they found themselves walking through the forest under the night sky.
"I think we need a little light." Seulgi halted and brought her hand out, until slowly, a little flame emerged from her pointing finger, Seulgi made it big enough to give them light.
Jisoo, Lisa, Chaeyoung and Jennie were at awe, it was the first time they saw their unnie actually using her powers.
"Kai." Seulgi turned to Kai and the young male immediately knew what to do, so he also brought his hand out and mimicked what Seulgi did.
And once again, the four girls were at awe, Joy found their reactions cute so she couldn't help but giggle.
"It's called fire." Joy teased them.
The others just laughed and the girls finally managed to close their mouths upon realising it was hanging open.
Their trip were peaceful, not until they heard rustling near them.
This caused them to halt in their tracks and put their guards up.
Seulgi and Kai made their flames bigger, Yeri and Taehyun raised their hands up and out of nowhere, plants sprouted out beneath them, Joy and Irene on the other hand clenched their fists causing the wind in the perimeter to blow harder.
Meanwhile, Jisoo, Chaeyoung, Lisa, and Jennie did nothing but raise their fists up, they silently thanked their P.E class for teaching them basic self defense.
The rustling noise became louder and louder, until a few seconds later, the noise stopped, this caused them to sigh in relief, they thought that it was probably an animal roaming inside the woods. . .but they were wrong.
"Lisa look out!" Joy exclaimed.
Lisa then turned around to find several rocks flying towards her, it was too fast so all she managed to do was close her eyes and put her hands up in defense, she was preparing herself for the impact, but there was none.
Lisa slowly opened her eyes and found shocked faces around her, she then faced forward and was shocked to find the rocks floating just in front of her face.
She put her hands down, and as she did that the rocks fell right in front of her.
"That was you right unnie?" Lisa turned towards Irene and Joy to only find them shaking their heads.
"I'm pretty sure it wasn't me," Joy claimed. "How bout you unnie?"
Irene shook her head as well.
"It's impossible." Lisa said still in the state of shock.
Seulgi was about to say something when they heard rustling again, they found out that the sound came from where the rocks came from.
Soobin was quick on his feet so he ran after the shadow, seeing him do this the others ran after the mysterious shadow as well, they kept running and running until Soobin finally caught the him, and yes it was apparently a man.
The man resisted but he was really weak at the moment so Soobin got a hold of him easily.
He grabbed the back collar of his shirt and turned him around, Soobin grabbed his shoulders and dragged him to where the others are, while the man just kept his head hung low.
Soobin then grabbed both of his arms and locked it against his back, now the man was facing the rest of the group, when the man raised his head, Yeonjun immediately recognized him.
"You." Yeonjun glared at the older male.
"You escaped once and it ain't happening again." Yeonjun continued to glare at the man.
"Who is he?" Joy asked.
"He was the spy we were talking about earlier, the one who escaped." Yeonjun informed her noona still not breaking the glare he's giving the man.
"Why were you roaming around here, and don't you dare answer me the same shit you kept saying earlier!" Yeonjun yelled.
The four girls were shocked, they've never seen this side of Yeonjun before, he was always cheerful and they gotta admit that he was intimidating at the moment.
"Yeon, calm down." Chaeyoung tried to calm the young one down but he really can't at the moment, he can't let history repeat itself.
"No, noona! I won't let them destroy us again! Listen here you prick, whatever your planning you better back off now." Yeonjun was trying his best to not punch him.
"I escaped."
They were all shocked with what the man said.
"I wanted to escape that hellhole, yes I was a spy of the Dark Realm, but I've come to realize my mistake, they almost killed me, but I was lucky enough to escape." The man confessed.
• 𝐔 𝐍 𝐊 𝐍 𝐎 𝐖 𝐍 𝐏. 𝐎. 𝐕 •
"M-master." I started.
"What?" Master coldy uttered. "If you're gonna stand there and stutter then don't waste my time! just get out of my sight!"
"B-but master this is important." I gathered all the courage in my body.
"Just go straight to the point!" He then grabbed my neck, as my feet started to part with the ground.
"T-the p-prophecy!" I managed to say, desperately gasping for air.
As I said that, he let go of me, causing myself to fall to the ground. "What about it?" He said through gritted teeth.
"W-we think it's s-slowy being fulfilled." I said, and then close my eyes in nervousness.
The next thing I knew, I passed out.
• 𝐀 𝐔 𝐓 𝐇 𝐎 𝐑 ' 𝐒 𝐏. 𝐎. 𝐕 •
"Stop lying." Yeonjun said through gritted teeth.
"I don't care if you believe me or not, but I know that I'm telling the truth." The man remained calm, he doesn't have the rights to be mad, he knew what the Dark Realm did over twelve years ago.
"Why did they want to kill you?" Soobin narrowed his eyes at him.
"Because of my last mission, all I have to do was to check the perimeters of the Dark Forest but I found more than that."
"I found this four odd looking girls, their clothes were a bit torn so I saw these tattoos on their arms, I wasn't dumb to not know what it meant, so when I went back and told master what I discovered, out of anger he wanted to kill me, he nearly did, they thought I was dead so they threw me away, but I was lucky to be alive." The man told them.
The others were shocked with all the information they've discovered.
"So it means he already knows about the chosen ones, because you told him?!" Seulgi was the one who was getting frustrated now.
"We need to bring you to the kingdoms now." Seulgi faced the four girls, this caused the man to avert his attention to them too.
"Wait, your-" The man was cut off when Soobin tightened his grip.
"Shut it." Soobin said sternly.
"You," Seulgi pointed at the man. "What's your name?"
The man was hesitant at first but told them anyway.
"Yook Sungjae."
"Sungjae, your coming with us." Seulgi said.
Sungjae just nodded, he doesn't care where he ends up, anywhere just not in his former home.
They continued their trip with Yeonjun not taking his eyes off Sungjae, he doesn't want him to do anything funny, sure he was older than Yeonjun but he believes that he doesn't deserve his respect at the moment.
Soon enough they heard faint chattering coming from a far.
The Central Domain.
Seulgi turned towards the four girls.
"Make sure that you cover your tattoos, we need to keep this a secret at the time being." She informed the younger girls, who nodded in response.
It was tight, considering that there were many people doing their own businesses, there were people working, buying, chatting, and even children playing.
Jisoo, Chaeyoung, Lisa, and Jennie were a bit uncomfortable with the attention they're getting, and they're totally blaming TXT.
Some girls the same as their age and some younger, were even gushing upon seeing the young boys, I mean who would ignore handsome boys walking around, not to mention being related to BTS.
"Hey kid, you're that famous huh?" Jennie nudged Yeonjun.
At first he was shocked, back in the Other World she wouldn't even spare him a glance and their interactions? It would be mostly Jennie insulting him or something.
"Guess the tables have turned, I'm the one famous now, noona." Yeonjun chuckled but upon seeing Jennie glare at him he immediately shut his mouth up.
Their little interaction caused some girls to glare at Jennie.
"Who is she to talk him like that?"
"I don't know, a servant maybe?"
The two girls then laughed, obviously Jennie heard them and sent them a glare, of course her deadly cat eyes never disappoints because the girls looked away immediately.
"Yah! Your obsessed fan girls wants to kill me!" Jennie whined like kid.
Jisoo, Lisa, and Chaeyoung chuckled upon hearing this.
"Her mood swings never disappoints me." Lisa made sure that she said that loud enough for Jennie to hear.
"Yah!" Jennie glared at the maknae.
"See what I mean? Jen unnie is the definition of mood swings!" Lisa exclaimed.
This made them laugh at the maknae's antics again, I mean Lisa never fails to make them laugh.
And unconsciously, Lisa and Chaeyoung have been constantly calling Jennie unnie and of course, Jennie also calling Jisoo the same thing as well, in short they're slowly becoming more and more close with each other.
"We're near girls, get ready to meet the royalties." Seulgi informed them.
Jisoo, Rosé, Lisa, and Jennie, began to prepare themselves with what's about to come.
° ° °
And yes, new character!!! Yook Sungjae, Sungjae was the spy introduced in Chapter 6: Jeon? Hehehe.
Anyways can we appreciate the "Nap Of A Star" MV?! It was sooo on point!!! And their acting was👌
How can they be that handsome?!?! Haha (lowkey promoting TXT😂)
Anyways guys. . .can't believe we reached 1.02k reads!!! I cannot thank you enough you guys are the best!!!
Anyways don't forget to comment, vote on the chaps you like and follow me too if possible (still your choice XD)
If you spot any grammatical errors we'll sorry I'm (extra) lazy right now (not to mention it's over 3000 words and that's unusual😂 and also it's like 12AM here) *shrugs*
Luv y'all
Author-nim outtt
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