sin seven
THE SLIGHT KNOCK ON THE DOOR made E's gaze snap to the door. She was currently bathing in a big, white, bathtub that didn't have a single dirty spot on it.
"E?" Jimin's voice came muffled behind the door. "Did you drown?" He joked, though they both knew the heavy undertone beneath the words.
"Here." E called out, her voice soft, and welcoming. Even through the warmth of the water in the bath, she still felt the cold shudder in her spine whenever she heard Jimin's voice.
"Are you still in-?" Jimin asked, opening the door to find his answer. There was E, tipping her head back as hot water droplets rolled down her neck, and her cheeks tinted a light pink. The big mirror was all steamed up, but it wasn't like they had any reflection to look at anyway.
Jimin had a pile of clothes in his hand, but from the look of E in the bathtub, he faintly wondered why they even went separate paths in the first place.
"Since I'm here, and you seem to not be getting out anytime soon, I think I'll join you." Jimin said, smirking ever so slightly. E buried her face in her hands, hiding the blush on her cheeks.
"Jimin, come on, we did that when we were...younger." E complained, but Jimin shook his head, beginning to unbutton his blouse.
"Young to you is older than anyone alive on this planet." Jimin reminded her, and E let out a groan in exasperation.
"We spent the first hundred years trying to kill ourselves Jimin. When that didn't work, we ended up killing others and taking their ID's, in case you forgot."
Jimin shrugged his blouse off, giving E a chance to look at his well defined abs. She tilted her head to the side to take a better look. Jimin smirked at her, and she looked away.
"Well, we did. Now, we don't take the ID's. We just kill the people."
"Correction. You kill people."
"Not purposefully." E gave him a glare, as Jimin tugged off his black skinny jeans that hugged his thick thighs. E looked away.
"Then what would you call it, Jimin?"
"If humans had a stronger mental mind, then they would be able to pull through on the kind of shit I put them through. Like you for example. You would be able to pull through all of my torture methods because you have that mind to do so. Most victims drive themselves to madness and that ends up killing them." Jimin explained, starting to get into the tub that E currently sat in. It wasn't awkward around them, as they have both seen each other naked before.
"But I am curious, Er-" Jimin started, but E cut him off.
"I didn't say anything?" Jimin said, raising an eyebrow. "Well, I didn't say anything that would offend you."
"E, please."
"Pardon?" Jimin asked, looking confused. E plays with her fingers.
"Call me E, please. Everyone calls me that."
"I'm not everyone, though, Era-" E grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be a bar of soap, and threw it at Jimin's face. Jimin, unsurprisingly stopped it, and grinned at her.
"Okay, okay. E, it is, i suppose." E let out a sigh of relief, and Jimin tipped his head back. That's when E was able to take in his features again.
A strong, chiseled jawline was one of the first things E saw. Then she realized on how clearly well defined his muscles were, and she wondered how she had spent so much time without him. The bubbles that seemed to be never endless covered the...important parts, and E tilted her head to the side. She looked at his hands, and they still seemed smaller than hers, but she couldn't be so sure.
"So... you're still helping out those humans, right?" Jimin asked, craning his neck to see a better view of E. Her hair was stringy and wet, and her cheeks were flushed pink, probably from the heat and steam of the room. She had her arms crossed over her chest, her fingers drumming onto her arm.
"Got a special someone? You haven't exactly told me why you're here." Jimin stated, chuckling a bit.
"...Special someone? No." E denied carefully, her eyebrows raising as she tried to have a special lie. It was hard to get past Jimin, as he has seen through her many times.
It definitely wasn't Kim Taehyung who was her special someone. Kim Taehyung just reminded her of someone who she regrets that she didn't fight for. Kim Taehyung was indeed special, but she didn't see him like that, and thought she never could.
Jimin's eyes searched her face, expecting to find some fault in her eyes, but she remained a steady heartbeat.
"I am here because you messed around with one of my clients." E said, getting straight to the point. Jimin raised an eyebrow, a bit confused by her outburst.
"And who might that be, madam?" Jimin drummed his fingers on the soap, before finally putting it down.
"Kim Namjoon. Ever heard of him?" E sarcastically said, rolling her eyes.
"Kim Namjoon, huh? He's your client?"
"Apparently he fell in love with you." Jimin blinked, confused.
"H-He what?" Jimin looked like he was about to laugh. And so he did. His laughter seemed like it was full of rainbows and positive energy that E one time had seen at her work. It was a man that she saw Min Yoongi with, and by the gods, she could tell that they were both in love with each other.
"Jimin, this isn't funny." E muttered, glaring at the man as he started to throw himself around, clenching his stomach.
"Jimin!" E shouted, gripping his shoulders. "What did you do to him?"
"Look, I needed information. From Jeon Industries of course. They hired me as a torturer. They pay me good money, but they are obviously suspicious. So I did some snooping around." E slowly took her hands off his shoulders, and leaned back to her original place before.
"Go on." E said, nodding her head for him to continue.
"And that's when I figured out that one of the main people who held this information was none other than Kim Namjoon himself. He is Jeon Jeongguk's right hand after all. But even a blind man could see it; he didn't trust me."
"So you played with a forbidden spell book so that you could get what you wanted." E crosses her arms, waiting for denial, even though she knew she wouldn't get it. Jimin ignored what she said, instead saying,
"I didn't only get his heart, I got some of that di-"
"I do not want to hear about that." E cuts him off again, raising her hand to silence him.
"So, you what? Gave him a love potion? And then when you finally got all the information you wanted, you broke him into pieces? You just made my work harder, dickhead." E said, massaging her temple.
"Well, when you sum it up like that, you make it seem like I'm a bad person." E threw him a look, where he just laughed. When he was done, he simply went back to staring at her, and E stared back.
"Do you need something?" She asked, sighing heavily.
"Do you work for anyone?" Jimin asked at the same time she asked.
"I work for myself." E half told the truth. It was true in some ways. The General that she killed was a powerful man, and has been an enemy with the Jeon Industries for decades.
Jeon Industries...?
Oh hell no.
"Why am I thinking about this now?" E thought, mentally scolding herself.
"Really? A little birdie told me that you killed the man who lead Jung Research Foundations and Military Deployment." Jimin said, his eyes giving out a deadly glint that sent a cold shiver running down her back. She was suddenly aware of everything, all her senses hyper. She could feel how the water was now cold, and she leaned back slightly on the bath, trying to seem all comfortable and not tense.
"Then that little birdie must be lying to you." She wished she didn't lean back. Because now Jimin had her caged, and E finally got to see what it was like being the prey.
"Oh really? You do realize, that if you are working for them, we're automatically enemies?" Jimin said, starting to inch his way closer to her.
"I'm aware, but we're not enemies and I am not working for them." E said, pushing her fear down into her gut.
She would not fear, she would not fear.
"Then why did you kill him, mademoiselle?" His lips were now ghostly on her ear, and she sat rigid.
"He was annoying anyway. No one liked him. I was just doing someone else a favor anyway." E said dryly, looking at the crook of his neck, and it seemed like his face was hidden from her view.
"Hm...Don't make me force the answers out of you." Jimin whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. Her shoulders went up and ever bone in her body straightened and it seemed like every fiber in her being was alive.
"You wouldn't."
"Oh? Is that a challenge?" Jimin teased, bringing his arms to wrap around her as he trailed light kisses up her neck.
"Perhaps." E said, fighting to keep her dignity.
"Then I'll take it." Jimin accepted, a dangerous glint in his eye as he attacked.
Coming down from his high, he pulled out, smiling to himself. E blew a bang away from her face, rubbing at Jimin's shoulders.
"You're a bit rusty, Era-"
"I get it." E said, cutting him off. She propped up on her elbows, leaning to take a full glance at him. His bangs stuck to his forehead, and sweat glistened both there bodies.
"It's a shame that we did this all for nothing. Because I have nothing to hide." E says, trying to calm down her pants.
"I know you like the back of my hand. You always have something to hide." Jimin said, leaning down to kiss her already bruised up neck.
"And you don't?" E responded, immediately tangling her fingers in his blonde locks.
"Doll, you know there's always something to hide. But right now, I don't have a lot to say."
"Right, I'll totally believe you..." E rolled her eyes, not trusting his words at all.
"Oh, so you don't believe me? I'll give you something to believe then..." Jimin said pushing back in, a devilish smirk, much similar to Satan's himself, on his face. Something wicked lit up in his eye, and she sighed in the crook of his neck.
He wasn't going to get anything out of her. She was strong, and she was not going to fall into the hands of Park Jimin.
Okay I'm sorry for not posting but I just gave you over 1K words ok be thankful. Mayhaps I should have said that there was... stuff in here hohoho.
Are any of you confused? You can ask some questions here, and I'll respond.
Thank you for reading, and commenting as well!! I love all of you thank you so much.
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