Two months ago, Barry Allen saved Central City.
And two months ago, he and I chose it was best to push away our friends because we blamed ourselves for Eddie's death.
It was stupid, but we were able to do it together. Barry and I have worked together to continue saving this city.
Caitlin, who has basically ignored our existence since the black hole fiasco, got a job at Mercury Labs.
I ended up getting fired at CCPD for never showing up at crime scenes, and got a job at the one place I knew I'd work at eventually: Central City Public News.
There, I worked on the front page whenever it involved The Flash. That used to be Iris's job, but now it's an on again/off again thing.
I also met the girl that tried to hook up with Barry when he went to the club with Caitlin while I was in a coma: Linda Park. She works for the sports page.
Iris and I have been. . . Distant. We have said a few sentences to one another, but now she has started to accuse me of being in love with Eddie, which was, to say the least, preposterous.
So let's just say she and I aren't on speaking terms.
Is it bad to say I'm still a 24-year-old virgin at this point? Me and Barry, while we have almost done it on several occasions, are always being interrupted.
Quite ridiculous, honestly.
Cisco got a job at CCPD for the Meta Task Force, which good for him.
Him and I are still very close, but we don't speak as much as we used to. Maybe two chats a week.
To be honest, I hate that I secluded myself with Barry and cut off almost all contact with my friends. I miss talking to them but, I have to do this.
Barry is going to be getting a "Flash Day" in about four months, but he isn't sure about appearing.
So, I basically have to persuade him to do so.
Everything I have done in the past two months has been for Barry and in our relationship has been healthier than my diet, and it's amazing.
But there is obviously the drawback of letting our friends back into STAR Labs.
We'll work it out.
"Cora. You've been rambling for nearly 3 minutes." Oliver chuckled as I quickly shut my mouth, spinning around in my chair.
"Right, sorry Ollie. Anyways, I heard something about Blahk. Go get that son of a bitch and call me later." I said as Oliver sighed.
"Talk to you soon, Cora." Oliver said as I smiled.
"Bye Ollie." I hung up, just as Barry started talking through the comms.
"Anything for me, babe?" Barry said as I smiled, looking at any police calls.
"Oh! We got a robbery at Carlson and 4th Street!" I said as Barry chuckled.
"On it." He answered as I bit my tongue.
"Go get 'em, Bar."
[enter really up beat dramatic credits music]
This is the longest book I've ever made- damn good for me.
I tried to make it as long as possible, but I honestly am not a fan of SUPER long books (unless they are actually good, but I think this book is mediocre)
Smut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ANYWAY, thank you all so much for reading my book it means a lot! Don't be scared to check out all my other books!
And in case I don't see ya, good morning, good evening. . .
And goodnight
(A+ to you if you understood that reference)
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