Chapter Twenty
"He's been whammied." Joe said as he walked into the Cortex. Caitlin just finished putting a sling on my arm after correctly relocating my arm. Oliver had done it well, but not correctly.
"That explains his outburst about me not paying attention to him." I muttered as Caitlin turned to me, clearly hearing what I said.
"So. How are we going to. . . Unwhammie Barry and watch Bivilo?" I asked as Joe sighed, shrugging.
"I have no clue."
"Well, Prism can't hide forever." I said with a wide grin as Cisco's mouth dropped open.
"I was going to name him that!" Cisco said, crossing his arms like a child.
"Ya snooze ya loose, Ramone." I said with a chuckle as I slowly stood up, my arm now slacking down as it rested in the sling rather than my stomach.
"O- wait a minute." I said with a frown as I looked at my shoulder: everyone tilted their headsat me before their eyes widened as I jumped, my arm that was in the sling bouncing up.
"Cora don't!" Caitlin yelled as I stopped her from stepping closer, jumping up again before slowly turning to her.
"It. . . It doesn't hurt." I said as Cisco's eyes widened.
"What? That's impossible." Caitlin said as Dr. Wells rested his chin in his hand, processing the situation as I ripped the sling off, shaking my arm around. There wasn't even an ounce of pain in my arm.
"Do you think. . ?" Cisco looked over to Caitlin who gave him a look that clearly said it wasn't possible.
"I'm not a meta human. I told you guys, I wasn't in Cebtral City when the particle accelerator went off. And we have far more things to worry about. Barry is out there, angrier than soccer mom that didn't get the right chicken tender meal." I said as I discarded the sling, walking over to the monitors.
"The last time I saw Barry he was wearing his suit. Maybe we can track him." I said, typing in the code for Barry's tracker before I frowned. "It's been turned off. Guess he doesn't want attention right now."
"Maybe we can get a facial recognition?" Caitlin suggested as I snapped my fingers, searching for Barry's face.
"Found him on a security cam- oh my god." I said as my hand slapped over my mouth, watching as Barry towered over Eddie, who was on the concrete as Iris tried to reason with Barry, but it was definitely no use.
"Do you have any idea how to stop Barry's rage-fest before he kills Eddie?" Joe asked as everyone slowly turned their heads to me.
I looked up at them all, forcing back a confused look as I knew what they were telling each other. "No way. I can't get through to Barry if Iris can't."
"Cora, you and Barry have a connection that no one else has with him." Caitlin started as Joe gave in with a nod. "There's a chance that maybe you can get through to him with the right words."
"And what if I can't? There's a big possibility that Barry will snap so hard he'll shove a vibrating hand through my heart!" I said, not wanting to think about dying so soon, especially by the man I had fallen for.
"We have a backup plan for that. If we get lights and play them in the right way, Barry will be unwhammied." Cisco said as I crossed my arms.
"Why not just do that?" I asked with a frown.
"Because. By the time we get it done, Barry may have killed Eddie by then if Oliver doesn't get there in time." Dr. Wells said as I looked at the monitor, a long sigh escaping my lips.
"Alright. I'll do it."
We were finally able to track Barry and Oliver into an alleyway, my heart pounding as I slowly made my way towards the fighting.
I could hear how angry Barry sounded as he fought Oliver. How Oliver sounded like he was trying so hard to not die by the hands of his friend.
"Barry. . ." I mumbled, to afraid to speak up. I took one more step into the light, seeing the two figures. One dark, the other bright with yellow lightning flying behind him.
"Barry!" I yelled again, getting both of their attention. Barry had Oliver's shirt crunched up in his fist, ready to throw a punch at his face.
I could barely hear Barry say my name through the pounding in my ears as I clenched my fists, trying to drown out the nerves.
"Barry please don't do this. You know this isn't you." I said as Barry snapped his attention towards Oliver, who looked completely calm in this situation.
"You don't even know me, Cora." Barry snarled as I took in a sharp breath. It's just from being whammied. He doesn't mean what he is saying.
"I know how scared you were when you lost your powers. How you felt you weren't the right you whiteout them. I know that your favorite food is pizza. But it's everyone's so that doesn't matter." I said trying to lighten the mood with a small chuckle. I could hear Barry scoff, a sad expression crossing my face.
"You're favorite musical is 'Singing In The Rain. You practically begged me to watch it with you. Three times. You're absolutely terrified of roller coasters." I said with another chuckle, but I knew I wasn't getting through to him.
I looked down at my feet, fumbling with my hands. "You're favorite memory is of dinner with your parents." I said as I could feel Barry's attention turn to me. You're doing it, Cora.
"A few weeks after we met, you told me you wanted to go to a science expo when you were younger and begged your parents to take you. On the way, you guys got a flat tire in a town called Masonville." I said, a faint smile crossing my face. "You told me how devastated you were that you couldn't go, but you and your parents ended up going to dinner and watched the fireworks." I heard a thud, glancing up through my lashes to see Oliver on the floor, watching Barry carefully, occasionally glancing to me as Barry slowly stepped forward.
"You said you had completely forgotten about the science expo." I said, slowly looking up at Barry, who was less than 3 feet away.
"You say I don't know you Barry. But over these past two months I've grown to know you more than I know myself. And I've lived with myself for 24 years." I said with a small laugh, one Barry didn't reciprocate.
"I-I know I may not show it as much as you do. . ." I said, looking down at my hands again as I took in a deep breath. "But I like you. . . Just as much as you like me." Caitlin said he wouldn't remember me telling him anything I say... he won't remember this moment.
I heard Barry stumble back, looking up to see him holding his head. "Barry?" I said, taking a step forward as he groaned.
"Oh this is gonna be a different kind of hangover." He said with a laugh as I chuckled, bribing him into a hug. I felt him stiffen for a moment before he slowly wrapped his arms around me. "I'm-"
"Don't apologize. You've done to much of that." I said before my phone buzzed.
"Cisco?" I answered.
"Is he good? Please tell me he's good." Cisco said as I chuckled, looking over to see Oliver limping our way.
"Yeah. Yeah he's okay."
I realized that while writing this chapter that I kind of messed up the last chapter but it's fine. It's fine. It's alright.
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