Chapter Nineteen
Last week was, to say the least. Terrifying.
Dr. Wells ended up being threatened by a meta human named Farooq that can control electricity. Barry lost his powers for a short period of time.
I was hit by a stray electric bolt from Farooq and ended up having a seizure. I'm fine now, thankfully, but something about it seemed wrong.
"I should be dead." I said out of the blue as everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at me, confused.
"I should be dead." I repeated. "I was struck by a stray bolt of lightning from Farooq, and instead of dying instantly, I had a seizure and woke up the next day. How am I not dead?"
"Some people who are struck by lightning live to tel the tale. Like Barry, for example." Cisco said as I turned to Barry, who suddenly looked uncomfortable at the sudden attention.
"But he got super speed. I didn't." I said as I reached into the Big Belly Burger bag for my fries, frowning. "I said large fries, Bethany!" I scowled as everyone gave me a weird look.
"Is there a chance you could be a meta human?" Caitlin asked as I shook my head.
"No way. I lived in Starling City when the particle accelerator exploded." I said, cancelling the fact there could be a chance I had powers.
"Maybe you're just lucky." Cisco said as I shrugged.
"Didn't feel lucky at the time." I said, recalling the excruciating pain I got when I was struck. There was now a small, spider-web like scar on my chest.
I looked over at Barry, and I couldn't help but see the solemn look in his eyes. Like he blamed himself for what happened to me. I groaned quietly, setting my fries down as I grabbed Barry's hand, dragging him to the insanely large supply closet for some privacy.
"Cora what are you- OW!" Barry yelled as he held his arm, which I very roughly flicked.
"Stop blaming yourself!" I whisper yelled as Barry gave me a "wtf" look.
"Blaming myself? I'm not-"
"Barry. I know you are blaming yourself for me getting hit by Farooq, but it's my fault that I tried to stop Dr. Wells by getting hit by the lightning."
"Cora, I could have saved him."
"I did though, Barry. I wanted to try and be a hero for once. I finally got that chance at a cost I was willing to make. Sure, I ended up having a seizure after knocking Wells out of his wheelchair, but I still saved him." I said as Barry ran a hand over his face.
For some reason, I found myself holding his, squeezing it lightly. "I'm fine now, Barry. And you are too. You got your speed back, that's what matters."
"Your safety matters more." Barry mumbled as I sighed, dropping my head as I shook it.
"You're too good for this world, you know that?" I said with a smile. And in that moment, I could have sworn Barry's expression changed when I did. I sighed quietly before releasing his hand and walking out of the supply closet.
Barry and I flinched before running into the Cortex. "Barry, bank robbery in progress at Cunningham and Sampere." Cisco said as my mouth dropped. Barry looked at me for a moment, before he and his suit disappeared.
"My bank account is there! I swear if I find out my money is missing I'm going to be throwing these fries at someone." I frowned as Caitlin couldn't help but chuckle. That shocked both me and Cisco, as we hadn't heard Caitlin even laugh in months.
To be fair, I had never heard her laugh before. She was always so serious.
"Guys! Everyone in here is at each other's throats!" Barry yelled through the comms as I frowned.
"What?" I asked as I could tell Barry shrugged.
"They're all fighting."
"Joe, you should have seen it. It was like everyone was trying to kill each other." Barry said as we entered the bank, where more than a dozen victims stood, trembling in fear.
"It had to be a diversion, Barry. There's 1/2 million missing in the vault." I suggested as he pressed his lips into a thin line, nodding.
"There's a tracer in the cash stacks." Joe said as I opened my bag, searching for a pen that I couldn't find. "We're trying to find the signal." He continued as Barry reached out, pulling the pen out from behind my ear and handing it to me.
"Oh. That's where I put it." I said with an awkward chuckle as Barry laughed, his smile nearly melting my heart for a moment. I hate the feelings I have for him. What if he doesn't feel the same way. . .
"Meantime, any idea what could've caused such mass..." Barry trailed off as I looked at a victim, whose eyes were wide.
"Neurotoxin?" I suggested as Barry shrugged.
"Possibly. I'm going to swab some surfaces, see what I can find, but I think maybe they got whammied." Barry said as I snickered.
"I love that word. . . Whammied. " I ended up laughing quietly as Barry rolled his eyes, a smirk on his face.
"Whammied? What do you mean by that?" Joe asked with a raised brow.
"I just got so angry." I blonde girl said as she was dragged away by a female cop. "I can't believe I did that. I would never hurt anybody. You have to believe me." She continued, but the cop wouldn't listen.
Captain Singh walked up, donut in hand as I held back a laugh. "Guess the stereotypes are true." I said, pointing to the donut as Singh sighed.
"My boyfriend has decided we need to eat healthy at home, so work is now the only place I can eat what I like." Singh said as I held back a chuckle before Eddie walked up. "Sorry, we're you saying something Detective?"
"The Blur, The Flash, the man in the red suit. Whatever he's called... He was spotted at the bank this morning." Eddie said as I gave him a confused look before I realized what he was saying.
He thinks the Flash is a bad guy.
"You mean the bank that was robbed of 1/2 million dollars, where a dozen people tried to murder each other, and you think our attention should be focused on-"
"Catching Santa Claus?" I said as Eddie looked at me with a weird expression.
"I can't explain how he gets to and from crime scenes so fast. We need to figure out who this guy is and what he wants." Eddie continued as Singh shrugged
"You should asked your girlfriend. She writes fan fiction about him." I stifled out a choke of laughter as Eddie glared at Captain Singh.
"Joe, help me out here." Eddie said as Joe gave Barry and I am unsure look.
"Sorry partner, stopped believing in Santa when I was eight." Joe said as I frowned at him.
"Eight? I didn't stop believing until I was 11." I said as Barry chuckled.
"Barry here didn't stop believing until 13." Joe said with a grin as Barry quickly shut up, giving his foster dad a "Seriously?" Look as I burst into laughter.
"Barry, we should head back to the lab, get the samples together." I said as Barry nodded, both of us waving Joe off as we headed outside and back to CCPD.
Needless to say, Iris wasn't happy with how Eddie thought but The Flash. We walked into the Cortex, where Dr. Wells was giving Cisco and Caitlin a small speech.
"Anger, hate, aggression." He said as Cisco smirked.
"A Jedi craves not these things." Cisco said as I chuckled, fist bumping him as everyone else remained silent.
"Really? No one else feeling that quote?" I asked as they all shook their heads.
"Everyone in the bank went total savage for, like, five minutes. And then they were fine again." Barry said as Caitlin sighed.
"Anger can be a powerful emotion." Caitlin said
"If this meta-human can engender irrational feelings of anger in his victims, he can do a lot of damage." Dr. Wells said as I crossed my arms, taking a step towards Barry, who seemed slightly out of it.
"How do you think the meta does it to them?" Caitlin asked after we looked over the cat scans of the whammied victims at the bank.
"That's the 1/2 million dollar question." Cisco joked as I held back a snort. Barry's phone went off, his attention now on something else.
"Hey, if you guys figure it out, just give me a call, okay?" He said before starting towards the cortex exit.
"The flash. He isn't going to go visit Detective Pretty Boy's girlfriend, is he?" I asked as Barry turned to me, his cheeks red with blush as he shook his head.
"Of course not." Barry reassured, even though I knew it was a lie.
"Yeah, but she probably just wants to ask me... I mean, you know, him... about meta-human stuff for her blog." Barry said as Caitlin whispered something to him.
Barry sped off, his suit disappearing as Cisco and I sighed through our nose. "Cisco. I was hoping you could help me out with something. I was thinking about a new design for Barry's suit." I said as Cisco nodded, following me into one of the small rooms.
"So. I was thinking we could possibly make his suit a little brighter but not too bright, and instead of the emblem being the same color, we go for white?" I suggested as Cisco's eyes seemed to light up before he nodded.
"That sounds perfect. But it might take a while. They ran out of the material we used for Barry's suit. Might have to wait until next season." (Hehe. Fourth wall break.)
I nodded in understanding, knowing that the material was actually somewhat difficult to create. "We can definitely wait that long. Barry doesn't need a new suit now and I like the one he has at the moment." I said before three dings went off.
Caitlin ran over to the monitors. "Stop ruining Iris's love life and go to the coordinates I just told you." Was all I heard before I turned back to Cisco, who was looking at the blueprints I handed him.
"This suit seems really advanced. Are you sure you aren't smarter than you say you are?" Cisco said as I froze, my eyes widening.
"You have an IQ of 118. You have a PHD in neuroscience, forensic physiology, and others that you have yet to complete."
"No. Don't think so. Guess the smartness might be rubbing off on me from you guys." I lied, shaking away the thoughts from nearly two weeks ago.
Cisco hummed before setting the blueprints down before pulling a red vine from his pocket, biting into it.
"My shirts on Fire!" I heard a familiar voice say as Cisco and I walked out of the room, stopping dead in our tracks to see a top less Felix Smoak.
"I'm glad I decided to not go braless." She said as my mouth dropped open.
"Y-you guys remember Felicity." Barry said as she gave an awkward smile, holding her bag in front of her chest.
"Oh I'll always remember this." Cisco and I said in unison as Caitlin ran over, handing Felicity a S.T.A.R Labs shirt.
"Hi, Felicity, it's so good to see you." Caitlin said as Felicity quickly slipped on the sweatshirt. "What brings you back to Central City? Not Barry?" She said as Felicity's eyes darted to Barry.
"No, not Barry. This? Not happening. We looked down that road and we said "no, thank you."" Felicity said as Barry slowly became uncomfortable.
"They get it." He said quickly before he found his way over to me.
"Actually, I'm here because of this." Felicity said as she pulled out an evidence bag with a boomerang in it.
"Awesome!" Cisco and I said as I ran over, snatching it before Cisco could, a frown on his face.
"What are the wings made of?" I asked as Felicity shrugged.
"Not sure. I'm thinking some sort of composite or high-density plastic-" Felicity started before I cut her off.
"Reinforced with carbon fiber- oh that's so weird it's like its-"
"Vibrating." Felicity finished as I nodded.
"Cisco we need to run tests like.. right now!" I said as I turned to Barry, a smile on my face. But he looked anything but happy. At most he looked. . .
Cisco snatched the boomerang from my hand as we both farted into the opposite small room. I pushed some hair strands out of my face, faintly hearing Barry talk to Caitlin.
"Are Cisco and Cora like. . . A thing?" Barry asked, and I could definitely hear the jealousy practically radiating off him.
"Barry. You know they are just good friends. Cora sees him as a brother, nothing more than that." Caitlin said as Cisco and I held up the boomerang.
"Do you think this boomerang only works for the owner?" Cisco said as I shrugged. "Should we test it?" He asked as I instantly shook my head, but he was already reeling his arm back.
"Cisco don't-!" He released the boomerang as it shot out of his hand, Caitlins screams echoing in the cortex as I noticed Joe aiming his gun around.
Cisco had a look of instant regret, running out as the boomerang stuck into the wall, raising his hand. "My fault! That's on me." He said, scratching the back of his head as I smacked him.
"I told you to not throw it!" I glared as he laughed awkwardly.
"I gotta go guys, Oliver wants to meet up at Jitters." Barry said before vanishing. I frowned, shrugging everything away as I looked around.
"I gotta go anyways, if I'll be honest. . . I think I left the stove on in my apartment." I said with a quick smile before running out of S.T.A.R. Labs.
Unsurprisingly, I did forget to turn off the stove. My phone started to beep, an incoming phonecall coming from none other than Oliver Queen.
"Oliver hey! Haven't talked to you in what, two weeks? How have you been?" I said as I heard the faintest chuckle from the other line.
"I'm doing alright, Cora. How are you?"
"Been better. Getting struck by lightning is not as fun as Barry makes it out to be." I said with a laugh.
"Heard you're in Central City. What about?"
"If I told you I'd have to kill you." Oliver said as I snickered, but I didn't hear him laugh.
"Wait you're serious? Oh come on, you know I know you're the Arrow, right? I found out such a long time ago. Even before I moved to Central City." I said.
"Wait. How did you find that out?" Oliver said, a faint worry in his voice.
"Please, it's obvious. Don't worry, I haven't told a single soul." I said as I hopped onto my counter. "So, whatcha calling for?"
"I- well I can't really remember why now. But I guess need your help with training Barry."
"Alright. Where are we meeting up?" I felt my phone buzz as Oliver sent me the location, just outside Central City. "Be over in a minute. See you soon." I said with a small smile.
"See you soon." Oliver hung up as I slipped on my boots, grabbing my car keys and heading out:
"Barry here yet?" I asked Oliver as I entered the abandoned farm house. Oliver shook his head as I walked up next to him.
"You know, it was nice of you to help me pack up my things. You didn't have to help, you know." I said as Oliver's face stayed the same.
"Wouldn't want you struggling for another three hours." He said as I let out a small chuckle, shoving my hands in my pockets.
"No, I guess not. So thank you for that." I said with a smile as he nodded. Oliver turned to me, looking over my shoulder as a whoosh came in.
"Oh hey Barry." I said with a smile, but Barry didn't return it. I frowned, raising a brow as Barry looked so far from happy.
"What are you doing here, Cora?" Barry asked, his voice low.
"Oliver invited me to help you train." I answered as I noticed Barry's hands clentch into fists.
"He invited you? How?" I could tell Barry was getting angry, but why on Earth would he be?
"I have his number? I thought you knew this, Bar." I said, trying to stay relaxed.
"What so you guys are dating, is it?" Barry assumes, my mouth dropping open at such an insane assumption.
"Barry are you alright? What in Earth would make you think me and Oliver are dating?" I said, now just flat out angry at him.
"Seems like you two are. You two always seem to be talking when I want to talk to you, and he invited you to help train when I could have!" He yelled as I forced the angered tears down.
"Barry, what the hell is going on with you?" I said as he scoffed. It wasn't until then that I had completely forgotten Olivers presence.
"Wrong with me? What about you?! Everytime I look at you, youre attention is on something or someone else! For once can't you see that I want your attention to be on me?!"
I didn't even have time to react before Barry rushed passed me, slamming his shoulder into mine. I let out a cry as I fell to the ground, no doubt my shoulder was dislocated.
I groaned in pain as Oliver ran up beside me, looking down at my wound. "Cora, this is going to hurt. . . Like a lot." I groaned as an answer as I felt Oliver grab my shoulder and arm.
"On three. Ready?" I nodded, preparing myself for the world wind of pain. But unlike what I was supposed to be focusing on, my mind kept trailing off to what Barry had said.
He was angry at me for paying attention to things that weren't him. How could he be so oblivious to the fact I liked him to, but didn't show it as much as he showed his affection towards me?
"One." I didn't even realize Oliver started counting down, and in a matter of seconds, he rammed my arm back into place, a scream of pure pain escaping me as I turned away, feeling my arm tingling.
"Holy shit that hurt more than when I fell down the stairs and broke my ankle." I said with a chuckle, hissing the pain away.
"We should get you to S.T.A.R. Labs, have them patch you up." Oliver suggested as I slowly stood up, holding my shoulder.
"What do you think is wrong with Barty? He's never been that angry at anyone before other than Wells when he got Tony Woodward killed." I said as Oliver shrugged.
"I have no clue, Cora. Let's go before your shoulder gets worse."
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