Chapter Fourteen
One Week Later
It was finally Barry and I'd day off. And let me tell you, if it was my day off, I'd be at home sleeping. But now, because of S.T.A.R Labs, I finally made a few friends.
So now, while Caitlin played Operation, Cisco played Ping Pong, and Wells played Chess with Barry, I was struggling to removing a block off the bottom of a Jenna build.
There was a buzz, followed by a rattle and a frustrated Caitlin Snow. "This isn't even remotely anatomically correct!" She said with a groan as I chuckled.
"I've been struggling to get this block out for the past two minutes without moving the ones above it!" I said as Barry chuckled, slapping the ping pong ball to Cisco.
"That's not the point, Dr. Snow." Barry said as I cheered in victory, finally removing the block as Barry sped over, flicking one out and placing it on top as I frowned.
"Cheater." I grumbled as he gave me a "really?" Look.
"You used your speed for that!" I said as Cisco snorted.
"I'm supposed to!" Barry argued back as I crossed my arms like a child. He sped over to Caitlin, removing the butterfly.
"Then. What is the point?" Caitlin said as she pressed her lips together, her nose upturning.
"To have fun!" Barry said with a smile as he sped over to Dr. Wells, moving a pawn.
"And to continue your ongoing training." Dr. Wells said as Barry hit the ping pong ball again. Cisco missed, causing the ball to hit the wall.
And knock over the Jenna building. "GAH!" I yelled in frustration, throwing the single block I had in my hand as it had fallen to the ground.
"I hate this game." I said, frowning at the fallen blocks as Cisco gave me a 'sorry' look.
"Does that mean I won?" Barry said with a smirk. I gave him a very sarcastic smile before it turned into a frown as Caitlin continued to struggle taking out a rubber band.
"Heads up. I think we got something." Cisco said as the alarm beeped. He ran over to the monitors, looking at the screen.
"Checkmate." Dr. Wells said as I looked over at him, his face blank as Barry sped over, a confused look on his face.
"Checkmate. I guess we still have a few things
left to learn, don't we, Mr. Allen?" Dr. Wells said with a smile as Barry sighed.
"Robbery at fourth and Kolins." I said as I rested my arm on Cisco's shoulder, snatching a licorice from his box.
"Hey!" He said as we tried to reach for the licorice, which I quickly backed away, biting into it with a grin.
"For the record, I crushed it in ping pong, operation... and Jenga." Barry said with a wink towards me as I frowned, crossing my arms.
"Only because Cisco didn't hit the stupid ball." I grumbled as Barry sped off, a few papers flying everywhere.
There was a buzz, all of us turning to see Caitlin hit her fist on the table. "It's not as easy as it looks!" She said as I chuckled, biting into my licorice again.
"Guys where's the nearest hospital!?" Barry said through the comms as I pulled up a map, searching.
"Uh... St. Andrews. Seven blocks north, two east." I replied.
"Call an ER. tell them they have an incoming GSW." Barry said as I nodded, pulling out my phone.
"St. Andrews ER." A woman replied.
"Hi yes. Someone with a GSW will be entering any second." I replied before hanging up. Everyone looked at me for a moment before I raised a brow.
"What? Barry can tell them what happened. He was there. All I did was make the call." I said before slipping my phone into my pocket.
"You should probably start making your way to the scene, Ms. Agápi. You are a part of the CCPD after all." Dr. Wells said as I nodded, waving everyone goodbye.
"I'll be back with Barry later." I said before running out.
"I want this locked up all the way to the end of the block." Captain Singh said as I stopped running. While I was out of breath, Captain Singh walked up to me
" Miss Agápi. Glad you could finally join us." Singh said as I pressed my lips into a thin line, nodding once as I walked up to the truck.
"The tow truck was stolen." Joe started as he walked up behind me. "The armored car driver is in stable condition, though no one's sure how he got there."
"Did you check the security cameras?" I asked, holding my satchel with both hands on one shoulder, turning to Joe who shook his head.
"Camera storage drive was stolen. Guys are pros." He answered as I frowned. I turned to see Eddie, who was speaking to Singh about something.
"But... Everything's still here. Including what I think they're after. The Kahndaq Dynasty diamond." I said as I gestured to the silver suitcase a man was carrying away.
"It was on its way to Central City Museum for exhibition." I said as Eddie walked up, placing his hands on his hips with a smirk.
"Right. Iris is trying to get me to go." He said as I raised a brow again.
"Not much of a museum guy, I take it?" I said as he pressed his lips together, nodding.
"She really just wants to do something-" Joe gave Eddie a look to stop talking, which he did. "I'm just going to walk away now..." he said quietly before walking away.
"He's not a bad guy, Joe. Eddie is sweet." I said as Joe frowned at me while I sipped on my hot chocolate I got before coming here.
"He's dating my daughter." Joe said as I choked, turning and spitting out the hot chocolate. I turned back to Joe, who gave me a strange look.
"I'm sorry. Must have forgotten." I said. I had completely forgotten the two were an item.
"Uh huh.." Joe said before walking away. Barry ran up to me, looking out of breath as Captain Singh frowned at him.
"Sorry Captain.. I was at the hospital visiting a friend." Barry lied as I turned away, snickering silently.
"There's nothing missing. It looks like someone interrupted the robbery." Singh said as I looked to Barry, who wiggled his brows at me as I rolled my eyes.
"Guard says there was three of them." Singh said as Barry cleared his throat.
"Actually there was four." He said as Singh gave him a suspicious look. "I mean that's how many I would bring if I were doing a robbery of this nature. That's definitely a four-guy truck. A driver, two more to cover the guards... and somebody used liquid nitrogen to open this door, so four bad guys." Barry said as I gave him a 'you should stop talking' look.
"Thank you, Mr. Allen, for your brilliant insight." Captain Singh said before he sighed, walking away.
"For somebody so fast, you're a terrible improviser." I said as Barry sighed.
"Did you see anything that can help us catch these guys?" Joe asked as Barry's face lit up, nodding.
"Yeah. One of the guys lost his mask. I saw his face." He replied as I smiled.
"Let's head back to CCPD. Get the mugshot files." I said as Barry nodded, leaving Joe behind.
"Here are the mugshots." I said, handing the large file to Barry. "There's over a thousand criminals in there, it may take a while to-"
"There he is." Barry said, pointing to a man with a buzz cut, a bored and cold look on his face.
"Leonard Snart?" I said with a frown. Barry turned to me, a confused look on his face.
"You know him?" Barry asked as I gasped at the mugshot, nodding.
"Yeah I-I was his sisters friend back in elementary before I moved to Starling." I said with a frown. "I forgot their a family of criminals..." I started to laugh for a moment.
"Now what?" He asked as I held my stomach.
"Sorry. Leonard is as bad as... Bartholomew." I said with a snort as Barry gave me a disappointed face.
"Yeah well Snart ain't sexy either." He said as I cackled, walking to our lab together.
"His dad used to be a cop. A really bad one actually. When I went to their house, all I could hear was him taking his anger out on Leonard until he went to Iron Heights."
"His dads in jail too?" Barry said, raising a brow.
"Yeah. You guys should start a club." I joked as Barry chuckled, shutting the lab doors.
"He shows up, like every six months. He cases a job for weeks before he makes his move. Then he does a job, gets away." I said, recalling Joe having talked about Snarts dad before.
"That was until the Streak showed up." Barry said with a smirk.
"I thought we were calling you the Flash?" I questioned as Barry sighed.
"Yeah. Tell that to Iris." He said with a sigh.
"She still calls you the Streak?" I said with a short laugh as he frowned, nodding.
"Coffee break!" Iris said as she barges through our lab, holding two cups of coffee.
"Sorry Iris. I'm not a coffee person." I said as Iris stopped, frowning at me.
"Oh um... these were for Barry and I." She said as I looked between the two, making an 'o' with my lips.
"Ah... awkward." I said as I walked over to my desk, sitting down and typing away, searching for Leonard's criminal record.
"My dad's been mad ever since I told him about me and Eddie." Iris said as Barry sighed.
"No, you mean he's mad at you because you didn't tell him." Barry corrected as Iris rolled her eyes.
"Uh, that sounds like you're taking his side. You know his "I'm not talking to you... but I have a bag full of judgmental looks I'll try on you later"?" Iris said as I sighed quietly, sipping on my hot chocolate that was now cold.
"I've been on the receiving end of those looks a few times." Barry said as Iris nodded.
"Speaking of communications, or lack thereof... after all these journalism classes, I got an idea." She said as I looked up from my computer.
"Iris. You already told us about the blog you started about the Streak." I said as Iris dismissed me. Rude much? I thought to myself with a. Frown.
"He's out there, guys. Rumor has it he stopped an armed car robbery earlier." Iris said as I gave Barry a side glance, noticing he had also given me one as Iris walked over to my desk, eyeing the file of said robbery.
"I was hoping I could take a look at-" as she reached for the file, I quickly snatched it up, giving her a slight glare.
"That's classified stuff, Iris. We aren't at liberty to discuss ongoing police investigations with you." I quickly said as she frowned at me, turning to Barry like he'd let her see it.
"Sorry Iris, but Cora is right. We can't show you the file." Barry said as I hid a smirk.
"Since when, Mr. Blabbermouth?" Iris said as I frowned.
"Take it from someone who's been studying the impossible since they were 11. Blogging about this, it's gonna bring the crazies to your door." Barry said as I nodded.
"My blog is anonymous." She said as I groaned.
"Anonymous or not, it isn't safe to write about that stuff. You're putting yourself in danger." I said as she frowned at both of us.
"You never know what kind of weirdoes are out there on the Internet." Barry said.
"I can vouch for that." All three of us turned our heads to see a blonde standing in the doorway.
"Felicity Smoak." She said as I stood up, walking over to everyone.
"Iris West."
"Cora Agápi."
"Barry Allen. But um.. you three already knew that." He said as the three of us chuckled. "Uh Felicity is-"
"The girl that you met in Starling City." I butter in as Iris looked at me, raising a brow.
"Barry talks. Like you said.. Mr. Blabbermouth." I said as she shrugged.
"You two worked on one of Barry's unexplainable cases." Iris said as Felicity smiled, nodding.
"Which, long story short, was definitely explainable." Felicity said as she looked up at the skyline.
"So. The lightning came through here?" She said as Barry nodded.
"Oh shoot." Iris said as her phone buzzed. "I gotta get to Jitters. Rush hour started early." She said before waving everyone goodbye. I sighed quietly, going back to my desk as Felicity walked up to Barry.
"Cora seems nice. Congratulations." She whispered, thinking I couldn't hear her. I looked up to see Barry's eyes widen, his cheeks burning red.
"Oh she's not um-"
"We're just friends." I said as Felicity's eyes widened.
"Oh um.. I'm sorry I thought-"
"It's fine Felicity, really." I said with a smile as she gave me an awkward one.
"What are you really doing here? I mean, it's good to see you... but do you and Oliver need something...?" Barry said as I shot my head up.
"Oliver? Like.. Oliver Queen?" I said, my eyes glistening with joy as they both slowly nodded.
"You know him?" Felicity asked as I frowned.
"Everyone knows him. But he just happened to be walking by my old apartment when I was struggling to move. Actually, I have his number, though I haven't called him in probably a week."
"Wait.. you guys are friends?" Barry asked, what sounded like a hint of jealousy in his voice as I shrugged.
"I guess you could say that. He's usually busy though, so we don't talk very much." I said as I wrote something down in my notepad before looking back up.
"Anyway. No. I came because I wanted to see you." Felicity said. My pencils led snapped as I looked up at them through my lashes.
"I heard you were out of your coma!" Felicity corrected. "Didn't call. Didn't write... didn't... race over. Wait does she know?" Felicity said after realizing I was still here.
"Yes she knows. How do you know? Did Oliver tell you?" Barry asked as I sat up again, crossing my arms as I walked over to the two.
We had all walked to the park, smiled on our faces as we talked.
"So. I wanna see it." Felicity said as I looked to Barry, who frowned.
"I mean by 'it' I mean your speed. In case you mean I thought about something else, in which case I did not. I-"
"Felicity. We knew what you meant." I said, giving her a pat on the shoulder as Barry looked around.
"Alright um... you guys see that building up there?" He said, pointing up as we nodded. "Dont take your eyes off it."
In a second, there was a red streak that went up then down the building, Barry next to us again. He handed Felicity his phone, showing a picture of her looking confused while I had a smile on my face.
"You- took a picture of us?" She said as he nodded.
I frowned, sniffing the air before looking down, yelping. "Barry your shoes!" I said as he looked down, quickly stomping out the smoke.
"It's-its fine! That's why I have a friction proof suit." Barry said with a smile.
"W-where did you get that?" Felicity asked as Barry and I looked at one another, smirking.
"We'll show you."
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