Chapter Eleven
"Has anyone seen Barry?" I asked, walking into the cortex to see Caitlin and Cisco turn their heads, shrugging.
I looked around, noticing that the fake paralyzed doctor was no where to be found. "Wells?" I called out as Caitlin looked over at Cisco.
"Haven't seen him either since Barry left." I groaned, sitting down in the spinning chair in front of the desk.
"Guess I'll just be sitting, waiting... wishing" I sang quietly, starting to hum to the song of Jack Johnson that began to play in my head.
Cisco rose a brow at me, snapping me out of the mini concert. "Sorry." I mumbled before leaning over the keyboard, typing something in.
"Cora. I need you to come see this." Cisco said as I looked up from the computer, yelping as I shot up, looking at Danton Black.
"CISCO WHAT THE HELL?! WHY IS HE- just... standing there?" I said as I walked over, raising a brow.
"It's a replica Caitlin and I made." Cisco said as he walked over to the desk, grabbing his phone.
"I know, I need you at S.T.A.R. Labs right now. Its not okay. Danton Black. He's here-"
In an instant, Barry was here, grabbing me and taking me outside of the Cortex.
"Wha- BARRY!" I yelled, running back in and scowling at the tall speedster, hitting him in the arm.
"That's not him, is it?" Barry said, hissing when I hit him, holding his bicep.
"It's one of his replicates." Caitlin said with a grin.
"H-how did you get him?" Barry asked, intrigued by the situation.
"I grew him." Caitlin said with an even bigger grin.
"I isolated a sample of Black's blood from your suit to see if I could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiplies." She continued as I raised my brows, not understanding a word she said.
"So, I exposed the target cells to a protein gel and they began replicating into that."
"So... Why is he-it , just standing there? Doing nothing?" I asked as Caitlin shrugged, pressing her lips together.
"We did a brain scan. Involuntary motor functions are active. Little else." Caitlin answered as Cisco piped in.
"We think it's acting as a receiver."
"The clones are an empty she'll without Black." Caitlin said as I made an understanding face.
"So, if we get the real black, we might get them all? Like we knock him out, the rest will go down with him?" I asked as Caitlin and Cisco nodded.
"Easy enough." I shrugged.
"How do we know which one is Black?" Barry asked as I pointed at him.
"That occured to me when you kept passing out." Caitlin said, walking over to the replicate. "black has limits, just like you. Controlling all of those clones must require a substantial amount of energy and physical strength." Caitlin said as Ciaco tossed Barry a bar.
"Whippedup those high calorie protein bars for you to keep your metabolism up." He said with a slight wink.
"Ungh-" Caitlin and I yelled as the replicate started to move, Barry jumping in front of me in case the replicate started attacking.
I yelped, pressing my hands over my ears at the sound of a gunshot, turning to see Joe, who had just killed the replicate.
"Any more of them?" He asked as Caitlin went stiff, shaking her head.
"Why did it start moving?" I said, wiggling a finger in my ear to try and get rid of the ringing.
"The prime. The prime is on the move. This heard the summons." Cisco said as ai squinted at him.
"And I know where he's summoned to. Stagg industries." Barry said as he looked over at Joe. "You should call it in."
"Police can't fight this, Barry. You know that." I said, his head turning to face me.
"What Black's become.. like Mardon... Beyond me. Maybe way beyond them too." Joe said, gesturing to us all. "The only person it's not beyond is you. So for once in your life, do what I tell you to do. Go stop him." Joe said as Barry's faced was suddenly filled with determination.
And then he, and the suit, were gone faster than the pizza in my fridge on a Saturday.
I paced over to my seat, pressing the comms button. "Barry you there?" I asked.
"Right here." He answered as I faintly smiled.
There was silence for a little while.
"You were gonna grow her a new one." Barry said to Black.
"Remember Barry. Find the prime!" Cisco said as I leaned back in my chair.
"Do you think Barry could get my Amazon packages to my door in less than 30 seconds?" I asked as everyone turned to me.
"What? I know you guys look out the window the second you order something online like you expect it to be there!" I said as I crossed my arms.
"There's too many to fight!" Barry yelled as I sat up, rolling back to the desk.
"Barry, you need to isolate the prime!" Cisco said as Barry huffed.
"I-I can't! It's impossible!" He said as Joe groaned.
"Nothing's impossible, Barry. You taught me that. You can do this." He said as I smiled faintly.
There was grunting coming from the comms, my heart racing as everything went silent. "B-Barry? Are you alright?" I asked as there was a huff.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. It's done." He answered as I breathed out a sigh of relief.
But that wasn't the end. There was a yell, and more grunting before Barry yelled. "Hang on!" He screamed, and then he went silent.
"Barry?" I called as there was a sad sigh.
"Black... he's.. he's dead."
"Central City police now confirm that former Stagg industries worker Danton Black-" I shut off the tv in the Cortex everyone turned to Barry, who looked sad.
"I tried to save him..." he said quietly.
"Doesn't sound like he wanted to be saved." Joe said.
"Some people, when they break... They can't be put back together." Cisco said as he turned to Caitlin. "But some heal even stronger." He said as they both smiled. Cisco walked over to me, leaning in the desk.
"I hope so." Barry said.
"Well. At least Multiplex won't be able to hurt anyone else." Cisco said as he pumped a fist, which I pounded, making an explosion noise as everyone chuckled.
"Told you I'd come up with a cooler name." He said to me as I rolled my eyes.
"I'm naming the next one." I whispered to him as he gasped, slapping a hand over his chest. I gave him an intimidating look.
"Yeah. Yeah you can do that-" he said as I smirked, looking over at Barry, who had been watching me without my notice.
"I may be the one in the suit doing all the running... But when I'm out there helping people, making a difference... You're all out there with me. We were all struck by that lightning." He said with a smile as I rolled my eyes.
"That's such a corny mini speech. And I'm here for it." I said as Barry chuckled. He looked over at Joe, who gestured for him to follow him out of the cortex.
As they left, I looked at Dr. Wells, who gave me a nod before he exited the room. Then to Caitlin and Cisco, who were smiling at me.
"Thank you guys." I said with a warm smile.
"For?" Caitlin asked, raising a brow as I shrugged.
"For being the closest I've had to a friend in a long time." I said with a smile before it quickly faded as there was a buzzer.
"Barry get in here!" I yelled as Barry appeared next to me. "Armoured car was just hijacked on Griffen Avenue." I said as Barry nodded.
He sat up straight, taking one look at his suit before he vanished, the suit going with him as I smiled, leaning back in my chair as I whispered under my breath.
"Go get em', Flash."
"For letting me join the team.
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