Untitled Part 1
Respiratory sensations are the consequence of interactions between
the efferent , or outgoing, motor output from the brain to the ventilatory
muscles (feed-forward) and the afferent , or incoming, sensory
input from receptors throughout the body (feedback), as well
as the integrative processing of this information that we infer must
be occurring in the brain ( Fig. 33-1 ) . In contrast to painful sensations,
which can often be attributed to the stimulation of a single
nerve ending, dyspnea sensations are more commonly viewed as
holistic, more akin to hunger or thirst. A given disease state may
lead to dyspnea by one or more mechanisms, some of which may beoperative under some circumstances, e.g., exercise, but not others,
e.g., a change in position.
Motor efferents
Disorders of the ventilatory pump, most commonly increase airway
resistance or stiffness (decreased compliance) of the respiratory system,
are associated with increased work of breathing or a sense of an
increased effort to breathe. When the muscles are weak or fatigued,
greater effort is required, even though the mechanics of the system
are normal. The increased neural output from the motor cortex is
sensed via a corollary discharge, a neural signal that is sent to the
sensory cortex at the same time that motor output is directed to the
ventilatory muscles.
Sensory afferents
Chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies and medulla are activated by
hypoxemia, acute hypercapnia, and acidemia. Stimulation of these
receptors, as well as others that lead to an increase in ventilation, produce
a sensation of air hunger. Mechanoreceptors in the lungs, when
stimulated by bronchospasm, lead to a sensation of chest tightness.
J-receptors, sensitive to interstitial edema, and pulmonary vascular
receptors, activated by acute changes in pulmonary artery pressure,
appear to contribute to air hunger. Hyperinflation is associated with
the sensation of increased work of breathing and an inability to get
a deep breath or of an unsatisfying breath. Metaboreceptors, located in skeletal muscle, are believed to be activated by changes in the local
biochemical milieu of the tissue active during exercise and, when
stimulated, contribute to the breathing discomfort.
Integration: Efferent-reafferent mismatch
A discrepancy or mismatch between the feed-forward message to
the ventilatory muscles and the feedback from receptors that monitor
the response of the ventilatory pump increases the intensity of
dyspnea. This is particularly important when there is a mechanical
derangement of the ventilatory pump, such as in asthma or chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Acute anxiety may increase the severity of dyspnea either by altering
the interpretation of sensory data or by leading to patterns of
breathing that heighten physiologic abnormalities in the respiratory
system. In patients with expiratory flow limitation, for example, the
increased respiratory rate that accompanies acute anxiety leads to
hyperinflation, increased work and effort of breathing, and a sense
of an unsatisfying breath.
Dyspnea is the consequence of deviations from normal function in
the cardiopulmonary systems. These deviations produce breathlessness
as a consequence of increased drive to breathe; increased effort
or work of breathing; and/or stimulation of receptors in the heart,
lungs, or vascular system. Most diseases of the respiratory system
are associated with alterations in the mechanical properties of the
lungs and/or chest wall, frequently as a consequence of disease of
the airways or lung parenchyma. In contrast, disorders of the cardiovascular
system more commonly lead to dyspnea by causing gas
exchange abnormalities or stimulating pulmonary and/or vascular
receptors ( Table 33-2 ).
Respiratory system dyspnea
Diseases of the airways Asthma and COPD, the most common
obstructive lung diseases, are characterized by expiratory airflow
obstruction, which typically leads to dynamic hyperinflation of the
lungs and chest wall. Patients with moderate to severe disease have
increased resistive and elastic loads (a term that relates to the stiffness
of the system) on the ventilatory muscles and increased work
of breathing. Patients with acute bronchoconstriction also complain
of a sense of tightness, which can exist even when lung function is
still within the normal range. These patients commonly hyperventilate.
Both the chest tightness and hyperventilation are probably
due to stimulation of pulmonary receptors. Both asthma and COPD
may lead to hypoxemia and hypercapnia from ventilation-perfusion
(V ˙ /Q) mismatch (and diffusion limitation during exercise with
emphysema); hypoxemia is much more common than hypercapnia
as a consequence of the different ways in which oxygen and carbon
dioxide bind to hemoglobin.
Diseases of the chest wall Conditions that stiffen the chest wall,
such as kyphoscoliosis, or that weaken ventilatory muscles, such as
myasthenia gravis or the Guillain-Barré syndrome, are also associated
with an increased effort to breathe. Large pleural effusions
may contribute to dyspnea, both by increasing the work of breathing
and by stimulating pulmonary receptors if there is associated
Diseases of the lung parenchyma Interstitial lung diseases, which
may arise from infections, occupational exposures, or autoimmune disorders, are associated with increased stiffness (decreased compliance)
of the lungs and increased work of breathing. In addition,
V ˙ /Q mismatch, and destruction and/or thickening of the alveolarcapillary
interface may lead to hypoxemia and an increased drive to
breathe. Stimulation of pulmonary receptors may further enhance
the hyperventilation characteristic of mild to moderate interstitial
Cardiovascular system dyspnea
Diseases of the left heart Diseases of the myocardium resulting
from coronary artery disease and nonischemic cardiomyopathies
result in a greater left-ventricular end-diastolic volume and an
elevation of the left-ventricular end-diastolic, as well as pulmonary
capillary pressures. These elevated pressures lead to interstitial
edema and stimulation of pulmonary receptors, thereby causing
dyspnea; hypoxemia due to ˙ V/Q mismatch may also contribute
to breathlessness. Diastolic dysfunction, characterized by a very
stiff left ventricle, may lead to severe dyspnea with relatively mild
degrees of physical activity, particularly if it is associated with mitral
Diseases of the pulmonary vasculature Pulmonary thromboemoblic
disease and primary diseases of the pulmonary circulation (primary
pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary vasculitis) cause dyspnea via
increased pulmonary-artery pressure and stimulation of pulmonary
receptors. Hyperventilation is common, and hypoxemia may be
present. However, in most cases, use of supplemental oxygen has
minimal effect on the severity of dyspnea and hyperventilation.
Diseases of the pericardium Constrictive pericarditis and cardiac
tamponade are both associated with increased intracardiac and pulmonary
vascular pressures, which are the likely cause of dyspnea in
these conditions. To the extent that cardiac output is limited, at rest
or with exercise, stimulation of metaboreceptors and chemoreceptors
(if lactic acidosis develops) contribute as well.
Dyspnea with normal respiratory and cardiovascular systems
Mild to moderate anemia is associated with breathing discomfort
during exercise. This is thought to be related to stimulation of
metaboreceptors; oxygen saturation is normal in patients with anemia.
The breathlessness associated with obesity is probably due to
multiple mechanisms, including high cardiac output and impaired
ventilatory pump function (decreased compliance of the chest wall).
Cardiovascular deconditioning (poor fitness) is characterized by the
early development of anaerobic metabolism and the stimulation of
chemoreceptors and metaboreceptors.
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