Someone had answered me when I asked if you guys wanted a chapter with the guys when they went to the club, so enjoy this really short and stupid clip
P.S. there might be a few gay parts *wink wonk* but it won't ultimately affect the story. This is just for laughs and its going to be very random and it will suck
"Shove a cucumber down my pants and call me daddy," MiniLadd winked towards Wildcat, his elbow leaning on the wall next to him.
Out of all of the guys, Craig had to be the most drunk and was currently hitting on Tyler because everyone else had roamed off to talk to some girls.
Tyler, in turn, was also very drunk and enjoying the attention Craig was giving him. Though that was until Moo had shown up next to them just to make sure they weren't getting into any trouble.
"Brock, Tyler doesn't appreciate me," Craig cried out, literally jumping into Moo's arms, which made Moo fall over. "You'll love me won't you, big boy?"
Honestly, Brock was absolutely sober and horribly afraid of his drunk friends. He removed MiniLadd's arms which were wrapped around him and quietly walked away, leaving the two boys to whatever conversation they were having.
He walked towards the other side of the club to check in on Lui, Terroriser, and Nogla. Terroriser wasn't hard to spot since he was currently strutting his stuff on the short catwalk that lead to a stripper pole at the end.
"I'm a fucking pretty girl!" Terroriser shouted as he swung around the pole. There was a chorus of cheers from the other people in the club watching him act like a stripper.
Brock, regretting ever seeing Brian try to strip tease, turned his eyes towards the bar where Lui and Nogla were standing at. They were both talking to girls, but Nogla was flirting with one of the strippers who worked there.
Apparently everything was going relatively well except for the fact that MiniLadd was probably going to pass out on Tyler any second.
He looked back to the Craig and Tyler, and his suspicion was confirmed. Craig was knocked out, lying down on Tyler's lap on one of the chairs. "Brock, help me will ya?"
Moo did his best to carry Miniladd off Tyler and into the car, where he'd probably leave him and let him sleep in the back seat. Meanwhile, Tyler spotted a cute blonde sitting by herself, staring at him, so he went over and introduced himself.
"Sup little mama," Tyler slurred, still in his drunken state. "How 'bout you come home with me?"
The tall blonde nodded and offered to drive since she hadn't drank anything the entire night. They took her car and Tyler gave her directions to the mansion.
In other matters, Terroriser was being escorted away from the stage, due to the fact that he began to take off his underwear in front of a large, mostly male, audience.
"You can't do this," Brian shouted as two large security guards lifted him up from each of his arms, his fddt bding lifted off the ground. "I have rights and a banana. Please don't take away my banana."
One of the security guards told him to shut up as they set him down at the bar, leaving him with a warning.
"I'll be back," Terroriser shouted in his best Terminator voice seeing the two men walk away from him. "I'll be," his head fell back onto the bar table with a thud.
"Not again," Moo cried out as soon as he came back into ths club and saw Brian passed out at the bar.
"Hey, everyone. This is Donna and I'm getting laid, bitches!" Moo turned his head toward Lui who just shouted and watched as he exited the club drunk as fuck with a huge smile on his face, then turning his head to Nogla who just got rejected by a stripper.
Maybe going home would be a good idea.
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