Chapter 19
Alice awoke to the sound of retching coming from the bathroom. Slowly opening her eyes, she remembered last nights events and hoped that Jonathan hadn't.
Getting up from Delirious' bed, she walked to the bathroom in the middle of the hall and to her luck, it was unlocked. Alice was a bit taken back when she saw Terroriser vomiting whatever he had the day before. Quietly apologizing, she closed the door and walked downstairs to see Brock and Jonathan in the kitchen.
"How are you not hungover?" Alice asked the blue eyed boy, grabbing a mug from the kitchen cabinets and pouring some leftover coffee that Moo made into her mug.
"It's a gift," Delirious said laughing. He was still wearing the navy blue pajama pants from the night before; just this time, he was without a shirt.
"How was last night anyway?"
Alice took a seat near the two boys on one of the bar stools next to the kitchen counter.
"Do you not remember?" Brock asked. The blue eyed boy shook his head and waited to hear what had happened last night since his memory of the night before was a bit blurred.
"Well after Alice took you home, the guys and I stayed at the club for another hour until Craig and Brian passed out." Delirious looked at Alice in confusion, so she gave him a look telling him that she'd explain later. "After that, Lui and Wildcat came here with different girls and I drove everyone else home."
Jonathan nodded in acknowledgment and didn't ask anything else. While the other two sat on the bar stools, Moo was cooking breakfast: pancakes and sausages.
One by one, the boys walked downstairs and two extra guests. Wildcat came into the kitchen with a huge smile on his face, which was unsual but Alice understood why after seeing a hot blonde walk in after him. It was the situation for Lui when another girl followed him into the kitchen.
After calling everyone else downstairs, Alice helped Moo set up the table and pass out the food for everyone, including their overnight guests.
It was moments like this that made Alice monumentally happy because she actually felt like this was family; it was the ecstatic feeling she felt when her father came home after a heist and when her father would spend time with her. It was family, but the reality of it all soon changed.
"Hand over the girl and no one gets hurt," Lui's one night stand shouted, pointing a gun directly at Lui's head. "Donna..."
Their other guest, Tyler's 'friend', also stood up with a knife clutched in her hand, which she pressed again Wildcat's neck.
Alice was unprepared at the moment, but she did her best to act fast. The raven haired girl inconspicuously grabbed one of the knives on the table, seeing that Nogla had done the same. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him slightly nod towards one of the girls, meaning he'd take that one out.
In a span of five seconds, Nogla and Alice took control of the situation and threw the silver knives at the two girls. David had killed the one with a knife, while Alice threw her knife into the other girl's shoulder, making her fall back in pain.
Taking the gun that the hostile guest had dropped on the floor, Brock aimed it at her.
"What are you doing here?" he asked. There was an evident change in his tone that Alice had never heard of. "Answer me!"
The gang watched as Moo's foot stomped down on her injured shoulder, making the twenty-something year old cry out in pain. None of them had ever seen Brock act out this way. He was always such a playful and kind person, so they had no clue what had made him act this way.
"Okay," the injured girl groaned, physically relaxing a tiny bit as Brock removed him foot from where the knife was buried into her skin. "I was forced to get Alice. We were both forced," her head turned to Donna who was lying on the floor with unmoving eyes. "They threatened to kill our families if we didn't."
The gang leader stepped up, grabbing the gun and softly nudging Moo to move away. "Who is 'they'?"
"There's two guys. We haven't seen them in person. They call all the shots and we're forced to do everyth-"
The sound of a single gunshot flooded their ears as Alice pulled the trigger ending the girl's life mercilessly after hearing that she had no useful information. She tucked the gun away in the back of her pants, signaling the guys to follow her into the living room. Everyone settled down.
"First of all, I want to thank David for saving our asses back there. Secondly, I guess we're going to have to start our next heist soon now that we know we're being watched, meaning that I need all of you to get your shit together." There was a chorus of stern agreements. "Good, now Lui and Tyler, you two clean up your bloody girlfriends in the kitchen. After all of you finish eating, I want everyone
to get everything ready.We leave tomorrow."
Alice ate her breakfast alone in her room, making changes to the plans of the heist set tomorrow. Now knowing they were being watched by some unknown gang, the green eyed girl had to take precautions. Just in case this gang decided to interfere with their mission, Alice made sure that no one would be alone, which made it more difficult. She'd have to split the amount of smaller objectives and assign them to each group.
Honestly, Alice would have easily called off the heist as soon as she learned that they were being spied on, but it was too important to abandon. After Evan had died, Alice did everything in order to achieve something legendary for the gang. Over a long span of time, their gang took over almost all of the small businesses in Los Santos and a lot of large businesses as well. Though this was much different.
This heist would legitimately set them at the top if it was successful. They'd be infiltrating the biggest and most successful company in all of Los Santos and taking it by force. A few weeks ago, Alice went to a meeting by herself with this gang but they had rejected her offer, so she'd been planning this heist.
"Come in," Alice yelled out as she heard a knock at the door. "Good. I needed to talk to you."
Her eyes were fixed on Moo as he nervously fiddled with the hem of his shirt. She probably wouldn't have even noticed him doing that if she hadn't been so observant.
Putting down the pencil in her hand, Alice turned her chair to face him directly. "What happened this morning? And please don't tell me it was nothing, I'm too tired to hear any bullshit."
"I just got a bit defensive, that's all. I, along with all of the other guys, couldn't imagine life without you. I don't even know how we even survived so long before we met you," Brock admitted.
"Acceptable answer. I still have to make a few more changes to the plans, so I'll inform you of the entire plan later tonight."
Brock left the room silently, but someone else came in as he left.
Alice groaned, not being able to concentrate on the task at hand, which was trying to perfect their heist plan. "I should really put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door and make you guys make appointments to see me."
"Nah, I like coming here uninvited," Delirious laughed. "What were you doing with Brock?"
"Just talked about what happened earlier with the spies. What do you need?" Alice asked.
Jonathan rolled his eyes and took a seat on her bed. "Oh my gosh, Jonathan," he said in his girliest voice. "How are you doing today? Are you okay after what happened?"
The raven haired gang member scoffed. "You want me to ask if you're okay? I'm the one they wanted and I have a lot to do right now, so don't waste my time."
She watched him get up from her bed and sit on the floor next to her desk. His hand covered hers in a gentle manner, making Alice slightly guilty for snapping at him.
Delirious always knew how to make her feel better with little things, such as a gentle touch or a few words. Although, maybe that was just how she felt towards him. Last night she not only admitted her love for Jonathan, but also to herself. In no possible way did she want to like him. In truth, it would've been better to stay as far away from him, but she couldn't.
"Sorry for that. It's just with the new heist and now the spies. I have to make sure all of you guys will be out of harm's way throughout this entire thing and its so frustrating. I don't understand how Evan put up with this," Alice blatantly admitted.
"We'll be fine, Ally. We've made it this far because of you," Jonathan genuinely smiled at her. "Now how about we take your mind off of this for a little while and go downstairs so you tell me about last night."
Alice agreed and the two walked downstairs into the kitchen, the floor now free of the two lifeless bodies and blood from this morning. It was only four in the afternoon, but the house was a bit chilly. She was thankful that she was still wearing her warm pajamas from last night, a large white sweater and gray sweatpants. She took a seat on one of the bar stools and watched as Delirious took out two large mugs from the cabinets and start making some hot chocolate.
Another rush of that contemptuous feeling flooded her and she never wanted to let go of this moment. "So what did happen last night after Moo said you took me home?"
She contemplated on telling him the truth of what he actually did last night, but that would mean telling him a few embarrassing moments.
"I've noticed that you tend to cross your feet when you're lying over the years. Tell me what happened," Jonathan said, sitting down and setting the two hot chocolates on the table.
So, Alice told him all of last night's embarrassing and fun events, which left Jonathan in hysterics. The brown haired boy almost knocked over his drink after hearing all the stupid things he did, until Alice told him what he had said.
"You're kidding," Delirious blurted out, still a bit breathless after laughing so hard. "I'm so sorry. I was drunk and I had no idea what I was saying."
"I get it, Jonathan. No need to freak out," Alice told him with a small laugh. She didn't regret saying she loved him though, but there was no way she would tell him that. "And now that we spent thirty minutes drinking hot chocolate and talking, I have to get back and finish the plans."
It was now seven at night and Alice had finally finished her plans. Everyone was gathered in the living room like they had done earlier with Alice standing in the front of the room.
"These plans are finalized," Alice said handing out two sheets of paper to everyone. One of them was the overall plan and layout of the building they'd be infiltrating; the second one was their personal missions, which Alice organized and put their names on each of their papers as well. "I absolutely need you to read these as carefully as you can and for your personal missions, please talk about them with your partner."
Alice had assigned everyone a partner, but one group had three. That way she was 90% sure nobody would get hurt, but by doing this, she couldn't account for herself.
Dismissing everyone so they could go over the plan and their individual parts, Alice retired into her bedroom and gathered everything she needed for tomorrow and went to bed.
Tomorrow would hold either a very successful win or a very horrible loss and Alice had no clue which one would happen.
Three day weekend= long update+time skips. This book will be ending pretty soon, maybe one or two more chapters. Also, how would you guys feel about a separate chapter with some funny moments with the guys when they were at the club? Cause I might write that before I finish the book if any of you are interested. Vote and comment what you think about this chapter and how the heist will go^-^
And as always, I hope ye enjoy (:)
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