Chapter 14
"I don't know, Evan. Wouldn't it be a bit suspicious if I just suddenly switched rooms? Unless you want the guys to know about us," Alice awaited his response.
The buff gang leader moved away from the wall and sat next to Alice. He was unsure if he was okay with the idea of the gang knowing his unlabeled relationship with the newest gang member.
Evan sighed. "It would be too suspicious, I guess. Anyways, it'll be a little fun for you to sneak away to my room sometimes," the small frown on his lips slowly formed into a smile.
"And why would I sneak to your room?" Alice asked, a smile gracing her lips as well.
"Because of this," Vanoss grabbed her by the waist and set her on his lap, earning a kiss from the raven haired beauty.
Alice smile was wider as the two broke apart. "Well, since we have this figured out, I have to go back to Jonathan cause we're planning on decorating the room."
The green eyed girl felt a bit guilty for leaving Joanthan in the middle of their conversation, so she wanted to get back to him as soon as possible. Also because of the fact that she really was looking forward to decorating their bedroom.
Evan let her leave, but with one more quick kiss. "Come back around 11 okay, little one?"
The young gang leader earned another smile in response as Alice closed the door behind her and headed off to her bedroom. She knocked first, not risking walking in during an unfortunate time.
"Come in."
Her hand grasped the handle and pushed the door open, revealing Delirious carrying her dresser out the door.
She stared at him in confusion. "What are you doing, Jonathan?"
"Moving our stuff so you can paint," the brown haired boy told her as he set the heavy dresser down on the side of the hallway. "And before you say anything, we're going to go get the paint after I move all this shit."
Alice stopped him before he went to move his own dresser. "You do know that painting will take the entire night, right?"
Delirious rolled his eyes and continued carrying his piece of furniture out the room. "Of course, and I thought you'd look forward to it since you were the one who wanted to redo the room," he said.
In truth, Delirious was right. Alice was very much looking forward to decorating the room in a way she and Jonathan would like. Though, that meant that she'd have to work on it all night since Delirious was planning on getting rid of the bed already, which meant she couldn't go to Evan's room later on.
"I guess you're right. Ask the other guys if they want the bed and dressers, I'm planning on buying some new furniture after we're done," Alice told him as she pulled out her phone to text Evan that she was going to be a bit busy later. To which, Evan replied with a simple"k".
The mattress itself was large, so with the headboard it proved to be a problem. The bed was a bit too big to fit through the door, meaning that they'd have to take it apart. It took a very long while, but the two were able to disassemble the wooden headboard and carry it into the hallway.
As the two carried the mattress out, they almost ran into Terroriser. "What the hell are you two doing?"
"Redecorating. Interested in any of these things?" Jonathan asked, gesturing towards the pieces of furniture cluttered in the hallway.
Brian though about it for a momeny, but declined. "Got enough stuff in my room, but you can ask Moo. His room is basically empty except for his bed and a itty bitty drawer," Terroriser said, leaving.
"Brock!" Jonathan shouted, the loud noise echoing through the house. A head popped out of the door at the far end of the hall. "Do you want this?"
Delirious was still talking a bit louder so Moo could hear him, which he fortunately did. Brock took the two dressers to his room so that left the bed.
"Just want to leave it here and go get the paint?" Alice asked the blue eyed boy next to her. Jonathan nodded in response and the two walked downstairs and to Delirious' motorcycle.
Without a second thought, the raven haired girl grabbed one of the two helmets hanging on the motorcycle handles and put it on. It wasn't the first time she rode a motorcycle, but she knew that sometimes Jonathan could be a little reckless so she was a bit nervous.
"Jonathan! Slow down," Alice yelled. The closest Home Depot was kind of far so Delirious decided to take the freeway and was going way to fast for her liking.
Delirious smiled and didn't slow down. "Don't tell me you're scared, Ally?"
Soon after he said that, he felt a hand hit his back, then a short scream, and then two arms wrapping around him.
"You okay back there?"
"Other than the fact I almost fell back, I'm perfectly dandy."
Alice could feel Jonathan's body shake with laughter as he exited the freeway, taking a sharp left towards Home Depot. The two got off the motorcycle after Delirious parked it and they headed into the large building.
"Instead of painting on the wall, why don't we buy a canvas and hang it up? It seems a bit easier," Alice suggested to which Delirious agreed. The two bought some black paint at home depot and some more paint and canvases at Michaels.
By the time they got home, the guys were waiting in the living room wondering what took them so long, which Alice replied to with a single question.
"Who's up for some painting?"
They had also bought a few too many paintbrushes and a clear wrap they could set on the floor. All of the gang members offered to help paint, excluding Vanoss who was missing from the group. Before anyone started painting, Jonathan put some tape on the corners to avoid any mistakes.
The group enjoyed painting the entire room for around two hours and when they finally finished, all of them left to wash up. There was a short few minutes where there were playing around a bit with the dark paint.
Unfortunately, Alice couldn't paint in her room because of the foul smell of the paint, also meaning that she and Delirious were going to have to sleep somewhere else.
Leaving her stuff in the middle of the bedroom where they couldn't get paint on them, Alice turned the lights off and closed the door. The paint would dry overnight, so she'd be able to go with Evan after all.
With a quick knock on the door, Alice peeked her head through the door to see Evan sitting at his desk with papers littering the wooden surface and a clear bottle of vodka in his hand.
"Evan? The room smells like paint so do you mind if I stay here tonight?"
She didn't get a response, so she waited patiently by the door. It took a while but Vanoss looked up from his papers with a cold stare, which ultimately confused the raven haored girl.
Not wanting to anger him, she stayed by the door as she talked. "What happened?"
A laugh echoed through the silent bedroom. "What happened? What happened is that you'd drop me so quickly for your precious Jonathan."
"Are you jealous? I just wanted to paint my bedroom," Alice told him, a new tone evident in her voice. She'd never been in a relationship and certainly hadn't gotten into a fight over something so stupid. Especially with for a gang member, she thought he'd act mature.
"Jealous of that fuck? I just don't want to be with a fucking slut. Scratch that. I don't want a slut living in this house or having any part of this gang," Evan was loud enough for everyone in the entire household to hear.
Alice stayed calm, but there was nothing more she wanted to do but shoot the gang leader in the head. "If that's how you feel, I'll be gone by noon tomorrow."
As she left the bedroom, she was met with seven frowning faces staring at her. "Hey guys," a sad smile was etched onto her lips. "Jonathan, you'll have to sleep somewhere else. The bedroom reeks of wet paint. I'm going to stay in Moo's room for tonight."
With no other words said, the group separated and Alice followed after Moo to the room at the end of the hall. She sighed softly and smiled at the simplicity of the room. If this was her last night with her so called new family, she'd focus on the little things and enjoy them.
Her eyes traveled to the new sketchbook and pencils on the bed. "You like it? It's yours. If you didn't know, you've been here for a month and I heard Jonathan talking about your drawings so this was the only thing I thought to get."
"Thank you, Brock," she gave him a short hug and held the sketchbook and pencil in her hand. "If this is my last night, I might as well do something productive."
Brock wasn't very tired so he laid down on the bed next to Alice, watching her draw. His eyes could only see random scribbles at first, but as Alice kept drawing, the scribbles began transforming.
In the end, Brock marveled at the creation. The single page held a beautiful tiger, its mouth open. "Do you mind getting the canvases and the paint in my bedroom?"
As Moo went to get that, Alice used her second page. She simply wrote Jonathan's name in cursive. When Brock came back, Alice put her raven hair in a bun. She and Delirious only bought two canvases, so she'd be painting the tiger on one and Jonathan's name on the other.
It took hours and in those few hours, Moo had fallen asleep and Alice finished her paintings. The tiger looked much more beautiful on the canvas as big as her with vibrant colors. Jonathan's name looked amazing in white paint on the smaller canvas. Both paintings were finished with black paint surrounding them so it would blend in better with the black paint of the bedroom.
Alice went to Evan's room around ten and it was now two in the morning. She quietly left Brock's room and to Jonathan's bedroom with the canvases in her hands. The paint was already dry when she checked so she removed all the tape and the plastic wrap on the floor, throwing it in the trash out front. Then she grabbed some things from the kitchen sink and put the two canvases up. Jonathan's name hung on the side of the room where his dresser used to be and the tiger was placed on the wall across from where the bed used to be.
She took a moment to admire the paintings, knowing that she'd be leaving them in a few hours. Luckily for her, all her stuff was already packed up since she had to move it when they needed to paint.
The door was shut behind her, so she sat in the middle of the large empty room, staring at the tiger painting she had created. The room was only illuminated by the moonlight coming from the open window, darkening the entire room. Though Alice hated getting emotional, she couldn't help the tears escaping her eyes.
She let her walls down and found a new family after being alone for too long, but it was going to be taken away from her for such a stupid reason. Her hands came together and she let them rest on her lap, sobbing now.
Before she could do anything, the door opened. "Figured you'd be in here," the figure at the door flicked the light switch on and he froze at the sight. Alice sat in the middle of the room with tears staining her cheeks, staring at a painting. "You got it finished."
She solemnly smiled as Brock closed the door and turned the light back off, taking a seat next to her afterwards. "It looks beautiful, Alice. Are you okay?"
He felt her rest on his chest and her head shake, making him hold her tighter. "Unfortunately, I can't go against Vanoss' orders but what I can do is stay with you until you leave. Mind telling me what's getting you so down."
"I wasn't lying when I said I think of you guys as my new family and being a part of something. As we got closer, I felt loved and I haven't told anyone but I haven't felt loved for a very long time. My dad was always busy and the rest of Chroma were just adults. Then he died amd everyone left. Do you know how much it hurts to see your family leave you one by one?" Alice could feel another tear slip as her voice cracked. "I watched them leave, but somehow I found myself here, feeling loved and happy. But its all going to be ripped away again."
Brock didn't say anything as Alice sobbed heavily into his chest. It'd been such a short time, but he also cared deeply about the green eyed girl and his own chest hurt from listening to her.
"We're a family, Alice," the voice didn't come from Brock so the teary eyed girl looked up to see the guys piling into the room, without Vanoss. A smile replaced the frown on her face as they all hugged her. "Always."
I'm a sucker for a sad scene, whoops. Vote and comment what you want to see in the next chapter. Also comment who you want her to end up with. At first I was rooting for Vanoss, but I kind of want her with Moo now. ♡
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