Chapter 10
Alice avoided all eye contact with Vanoss which went unnoticed by everyone but him. He knew exactly why she was trying to avoid him and he didn't like it.
The buff gang leader wasn't exactly fooling around. Taking care of a gang and keeping them in check didn't give him a lot of free time, which meant he didn't have time for girls.
Pinning her against the wall wasn't professional and he knew he fucked up, but at the same time he couldn't help staying neutral around her.
"Nogla, can you go switch with Alice? We have something important to discuss," Vanoss asked the boy next tk him.
The Irish lad grinded his teeth. "Sorry Evan, but she won't listen to me and it didn't seem like she was happy with you."
Vanoss groaned and ignored Nogla's last few words. Since his friend was too afraid to switch, he'd trade places with Delirious.
"Delirious, I need you to go with Nogla at weights. I'll stay here with Alice," Jonathan frowned but obeyed Vanoss' orders and went to Nogla.
Alice ignored his presence and focused on the punching bag in front of her. Vanoss didn't say anything yet at least. She pictured his face on the punching bag and didn't restrain herself. With every punch her knuckles started to bruise even more but she didn't care.
While she trained, Vanoss stared at her in annoyance. The green eyed girl probably didn't notice but she muttered Vanoss' name with each punch.
"Are you seriously going to ignore me, little one? You're the perfect match for Nogla apparently since that's what he did when you kissed him right?"
The shorter girl scowled. "Don't call me that and what happens between Nogla and I is none of your fucking business."
"Happens? As in something is still happening? Because if you haven't listened to me, there isn't supposed to be any relationships when in this gang," Vanoss said, a bit angry.
The idea that Nogla, out of all people, had kissed her pissed him off. First of all, Vanoss didn't allow relationships since it was only a hassle. Secondly, he couldn't help but feel a bit jealous over the strong willed girl.
He watched as Alice smiled. "Its not a relationship and its over anways," she said nonchalantly.
"What's over?"
"Can't say if you're going to get mad." Vanoss promised he wouldn't and waited for Alice to continue. "Daithi just got a quick kiss, no harm no foul."
Terroriser happened to pass by in order to get his water and since he had heard that Evan wouldn't get mad, he decided to cut in.
The other Irish boy sat near them and laughed. "Quick kiss? More like snogged for ten minutes while Nogla held her up against the wall."
Vanoss kept his cool, though he was furious. If Alice would be handled like that, he wanted it to be him. In his point of view, if anyone deserved a night with Alice, it was him.
Terroriser shrugged and left to go bacm with Moo and Lui. Since Vanoss didn't say anything, Alice kept training, but a bit more gentle this time.
The gang leader did the same and began punching his own punching bag. "Are you sure its over?"
"Once I tell him, yes," Alice mentioned nervously. "If you don't know, the only boy I grew up with who was close to my age was Jonathan so I'm not really an expert in that area."
The way she worded it was a bit cute to Evan and he smiled, but then he realized something. "Does that mean you and Delirious were a thing or that Nogla was your first kiss?"
Alice scoffed. "Nogla definitely wasn't my first kiss. Jonathan was but we were only kids at the time. The rest of my time was devoted to Chroma and when that was over, I didnt meet anyone special."
She thought back to when she was eleven and Jonathon was only thirteen. Like usual, they stayed at the base while the adults took care of the jobs and Jonathan had wanted to try something he saw the adults do.
"Just do this to your lips," Jonathon told Alice. He had puckered his lips and was coming closer to her.
"You look like a fish." Alice still did what Jonathan told her though and screamed when he kissed her lips. "What was that?"
They bothed wiped their lips and looked at each other with disgust, not liking the feeling.
"I guess you could say Nogla was my first adult kiss. Honestly, I have no idea if I did anything right since I learned everything I know from cheap TV," Alice told Vanoss.
Another thought popped into the young man's mind. "Does that mean you're a virgin?"
Alice didn't answer, which proved Vanoss' idea. If Nogla had counted as her first kiss and she hadn't done anything else, she was a virgin. The thought sent chills into Vanoss, chills that had caused a bit of a situation in his shorts.
He excused himself to the bathroom, giving everyone a chance to slack off for a bit. MiniLadd and Wildcat had a rematch that no one bothered to watch, while the others just conversed.
"How'd it go? He seemed to have left in a rush," Moo asked, sitting down next to Alice. She shrugged and took a sip of water.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Moo reach for something and was ready to take flight any second now. As soon as Moo moved his arm towards her, she got up and ran. The laughing boy was right behind her, holding up a sweat soaked towel.
There was no way she was stopping anytime soon. The sound behind her had proved her wrong. Moo was stopped by Delirious and whispered something in his ear.
Moo smirked and went into the ring, stopping Wildcat and MiniLadd from having another go at each other.
"Lady and assholes," Moo started, catching his friends' attention. "In our first corner, we have Delirious, our very own psychopathic clown. He has challened Lady Alice, our fearless and trained newbie to a brutal beatdown."
Alice laughed and jumped into the ring with Jonathon. As Moo kept talking, the two of them stared each other down.
"Are you sure this was a smart decision?"
"After seeing you get your ass beat by Vanoss, I don't see why," Delirious teased.
The green eyed girl took no offense and smiled. "How about we go somewhere else for lunch? Loser pays."
Jonathan agreed, not really wanting to eat lunch with everyone else. Moo finally went silent and left the ring for the two best friends to fight.
Delirious knew what Alice was like so he knew she wasn't going to play fair. He didn't bother punching, knowing she'd block it. Instead, he went straight in and tackled her to the floor.
Alice wanted to keep the fight going longer than usual since more training with Vanoss didn't seem too appealing. She kicked Delirious off of her by using her feet on his chest to push him away. Since she considered this a little more playful, she wanted to show off.
By doing a front flip, she was able to not only distract Delirious, but also able to slide under him and jump onto his back.
"Just like old times," Alice said in his ear.
Jonathan jumped and tried landing on his back, which would mean landing on Alice. At the last moment she jumped off and Delirious fell on his own back.
"You'd think I'd be able to beat you after all those times," the blue eyed boy said, wiping his sweat.
He got up and waited for Alice to make the first move, which she did. She faked her first punch so her second punch straight to Delirious' chest was clearly unexpected. Jonathon coughed violently but still held himself up.
Quickly, he redid his first move and tackled Alice to the floor. His grip was tight but the smaller girl managed to flip him over her and held him down.
Moo jumped into the ring, counted to ten, and everyone went crazy with shouting and cheers.
Alice didn't budge while they cheered. Her hands kept him down on the floor as she stared at him with a smile. He was looking right back at her, ignoring the cheers around him.
Delirious was too preoccupied with staring at his best friend above him that he didn't hear Vanoss shouting. Though he could blame him, Alice was basically straddling him to the ground and staring at him with her dark green eyes.
Vanoss came back and was met with some very loud shouts. Everyone was crowded around the ring with Delirious and Alice in it, so he assumed that they had fought and Alice had won. But the proud feeling faded after a few more seconds. Alice hadn't moved and she was in a compromising position on Delirious.
"Lunch!" Vanoss shouted, catching Alice's attention.
The green eyed girl tore her eyes away from Delirious and got up, helping him up as well.
"Indian food sound good?" Alice asked with a laugh. Jonathan laughed as well and nodded. As Alice left to the restroom to change, he tried to figure out a quick excuse for his friends since he was going to eat lunch with Alice.
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