Future in laws
Chapter 17-Future in laws
Nick POV
Finally Maya gets out the hospital today and I'm relieved the stress has been lifted of my shoulders. She's gonna meet my mom and dad today since they came from there businesses trip two day ago.I remember how Madeline had scold me about this morning.
Earlier This Morning
"Do you know how much responsibility it takes to take care of a baby?How can you be so careless?? Can you imagine how she must feel at the moment finding out she was pregnant and then getting attacked by a side hoe ... "Madeline yells at me
"I know I can handle being a father Madeline stop worrying"I reply irritated
"But the question is she because at this point I'm not so sure"Madeline says walking away.
I can't help but wonder is Maya ready?
"I'm ready to go "Maya says leaning against the door holding out the signed release paper.
I nod still thinking.I grab her hand and gently pull her to my expensive car.I tap the steering wheel while driving.I take a glance at Maya to see her sleeping.I smile slightly she's been through so much in such little time I'm happy she can sleep without a problem.
I pull up into my drive sighing I cut off the engine.I make my way to Maya sides and pick her up gently making sure her baby bump isn't pressing to closely to my chest.I walk her into the house planning to take her to my room well now our room.I walk into the living room to see my parents in there .My Dad looked the same with his overgrown Afro and small clean cut beard and My Mother too with her high cheek bones and curly yet straight at the same time hair and her usual smile .They were staring at Maya who was still laying in my arms sound asleep.
"Is this the girl Madeline was talking about?"My mother ask authority in her tone clear as day.
"Yes mom" I answer back as politely as I can which I'm sure isn't much.
"Don't use that tone with your mother"My father says calmly yet threateningly
"Well I'm sorry then and Maya is sleeping right now so you can talk to her later "I say descending up the steps to my room hearing my mother's and father's protest behind me.
I lay her gently on my bed pulling off her shoes and such.Then I'm strip off my own clothes leaving me in my Calvin Klein's.I lay down beside her and pull her against her smelling her delicate scent .I drift off to sleep leaving my worries behind me for this bliss.
Hours later
Maya Pov
I wake up besides Nick hmm that's weird last time I was in the car.he must of carried me.I get out of the bed stretching .I walk into the bathroom removing my clothes taking a shower.When I'm done with that I brush my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun.
I pull on some shorts and a blue Nike's shirt.I slip on some sandals as I walk down the steps to make dinner for Madeline and Nick. I walk into the kitchen and put on a apron.I start a simple dinner humming to myself .I turn around to see a woman staring at me. Funny thing is she looks really familiar.
"Hi" I say finally breaking the silence
"So your the infamous Maya" a man says popping up behind the woman.He looks familiar too.
I nod to answer his question well more like statement.
"What do you want with Nick ?is it money? or do you want to ruin him like that other vile creature almost did?" The woman says in a calm but deadly tone.
I gasp.'what does she mean by that vile creature almost did?
"Now now don't be hostile Nicole " The man says to the woman who's name is apparently 'Nicole'
"No Matthew how do we know if she's not like that Abigail girl that was the other companies daughter who was trying to merge are company by finding out our secrets" 'Nicole' says
"I love your son"I say to them bringing there attention back to me.
"Please just don't hurt him " Nicole says with pleading eyes as she walks away with 'Matthew' .
Then it clicked
'Matthew and Nicole I've heard that before hmmmm Abigail ....Nick ....Maddy'
Me and Taylor were at my house through magazines when suddenly Taylor gasped while holding one up.
"OMG GAWD one of the biggest business couples just broke up "Taylor screeches
"Really?Why?"I answer back absent mindly as I eye a pair of Chuck Taylor's that wanted in a magazine I was looking through .
"Well the children of to big companies were dating but the girl Abigail Clark was just inside spy for her fathers company...left poor Nick Thompson all heart broken thank gawd his sister Madeline gave her a good punch blah blah"Taylor rants
"Hmmmm what's the boys company name?"I ask half listening half not.
"Oh it's Nicole and Matthew Thompson inc it's a big lawyer company ....at the top of the food chain-"
-end of flashback-
'Nicks parents are Nicole and Matthew Thompson oh gawd '
I finish making dinner for what is sure to be a awkward dinner .
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