6. Todoroki Family Game Night
(Edit by yours truly, it took waY too long)
Mmm, the first user of one for all was looking ETHEREAL in that chapter. I'm Simping 💅
Todoroki Group Chat :))
~~Group Participants~~
↦ Shoto (he's normal)
↦ Enji Fucking Todoroki (Endeavour, still the same as high school)
↦ Rei Todoroki (wants a vacation. Alone)
↦ Fuyumi Todoroki (give her a break)
↦ Natsuo Fudging Todoroki (Enji 2.0)
↦ Dabi ⚫ Todoroki (Touya, plus me torturing manga readers)
↦ Izuku Todoroki (Shoto changed it)
↦ Unwelcome Squatter (Hawks, still squatting under the floor)
Yes thats Izuku's chat name, you read it right >:))
Friday 10th June;;
~[22: 45]~
The Tododoki doki's + Keigo - Enji that one time we disowned him
Enji Fucking Todoroki:
Gather around, my (most of the time) amazing children; my always gorgeous wife; and Hawks. We're going to celebrate Shittynori's birthday.
Dabi ⚫ Todoroki:
You can't fool us dad. As if you'd celebrate, you're too much of a tsundere
Rei Todoroki:
Its been like that since high school, i doubt you woke up this afternoon with a change of heart, dear <3
Plus you actually set his birthday cake on fire earlier. It tasted like shit.
Fuyumi Todoroki:
Language! You know only dad has cussing privileges.
Natsuo Fudging Todoroki:
Darn him. When do i get my fluffin cussing privileges?
Izuku Todoroki:
It really doesn't hold the same ferocity without the swear, does it.
Unwelcome Squatter:
I think it sounds cute! Like a small child.
Natsuo Fudging Todoroki:
Get a real job Hawks.
Enji Fucking Todoroki:
No we're celebrating, just without him. I'm using my once a year card of authority to call a family game night.
Dabi ⚫ Todoroki:
Nice! That means you can't ground me for the rest of the year. Expect to wake up in the middle of a field dear old dad.
Rei Todoroki:
I can still ground you though, dear little Touya 🥰
Unwelcome Squatter:
I'll play anything except Uno. Never Uno. Not after high school.
Enji Fucking Todoroki:
I didn't even lay a hand on you bird. It was literally just the six cheaters i hung on the washing line.
Izuku Todoroki:
I crave the context, give me context father number 4
Rei Todoroki:
You won't get the context, it crucial that what happened stays under wraps. The hero commission said so after they saw.
Natsuo Fudging Todoroki:
Ughh now i want the context even moreee
Unwelcome Squatter:
Its quite literally career destroying for like more than 20 people.
Dabi ⚫ Todoroki:
I'm getting this information whether it kills me or not. But for now father, please let us game on as a family~
Izuku Todoroki:
Yuh, what are we even playing? Last time we played twister, Shoto froze everyone; Last time we played Monopoly, Fuyumi snapped. There's not much thats safe tbh.
Fuyumi Todoroki:
How about we play that board game Katsuki gave Shoto for his 11th birthday? Its been collecting dust for so long :(
Because it was actually just glorified torture disguised as a family game. Seriously, its literally just dares every square. Its relentless.
Natsuo Fudging Todoroki:
Lets play it >:)
Dabi ⚫ Todoroki:
Ok but new rule, you can't forfeit anything. Even if it says something like shank the person to your left.
Rei Todoroki:
Wow thats actually a square. Sorry in advance Enji.
Unwelcome Squatter:
She's not sorry.
Izuku Todoroki:
So, Youngest first! Give me the dice.
Izuku Todoroki:
A three? That suuucks
Enji Fucking Todoroki:
You got the best square though. I'm extremely jelous.
"Go and slap uncle Toshinori and leave without explanation" wow, baby Katsuki was rUthLess
Izuku Todoroki:
Natsuo Fudging Todoroki:
All i hear is a bunch of crying, just go slap the man.
Dabi ⚫ Todoroki:
Rules are rules queen green. Off you trot.
Izuku Todoroki:
Fuyumi Todoroki:
Something is telling me he might get snatched. Just a hunch though.
Dabi ⚫ Todoroki:
He lives 3 doors down❤. Stop being a piss baby.
I dislike the hostility.
Natsuo Fudging Todoroki:
Cry about it Shoto.
Enji Fucking Todoroki:
Aren't you just so proud of our kids?
Unwelcome Squatter:
So proud :)
Enji Fucking Todoroki:
Eat shit and die hawks
Rei Todoroki:
I aM - s u r ro u n d e d - by children.
Roll One: Izuku
Go Slap Toshinori and Leave Without Explanation...
Izuku tried to hold back his tears as he gloomily strolled down the street towards his idols house. Most of the pro heros lived in the same neighborhood which was exclusively built for heroes and their protection or whatever.
However thats not the point. Izuku has to assault his hero. With a sniffle, the greenette reached into his pocket, gingerly pulling out his keys to All Mights house. The door silently opened, warmth escaping past Izuku as he slid inside without a snake. Bet your thinking how that makes no sense, don't worry about it.
His gaze instantly honed in on the All Might, cozily nestled on his arm chair infront of the fire place while reading a book. Izuku finds it even crueler that he looks like he walked out of a crematorium.
"Ah Izu. What brings you here tonight? I thought you were sleeping at the Todoroki's."
Guilt gnawed at the pit of Izuku's stomach as he wound his arm back, palm bared. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the damn Todoroki family peering through the window doubling over with laughter.
'Its too late to abort the action.' He thought grimly as his hand cut through the air on a crash collision course with Toshinori's emaciated face. He made contact. It sounded like someone dropped a fish out of a 7 story building. §płæţ. The heros face jerked to the side, guided by Izuku's hand, though his electric blue eyes stayed focused on the boy.
The Izuku in question clamped down on his tongue, almost drawing blood, in an attempt not to kiss the floor apologising. Instead, he tilts his head at the man shooting him a glance that was way colder than he intended it to be. Wordlessly, the boy spun on his heel and strolled out of the house. Leaving behind a baffled All Might.
Once out of the house he burst into tears. He just attacked the number one hero and left. The Todoroki family appeared behind him snickering like a group of 10 year old girls discussing their crushes. Izuku leaned onto Shoto as he was guided home.
Roll Two: Touya
Speak in cursive for the rest of the game...
"𝒪𝒽 𝓎𝑒𝓈!" The boy shouted eliciting a deep groan from the rest of his family.
Fuyumi released the most exasperated sigh she could muster, taking off her glasses to clean them."You do this anyway."
"I will strangle you if you start singing 'she' again." Natsuo glared, Touya only grinned with mischief inhaling deeply before...
"𝐿𝒶𝓊𝒻, 𝓁𝒶𝓊𝓋 𝒷𝓎 𝓁𝑜𝒶𝒻 ~"
He was promptly strangled before Enji pulled the rabid Natsuo off the eldest child. It didn't even stop Touya.
Roll Three: Enji
Spend your life savings...
"I am going to throttle Katsuki." The flame hero grumbled, solemnly removing his credit card from his wallet, not missing how his children watched with hungry, greedy eyes.
"Shame you don't beat kids in this universe dad." Izuku snorted though his eyes didn't tear away from the credit card.
"How much money is even on that thing anyway?
Rei licked her lips savagely. "Enough for me to make it to Germany at least..."
"Unrequited." The mother 'roki replied dryly, turning away from the heartbroken Endeavour.
"Are we about to watch our parents divorce..?" Touya deadpanned. "I've always wanted a double Christmas..."
"NO." Endeavour cried while pinching the bridge of his nose like a lifeline, it looked as though he might break it with how hard he was gripping it. His headache was undeniable. "What do i even buy with my large amount of money." He asked with a sigh.
A drawn out 'hmmm' was casted over the table as the Todoroki family tried to conjure up their wildest dreams. Touya was disappointed to hear that you could not just buy an actual unicorn. Similarly, Fuyumi gasped when she was told she couldn't legally buy Izuku.
"Well." Izuku said in a flat tone, the hint of mischief was well hidden in his viridian pearls. "I've always wanted to be a CEO and i heard the All Might Franchise was going on sale soon..."
Enji's eyes clearly displayed his need to puke as he made the phone call to buy Izuku Midoriya the All Might Merchandise franchise.
The All Might in question had an aneurysm when he saw the news.
Roll Four: Rei
Quit the game...
"Perfect!" She sang, happily clasping her hands together as she made a move to stand up. "I'm off to bed then. Have fun, don't destroy the place and i love you."
"I love you too~" Hawks sang back, laughing at the soul destroying glare Enji was shooting him.
Fuyumi was less inclined to let her mother leave though. "No. Mom. You can't leave me with them!"
"Don't be silly dear, you'll be fine and don't roll a 4. I don't want to see you get arrested for streaking."
With that Rei Todoroki left for bed.
Fuyumi pensively picked up the dice, gently shaking it in her palm while sweat dripped down her nose. She casted the cube, silence wrapping around the room overwhelmingly.
Roll Five: Fuyumi
Go streaking in the town...
The girls eyes were blank as she stared at the number being displayed on the dice. Four dots. In short, her mother had jinxed her like a fucking WITCH. Fuyumi wasn't sure how to feel, anger? Sadness? Homicidal? She couldn't decide whether to gouge out Natsuo's eyes or her own.
Sighs and prayers from her family translated to white noise as she sourly made her way to the front door. "I don't want you to see this. Shoto, Izuku." She mumbled, her pale hand gripped the front door, opening it with a creak.
The remaining players could've sworn they heard a shrill cry when the front door was finally closed. Fuyumi Todoroki didn't return home that night. Was she arrested? Yes. Tsukauchi and Inko found the ordeal very funny, though Fuyumi...
Fuyumi was not amused.
Roll Six:
Stop using your quirk forever (badly drawn middle finger)
"Its the middle finger that looks like a penis for me." Touya snorted, Izuku was finding this whole ordeal hilarious even after his disaster of a first roll.
Enji was just gaping at the chicken scratch scrawled on the board. He slowly craned his neck to look at Shoto who was donning a shit eating grin. "Shoto. Shoto please. You are not about to do what i think you are."
Shoto sneezed, itching the bottom of his nose with his index finger gently. "Well technically i have two quirks so i COULD just stop using one." He didn't miss the way Izuku scoffed behind him with a fake jealousy. "The question is. Which one do i nerf?"
"Its such a shame you spent your one notion of authority already." Hawks unhelpfully chimed in, earning a fiery punch to the gut.
The halfa continued, his fathers pleas falling upon deaf ears. "Its such a difficult decision, like choosing a favorite parent."
"Stop being dramatic." Natsuo laughed. "We know you want to bully dad."
"Damn you right, you right. I, Shoto Todoroki, swear an oath to never use my fire side again."
Endeavour's eye was twitching a million miles a minute before he took a page out of Fuyumi's book and shrieked: "SHOTOOOOO!"
The game continued until midnight, Hawks ended up having to make out with Sir Nighteye; Natsuo had to sneak into UA and throw a worm at Nezu; and many, many other extreme things.
Katsuki Bakugo had a habit of going to the Todoroki mansion for a midnight snack, he had walked in on all sorts before and he swore nothing would surprise him again.
Though there's something incredibly shocking about watching the Todoroki's surrounded a burning board game he vaguely remembers making all saluting as tears rolled down their faces. Yeah, that night Katsuki raided Aizawa's fridge instead.
Game night was a mistake.
Ok ok ok, so this was fun to write :3
The next chapter will actually be published on Halloween as a bonus chapter because Halloween is like my favorite holiday.
Are you ok with having actual written pieces shoved in or should i just keep it with text messages?
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