1. The Rising of Tomura Shigaraki
And we're right back where we started! How is everyone?
This is set a year before the events of the anime, so the kids are in middle school still. There will also be different group chats with different people,
so examples:
- Family chat, the kids and their parents
- Class 1-A
- Teacher chat with all the gossip
- Class Arson aka Pro Heros
- Everyone in the story.
- League of villians
- yoU gET iT.
I wonder what type of Izuku Midoriya I'll bless you with ;)
~~Group Participants~~
• Tenko Shimura - Tomura Shigaraki
• Touya Todoroki - Dabi
• Yagi Toshinori - All Might
• Enji Todoroki - Endeavour
• Anakuro Hirooki - Thirteen
• Hizashi Yamada - Present Mic
• Oboro Shirakumo - Loud Cloud
• Nemuri Kayama - Midnight
• Tensei Iida - Ingenium
• Tsunagu Hakamata - Best Jeanist
• Shota Aizawa - Eraserhead
• Yu Takeyama - Mt Lady
• Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Tenya Iida, Hitoshi Shinso, Shoto Todoroki
Monday 12th April
~[12 : 34]~
I hate this fucking family::
Yagi Toshinori:
Tenko. Why in the nine circles of hell has my cRediT caRd bEeN mAxeD oUT?
Tenko Shimura:
I didn't know you were a shopaholic Toshi! I feel honored that you would tell me, we can go to intervention and shit. Stay strong.
Yagi Toshinori:
I can and will fold your clothes with you in them you glorified rAT.
Anakuro Hirooki:
Lmao sure you will stick man.
Nemuri Kayama:
Shhh. Thats meant to be a secret.
Hitoshi Shinso:
Now i need to know. You can't hide anything from me, i thought we established this my dear family.
Hizashi Yamada:
Yes, you always ruin Christmas by finding out surprises, my dear child.
Shota Aizawa:
You could've acted surprised when we gave you a cat but no. What did you say my deAr soN?
Oboro Shirakumo:
I believe he said something along the lines of "Damn i thought it would be a ginger cat, thanks though. I'll cherish him."
Enji Todoroki:
And thats why you're banned from Christmas.
Yagi Toshinori:
Anakuro Hirooki:
Yeah, Tenko bought a bar when he was drunk.
Tsunagu Hakamata:
Are you even legally allowed to drink? Aren't you still a fetus.
Touya Todoroki:
In our defense; Kuro was the only adult with us, its not our fault they're a mess and we're disappointmentz
Izuku Midoriya:
I was also with them but i didn't partake in the illegal drinking :)
Tomura Shigaraki:
Sure you didn't bush baby
Nemuri Kayama:
So you bought like a whole ass building on a whim? Icon.
Yagi Toshinori:
N o not icon,, cretin. I literally need you to pay me back or I'll be homeless.
Tomura Shigaraki:
Be homeless then, i don't care. Just know ill be laughing at you from the warmth of my bar. If im feeling generous i might even throw breadcrumbs at you.
Tensei Iida:
Do you even know how to run a business? Like i don't but im sure its pretty complicated for a little man baby who cries everytime he loses at tetris.
Tomura Shigaraki:
One fucking time. It was on e time
Tomura Shigaraki:
Plus we split the ownership because responsibility scares me.
Izuku Midoriya:
Mom are you proud of me? I already own a business and i haven't even been to high school.
Shoto Todoroki:
I'm proud of you Izuku.
Touya Todoroki:
Thats really sweet but i can't run a business. That requires talking to people and shit. Not for me 😬💅
Anakuro Hirooki:
I couuld talk but hnngh. I'd probably end up insulting someone to their face ://
Izuku Midoriya:
And im the human embodiment of Social Anxiety. Have fun Shimmy :))
Tenko Shimura:
I can't talk to people??? Remember that woman who asked for directions, she screamed and ran like Tsunagu on black friday.
Katsuki Bakugo:
I can already see your business sinking, say hi to the Titanic for me.
Hitoshi Shinso:
Like you could run one any better. Don't think i forgot about your failed lemonade stand when we were 6. The poor babies.
Oboro Shirakumo:
The babies was me. Poor me. You killed me Katsuki. Who puts vinegar in lemonade you absolute heathen of a child.
Yu Takeyama:
I can still taste it sometimes, it was burnt into my taste buds smh
Tenko Shimura:
As much as I'd love to roundhouse kick a 13 year old, i have a meeting with the hero commission so bye peasants 👋
Shota Aizawa:
Jesus fucking christ. What war crime did he commit?
Yagi Toshinori:
I wish Nana came back from America with us, looking after Tenko has aged me an extra 20years.
Nana Shimura:
Now you know how i felt every single day❤
Izuku Midoriya:
All Might lets get icecream while Shimmy faces the death penalty probably.
Tenya Iida:
Favoritism is disrespectful towards my feelings.
Touya Todoroki:
Ook,, '''Mr. My favorite hero is Ingenium'''
Tenya Iida:
There is nothing wrong with that, i simply respect his work
Tensei Iida:
I legit almost dropped a baby in a pond the other day but go off Tenya.
Enji Todoroki:
Imagine having hands so sweaty a whole baby just slips through.
Izuku Midoriya:
Only Kacchan can relate ✊😖✋
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Tenko Shimura:
Y ' A L L
Izuku Midoriya:
Oh shoot whaddup? I thot you would've been beheaded by now.
Yu Takeyama:
Remember when Izuku was actually a nice innocent ball of sunshine? What happened–
Shota Aizawa:
Tenko happened, then Touya happened and then Shinso happened. They're a squad of goblins i don't care.
Tenko Shimura:
Nemuri Kayama:
Stop trying to build up suspense and tell us crust fuck.
Tenko Shimura changed name to Tomura Shigaraki
Tomura Shigaraki:
Bonjour. I am le villian.
Touya Todoroki:
A french villian? Stop i can't. Goodbye, adios airevoirgbs m
Katsuki Bakugo:
The fuck did the hero commission do to your brain?
Hizashi Yamada:
Im so lost. Why is he a french disappointment now 😭
Tsunagu Hakamata:
I wish Yuga was with me at the moment cos holy shit.
Tomura Shigaraki:
The hero commission hired me to be an undercover villian or something? I didn't pay attention cos i can legally be illegal now so suck my weenus because i can legally assassinate Toshinori.
Yagi Toshinori:
I am almost 100% sure this is not how that works.
Nemuri Kayama:
Damn you work fast Dusty. The headlines are raving about you and its only been a second:
'''New villian debuts in devastating bakery collapse."'
'"Wanted: Mysterious man covered in hands tears down civilizations."'
Shota Aizawa:
"Tears down civilizations". What the fuck is the media on, im this close to committing a crime involving fire.
Anakuro Hirooki:
There's like a good few things wrong with this picture.
- The fuck is with your villian costume
- Why a bakery, what was the point.
Izuku Midoriya:
When a man wants bread, nothing can stop him. Not even the law.
Hitoshi Shinso:
WhY aRe yOu coVerEd iN hAnDs tEnKo?
Tensei Iida:
For the aesthetic n shit, y'know. Probably the same reason Nemuri dresses up like a dom for hero work 🤚
Nemuri Kayama:
Fuck off at least i don't look like i came straight out of a bathroom cleaner advert.
Touya Todoroki:
Tomura Shigaraki:
Edgy aren't they. Touya join my band of emo villians which currently consists of only me.
Touya Todoroki:
Im meant to be a hero in training but if i mysteriously run away one day...
Enji Todoroki:
No no. I do not consent to this.
Shoto Todoroki:
You cannot consent to someone running away father??
Touya Todoroki:
Its too late Endeavour! You've killed me and my dreams forcing me to turn to the dark side, may we meet again in a fearsome standoff. Just know i will always care for my siblings, not u endickvour ill hunt u down ~
Touya Todoroki changed name to Dabi
Enji Todoroki:
N o s to p
Shoto Todoroki:
Nooo Touya
Izuku Midoriya:
Its okay Shoto, im always here for you :)
Enji Todoroki:
The fuck am i doing about dinner then? I hate children, can i get a refund
Im not actually running away you senile old cheespuff. Just deliver it to Tenko's bar or some shit. I don't care i need to buy my villian outfit.
Oboro Shirakumo:
I swear Todoroki's are a new species because what the fuck–
Hitoshi Shinso:
Buy your whole outfit from Hot Topic or i rat your identity out before you even debut.
Hah. Like i wasn't already planning on it. Knee high black boots here i come~
Tomura Shigaraki:
I think my costume could use more hands
Tsunagu Hakamata:
Are you going to recruit actual murders n shit?
That would be really fun tbf. We could vibe over someones corpse as you do.
Enji Todoroki:
No. This isn't happening, you're disowned. Izuku you're my son now.
Izuku Midoriya:
I have plans that require not being related to you Enji. I'm sure Kacchan would make a better son.
Katsuki Bakugo:
What the fuck, i don't need pAreNtAL suPerviSiOn. Fuck off.
Nemuri Kayama:
The fact Katsuki is a younger Enji 😬🤚
Tomura Shigaraki:
I think i want one more sane ish person before the murders. Oboro? How about ittt
Oboro Shirakumo:
You wish : )
Izuku Midoriya:
I know the perfect girl!
Hitoshi Shinso:
You better not be thinking of hEr..
Katsuki Bakugo:
Don't fucking add her you useless deKu.
Izuku Midoriya added Himiko Toga to the chat
Ok a few important things to note:
• Toga is a first year at UA, general studies since she wants to work in the police force.
• Touya was a third year at U.A. shame he disappeared 😪
• i made Izuku chaotic because yes.
• Kurogiri still exists, Oboro just wasn't used as the base. I wonder where he is atm 👀👀
• Izuku, Katsuki and Hitoshi know Toga! They became friends when they were younger even though she's a year older.
• im very excited about the crackhead league.
Hizashi was very fit in the one panel he was in. Look at him 🥰
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