20. Closure
Listen to the the song linked for a better experience :)
Zayn was terrified. He'd just been notified that Harry was awake, his tan hands were trembling. All he could think of was the last time he waited for someone in a hospital, he missed Annabelle every waking day. Running into the emergency room, he felt weakness in his knees as his eyes landed on his son with weak features and an arm laying against his stomach.
Zayn fell into a chair and stared lifelessly at the thirteen year old. Neither one spoke for hours, they simply sat there staring at each other. How did it come to this? How had Zayn not seen it coming? He nearly lost the only person left who mattered to him.
By the third hour, it was time for Harry to eat, which is when a nurse came and set up a tray of food. It sat there for exactly thirteen minutes and fifty two seconds before Zayn cleared his throat.
"Harry, you need to eat." His voice was stern. He wasn't angry, there was simply a veil of authorization to keep him from showing his broken interior.
Harry stared at him for a moment before slowly picking up his spoon and scooping up a mouthful of rice. It tasted like iron mush.
"Harry, I'm not mad," Zayn rose his eyebrows in concern. Harry looked at him, wishing he was Louis. He wanted Louis to be with him to wake up, he wanted Louis to be the one sitting by his side. He wanted someone to hold him and let him cry. He wanted his mother. He always has. He wanted the woman who was only able to nurture him for six years of his life. He wanted her warm embrace and her gentle scent to envelop him until all his pain was gone, but she's gone.
"I believe you," Harry mumbles, not wanting to look at the man in front of him. Zayn didn't know how to handle it all. He just wished Harry would understand.
"Harry, I love you," Zayn spoke weakly. He had no idea where he'd gone wrong. Harry had strayed so far into rebellion that Zayn ha no way of pulling him out. Harry wouldn't try. "Please, look at me."
Harry felt overcome by tears, suddenly. He turned his head, blinking them away with a frown. Zayn reached over, removing the food tray from Harry's lap.
"I love you." The man grabbed hold of his son's hand, lowering his head to press his lips against the shaking limb. Looking up, Zayn noticed Harry still stubbornly looking away.
"Harry, I'm here," Zayn began, recalling the memory of his late wife's last words. "I know I'm not who you want. I know that I'm not her, but for fuck's sake, I'm here." Harry refused to lay his watery eyes on his stepfather. He didn't want to hurt anymore.
"I have always been here. When I taught you how to ride a bike, and you fell and injured your knee. Four times." Zayn would have chuckled if he weren't so torn. "I was here when your mother was re-diagnosed. I was here when you stopped speaking and when you lost your last baby tooth. I was here when you had a bad dream and needed a hand to hold. I was here when you started speaking again. I was here when you met Niall. I was here when your heart was aching and I'll be here for the rest of our lives. You're my son, Harry."
Harry's lips were trembling, every memory of his life - Zayn was right there. Zayn, a man who only wanted the best for the boy he was stuck with. A boy he called his own.
"I was here when you found your first love," Zayn swallowed the lump in his throat at the mention of Louis. He believed nothing more than the fact that Louis was a no-good-teenager whom had no business being around his little boy. "I'm here now, by your side as you experience your first heartbreak."
"So, Harry, please," Zayn quickly wiped his own tear-stained face, then gripping onto Harry's fist once more. "Look at me." Harry closed his eyes, all his tears streaming down his pale-skinned-face. The aura of the room screamed at him. His hatred of hospitals almost made it worse, but he looked at his father, anyway. Through teary eyes, the pair looked at each other and knew. They knew everything would be okay if they were just there for each other.
"You're not alone in the world, Harry." Zayn smiled sadly, "You have me."
"You also have me," a voice came from the doorway. If Harry hadn't recognized the Irish accent, he would have hoped it was Louis.
Niall walked over to his bed and nearly cried. "Don't ever scare me like that, again." Niall threw himself onto the younger lad, squeezing him into a hug.
"I could have lost you," Niall frowned, "You fucking ass." Whispering the last part. Harry smiled, he'd forgotten how much love he held for his best friend.
"You'll never lose me," Harry mumbled.
Weirdox: I'm making it my mission to finish this story before 2017 begins. I only have 5 chapters left. Thank you to anyone who is still here. It's been a long three years and I'm so sorry for making anyone wait that long. The end is near and I'm so glad I'm finishing it. It's been a good run and please forgive me for taking forever.
I'd love some feedback. Have a beautiful day. xx
Published: 10/15/2016 @11:11 AM
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